

【作者】 王海容

【导师】 曾代伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 女性财产权是女性权利的核心问题。在中国传统社会,妇女的财产权受到很大的限制。自清末沈家本变法修律始,我国民事法律制度开始了漫长的现代化征程。随着西方思想以强势的姿态大量涌入,对中国传统的价值理念和制度架构造成严重的冲击,传统法律走向转型和变迁。从清末的《大清民律草案》到南京国民政府的《民国民法典》,西方国家先进的法律制度、原则和法律理念被大量引入中国,促使了中国法律制度的西化和现代化转型。而与此同时,无论是从当时的成文立法,还是司法判例、解释,大量的民间习惯,仍然得到了重视、保留和发展,清末以及民国时期为制订民法典而进行的几次大规模的民商习惯调查就很好地说明了这一问题。清末以后的历代政权都在努力调和传统与现代、国家与社会的激烈矛盾冲突。本文以近代中国已婚妇女财产权法律制度为例,通过对南京国民政府时期我国立法、司法和民间习惯的梳理和研究,旨在从中发现、探讨和反思,在近代中国法律制度转型时期,当时的立法者在传统习惯(本土资源)保留与法制现代化转型和变迁之间的关系问题上,是如何处理和使之协调的?如何避免“表达与实践”相背离的尴尬局面的出现?经验何在?教训何在?同时,以史为鉴,它又对我国当代的法治建设有何借鉴和启迪?本文将运用历史的方法——从妇女财产权的历史发展与流变入手和社会学的方法——运用案例分析社会生活中妇女的财产权与国家法律制度中妇女财产权的不同来研究南京国民政府时期妇女的财产权利。通过对南京国民政府时期已婚妇女财产权的相关规定来看,在建立我国现代化法律制度过程中,除了主要通过法律移植的方式,借鉴、参考国外已有的先进法律制度、法律观念之外,对我国固有的民间习惯的吸收、保留、修改和发展也历来为立法者所普遍重视。本文共有八个部分:第一部分:引言。在民国时期,随着男女平等思潮的兴起,传统的财产制度受到了诸多批判。《中华民国民法典》的《亲属编》和《继承编》的公布,使女性在财产继承权问题上取得了突破性的进展。而过去对财产权的研究,大多以男子为研究对象。对于女性财产权的研究主要以断代为主,且是在研究女性法律地位中略为提及,更少涉及南京国民政府时期妇女财产权的研究。本文拟在前人研究基础上,对中国传统社会中已婚妇女财产权的相关规定进行梳理,并结合民国时期的民事习惯和司法档案,对妇女财产权制度中反映的国家法与民间习惯之间的差异和整合进行阐述和分析。第二部分:中国古代已婚妇女财产权概述。唐代以前涉及已婚妇女财产权的法律规定较少。但总的来看,除两周外,唐代以前的妇女在家庭财产方面拥有一定的所有权和继承权。在唐宋年间,已婚妇女享有的财产权主要来源于三个方面:一是从父家继承的财产;二是丈夫死后因守节而继承夫家的财产;三是从娘家所得的嫁资。需说明的是,宋代法律对于女儿继承父家“户绝”财产的规定相对唐律有所变动。宋代以后的历朝历代对妇女财产权的规定有所改变,但均是在唐宋律的基础上进行的修改或完善。第三部分:民国初期已婚妇女的财产权。清末民初是中国法律制度发生特别重大变化的时代,其间充斥着传统与近代、中国与西方价值观念的冲突与暗合。在《大清律例》基础上删定而成的《大清现行刑律》,并未改变传统继承制度的存在基础,内容也基本予以延续。尽管大理院也通过判例、解释例在一定程度上对传统的继承制度进行改造,但对于近代意义上的女儿财产继承权问题却持有保守态度,没有针对现实情况进行相应的变动。在此值得一提的是1925年民律草案规定夫对妻的特有财产享有用益物权的制度。第四部分:南京国民政府时期制度层面上的妇女财产权。从民国民法典以及相关判例解释中,我们可以看出南京国民政府对妇女财产权制度的构建相当重视。在夫妻财产制度、继承法制度、离婚制度中对已婚妇女的财产权利都作了详细的规定。民国民法借鉴了近代西方法律的价值观念,倡导男女平等、人格独立的原则,但也有迁就传统的选择。第五部分:南京国民政府时期社会生活层面上的妇女财产权。从《中国农村惯行调查》和1930年由前南京国民政府司法行政部编辑的《民商事习惯调查报告录》来看,已婚妇女财产权的习惯在全国各地虽不尽相同,但还是存在一些相似的内容。南京国民政府的立法尊重并吸收其中的一部分,如妇女对随嫁财产的权利、离婚时要求抚慰金的权利都在立法中有所体现。但也有对传统习惯决绝的改造,如妇女的财产继承权就是民法典的创造,与传统的家庭财产制度完全不同。第六部分:南京国民政府时期司法实践中妇女的财产权利。1930年,《中华民国民法典》成为中国历史上第一部正式颁布实施的民法典。这同时意味着,在南京国民政府所辖区域内的各级法院,将以这部民法典作为裁断民事案件的依据。法院面对深受传统规则和习俗影响的案件时,总是在传统与立法中小心翼翼周旋。从文中所举的几个案例,我们可以看出对于立法上吸收的民间习惯司法上总是予以认可;而对于女子继承权这相对当时保守社会显得颇为激进的规定,司法者尽可能地弱化传来法律制度与社会实践的矛盾。司法者在具体操作中采取了“一刀切”的办法,以继承法的实施时间和被继承人的死亡时间为准来判断女子是否享有继承权。而这种以一定时间为标准来确定继承权的有无,实际上在一定程度上承认了旧有习惯做法的意义,但也不放弃国家接受近代法律价值观念的努力。第七部分:从已婚妇女的财产权看习惯法与制定法的关系。国家法与民间习惯之间是相互依存的关系,使得它们在一定条件下可以相互整合、相互合作。从妇女财产权来看,民国立法者和司法者努力将两者整合:或在立法上将民间习惯直接吸收;或运用判例和解释的方法来最大限度地沟通、协调现代化法律制度、法律理念与中国传统民间习惯之间的关系。第八部分:结论。近代中国法制建设在处理传统资源与现代化法制关系问题上可能存在着一些不足和缺憾,但是,从整体上来说,取得的成绩是有目共睹的,还是应当予以充分肯定的。而我国当前的现代化法治建设,同样是处理和协调好现代化法治与传统本土资源的关系,以史为鉴,我们应该也必须比前人做得更好。

【Abstract】 Property right is the core issue in female’s rights. In China’s traditional society, woman’s property right was greatly limited. After Sheng Jia-ben’s reform of law in late Qing Dynasty, the civil case law system of our country embarked upon the long journey of modernization. Along with The large influxes of west thoughts in a rampant manner, China’s traditional value and institutional framework received a serious blow, and the traditional law underwent transforms and changes. From the Qing Dynasty’s Draft Plans of Civil Law in the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic Civil Code of Nanjing national government, the west counties’ advanced laws, principles and ideas of law were brought in china in large quantities, causing the westernized and modernized transforms of Chinese law system. Meanwhile, a great number of traditional laws and regulations and practice (the local law resources) were still valued, reserved and developed either in terms of the written institution or the judicial precedent, explanation and habitual practice. This had been proved by the several large-scale surveys of civil and commercial habits which aimed at setting up a corpus of civil law during the period of the late Qing Dynast and the Republic of China.The regimes after the late Qing Dynasty all tried to conciliate the sever conflicts between tradition and modern, country and society. By taking the married-woman’s property right in contemporary China as an example, and by tidying and researching our country’s legal system (including legislation, judicature and fork customs) in the period of