

【作者】 阳唐

【导师】 张雯;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 酷刑是与古代刑罚制度相伴而行的,19世纪启蒙运动的发展使个人权利得到尊重,人权保障成为了现代法治的重要内容。而反酷刑是与人权保障密切联系的,是世界人权发展的趋势,也是现代法治社会的必然要求。尽管酷刑在国际法和世界上许多国家的国内法中都是绝对禁止的,但是酷刑现象仍然持续存在。联合国在反酷刑的道路上做出了诸多努力,国际反酷刑条约通过构筑国际反酷刑法律体系的基本框架,从事前预防和事后补救两个方面,提供了大部分的国际反酷刑法律规范,最突出的就是通过了《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》(以下简称《禁止酷刑公约》),明确界定了酷刑的概念,并宣布其为国际犯罪,要求缔约国对之实行普遍管辖。我国在人权入宪后,人们对人权的认识提高到一个新的高度,尊重和保障人权成为人们追求的价值目标。近年来,酷刑引起的问题已经受到我国学术界关注,我国立法和司法等实务部门也进行了一些惩治酷刑行为的实践。我国于1986年12月12日签署了《禁止酷刑公约》,该公约于1988年11月3日对我国生效。除此之外,我国在刑法、刑事诉讼法、监狱法等法律法规中对酷刑行为也做出了相关规定。但是,由于国际刑法是一门新兴的学科,在中国国内的研究起步较晚,从二十世纪八十年代才陆续有学者研究,而对于国际刑法中的人权研究也没有引起足够的重视,探讨的学者不多,因此,国家和社会的各方面包括学术理论界对当前反酷刑的形势、重大意义、任务、具体措施等,总的来说认识不足、重视不够。近几年曝光的酷刑案件都骇人听闻,而没有被揭露出来的轻重程度不等的酷刑行为和现象也持续存在。我国至今仍面临着严峻的反酷刑斗争形势。在对酷刑进行关注和研究的开始必须要阐明酷刑的概念。酷刑既是一种国际犯罪又是一种国内犯罪,因此国内外对酷刑的概念有几种不同的主张。而要在我国彻底地遏制酷刑,则必须转变或调整对酷刑概念的传统理解和过时的认识。通过全面的介绍和分析各种主张及国际法和国际刑法中关于酷刑罪概念的规定,以具有国际拘束力的《禁止酷刑公约》作为界定酷刑概念的基准是可行的和必要的。然后在对酷刑概念的理解和认识基础上,对酷刑罪的构成特征的四个方面进行详细的阐述。尽管我国还未设立专门的酷刑罪,但是仍然有必要对酷刑罪的构成和特征进行探析。反酷刑及其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚是世界上许多国家现代法治和人权保护的共同课题,在反酷刑运动的道路上,较典型的国家有荷兰、德国和法国;而各个洲的反酷刑发展也不平衡,相比较而言,欧洲是发展最快、最成熟的。由于反酷刑不仅是涉及刑法,还涉及刑事诉讼和人权保障等多方面的内容,国内学者对此研究多不全面,仅对其中一个方面的问题进行阐述和探讨。而国际社会已经对预防、惩治酷刑的规范形成了许多共识,例如普遍管辖、或起诉或引渡、排除酷刑所得口供的定罪证据效力,等等。国外一些国家和地区在这方面发展比较迅速,像欧洲不但制订有自身的反酷刑共同规范,而且建立有比较健全的反酷刑督查和救济机制,能够比较迅速地发现和处理酷刑案件。对典型国家的酷刑立法模式的分析及各洲反酷刑运动发展状况的介绍和比较,对我国及世界上其他国家在此方面有重要的借鉴意义。在分析了国际社会反酷刑运动的发展后,接下来将是如何面对和正视中国目前比较严重存在的酷刑现象。虽然许多人可能或实际上难以接受和承认当前在现实中存在着比较严重的酷刑行为,但是这是个不争的事实。而这些酷刑行为和现象之所以存在,原因是多方面的,既有历史原因,也有现实的生存土壤。目前,我国酷刑现象的严峻性在于酷刑作为一种非法行为在一定的空间以相当的规模存在,并在一定意义上成为了一种国家和社会的“顽症”和“痼疾”。我国现实社会中的酷刑行为主要表现在刑事诉讼活动中的刑讯逼供与暴力取证行为、治安管理机关工作人员的酷刑行为、监狱及其他监管机构中体罚、虐待被监管人员的行为及国家工作人员的其他酷刑行为当中。虽然这些行为和现象的存在是由历史的、现实的、观念和制度等各方面的原因综合作用下产生和持续存在的,但是,也必须强调的是我国从各方面采取了一些重要的举措来与酷刑作斗争,主要包括签署了一系列相关的国际公约、加强了有关酷刑行为的国内立法、对法定程序的遵循更加重视并加大了执法监督的力度,查处了一大批有关酷刑的案件、在一定程度上强化了各级人民代表大会对司法和执法的监督,加强了社会公众尤其是大众传媒的监督等方面。尽管如此,滥施酷刑的现象仍然屡禁不止。没有什么行为比公职人员的违法行为更加腐蚀我们的法治,尤其是职务犯罪。而且如果一个国家不能够禁止酷刑行为,这也是违反了国际法的。因此,在笔者有限的知识和能力范围内,希望可以尽可能地为完善我国的反酷刑机制提出具有实效和可行性的建议。笔者认为可以从如下几个方面着手:一、在我国刑法典中单独设立酷刑罪;二、在刑事诉讼中确立无罪推定原则及沉默权制度、制定非法证据的排除规则、完善律师权利,加强律师对司法权的监督作用;三、加大对酷刑的惩治力度,加强与完善对酷刑受害者的救济;四、加强和健全监督体制,加强司法、执法队伍的管理,提高司法、执法人员的素质;五、履行国际义务,加强与国际反酷刑的接轨。