Nanjing national government, this paper aims at discovering, exploring, and reflecting how did the lawmakers, in the transform period of china’s legal system, handle and harmonize the relations between the reservation of traditional practice(local recourses) and the transforms and changes of law modernization; how did they avoid the embarrassed situation where expression and practice deviated from each other. What were the experience and lessons? Meanwhile, taking history as a guide, what can our contemporary legal system learn and edify from it?Adopting a historical method( from the angles of the historical development of women’s property and from the angle of sociology), this paper will use cases to analyze the differences of women’s property right in social activities and in the Republic of China’s legal system to study the woman’s property right under the Nanjing national government. Through the relative regulations on women’s property in that period, we can learn that in the process of building our modem legal system, the civil law system learned from and referred to the foreign established advanced law systems and ideas about law by means of law transplants. Besides, lawmakers always attached great importance to the absorption, reservation and modification of our country’s inherent folk customs.There are eight parts in this paper:Part one: introduction. With the rising trend of sexual equality in the period of the Republic of China, the traditional property system was criticized largely. With the promulgating of Collection on Relatives and Collection on Inheritance in The Civil Code of the Public of China, women’s right in inheritance had achieved a break—through. In the past, the research on property right was mainly focused on men, while the research on female’s property was still blank. Based on predecessors’ research, this paper combed the relative regulations on married women’s property right in china’s traditional society, and elaborated and analysed, in the Combining of the Civil Custom and judicial files, the difference and integration between the State Law and folk’s custom which were embodied in the system of women’s property right.Part two: a general view of the married women’s property right in the ancient time. The laws and regulations on married women’s property right before Tang dynasty were relatively few. On the whole, however, women in that period enjoyed certain rights of possession and inheritance of family property, except in Zhou dynasty. In Tang and Song dynasties, married women enjoyed property right could be manifested in three aspects: the property inherited from their husbands’ family, entitled on the death of their husbands if wives still worn the willows, and brought from their own families. What needs to be mentioned is that in Song dynasty the law modified daughters’ inheritance of their fathers’ property when there were no male heirs. The dynasties after Song had some changes on women’s regulations, but they were all amended and unproved on the basis of Tang and Song dynasties’ law system.Part three: The property right of married women in early Republic of China. Great changes in the legal system of the country happened at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China, during which were flooded the conflict and the covert conformity between the traditional and the contemporary China and between the Chinese and western values. Active Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty abridged from Laws and Statutes of Qing Dynasty did not change the basis of the traditional inherit system nor the basic contents of it. Although Dali Court reconstructed the traditional inherit system through cases of explanation to some degree, it held reserved attitude towards the daughters’ inheritance of property, making no alteration corresponding to the actual conditions. What I would like point out here is that in 1925 Civil Law drafts prescribed that husband might take his wife’s proper property, making the wife’s proper property under her husband’s control, which intrinsically had no difference with the prescript in the late Qing Dynasty.Part Four: Women’s property right in a system during the period of the rule of Nanjing National Government. From the civil law of Republic of China and the explanation of the relevant repudiation we can see that Nanjing National Government attached great importance to the construction of women’s property right system. The system of couple’s property, the system of law of inheritance and the divorce system made detailed prescript to the property fight of married women. The civil law of Republic of China used the values of contemporary western laws as reference, advocating equality between men and women and independent individualism, but also had choices giving way to the traditions.Part Five: Women’s property right in social life during the period of the rule of Nanjing National Government. This paper compares Investigations into the Customs in Chinese Rural Areas and Report Record of Investigation into Civil Customs, which was edited by the Judicatory and Executive Department of the former Nanjing National Government in 1930, and finds that there are still some similarities of the customs of property right of married women between these two periods despite some differences. The legislature of the Nanjing National Government respected and absorbed parts of it, such as women’s right to the marriage portion and the right to ask for divorce settlements. But this paper also finds thorough changes to the traditional customs, such as the creation of women’s property hairdo which was totally different from the traditional system of family property.Part Six: Women’s property right in judicial practice during the period of the rule of Nanjing National Government. The year of 1930 witnessed the prints man of Civil Law of Republic of China, the first to be officially issued and implemented in Chinese history. The prints man also implied that all level of courts in the domination of Nanjing National Government would judge civil case by it. The courts, when confronted with cases deeply influenced by traditions and customs, always cautiously mediated between conventions and laws. From the cases cited in the paper, we can see that judicial consent is always given to the conventions absorbed in the legislature; but in the terms of the issue headroom which seemed quite Jacobincal in the conservative society, the judicial authority tried to alleviate the contradiction between the traditional laws and the social practice. The judicial authority adopted the method in practice that they determine whether the daughter has the right to the heritage by the implementing time of the inheritance act and the death time of the inherited This method to some degree admits the meaning of the old conventions, but does not give up the efforts to make the country accept the contemporary legal values.Part Seven: From the property rights of married women look at the relationship between the state laws and the conventions. A nomological analysis of the relationship between the state laws and the conventions. The state laws and the conventions go hand in hand and they can on certain conditions be integrated and cooperate. In terms of women’s property right, the legislators and the judicial authority in Republic of China tried to integrate them by absorbing the conventions directly in legislature or communicating and harmonizing to the largest extent the relationship between the modern legal system and concept and the traditional Chinese legal system.Part Eight: Conclusion. There may exist some shortages and limitations of the contemporary Chinese legal system construction in dealing with the relationship between the traditional resources and the modem legal system. Nevertheless, as a whole, the legal system has gained some distinct accomplishments which should be positively affirmed. The current task of tour country of modern legal system construction should be to deal with and harmonize the relationship between the modem nomological and traditional native resources, using the history as reference, we can do better.

  • 【分类号】D929;D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】343