【Abstract】 Torture is complied with the ancient penalty. The Enlightenment of 19th century made the personal rights respected and the protection of human rights become a important part of modern nomocracy generally. Torture is related tightly with the guarantee of human rights, which is the trend of the development of international human rights and the indispensable of modern nomothetic society. After China has regulated the human rights in the constitution, the recognition of human rights is lifted to a new height and respect and guarantee of human rights has become an aim of value that people pursue. Despite its absolute prohibition under both international law and the laws of most, if not all, national jurisdictions, the use of torture persists. The united Union has made many efforts in the anti-torture field. Through establishing the basic frame of international anti-torture legal system, the international anti-torture treaties have provided a big number of criteria of international law of torture combat both from precautionary and remedial aspects, especially the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment(Convention Against Torture for short hereinafter), which clearly states the definition of torture and announce it as a international crime that every member country should carry out universal jurisdiction principle. In recent years, our country academia has already paid attention to the problems caused by torture and the departments of actual practice like legislative and judicatory departments have also performed several practice of punishing the behavior of torture. China subscribed the Convention Against Torture on Dec.12, 1986 and it went into effect on Nov. 3, 1988. Besides, China has enacted relative regulations about torture in criminal law, criminal procedure law and so on. However, because the international criminal law is a new subject, the research of which in China started a little late and till the 80s in 20th century there were scholars studied on but not attach enough importance to the human rights’ research, each field of our country and society is for short of cognition and recognition in the present anti-torture condition. In resent years, some cases of torture exposed made people fearful, but a lot of behavior and phenomenon of torture not thrown daylight persist. Our country is still in face of the austere situation against torture.It is necessary to clarify the definition of torture when focus on and researching on it. Torture is both a international crime and a home crime, so there are several points of view about the definition. If our country wants to prevent torture drastically, it is indispensable to change and adjust the traditional and outdated understanding. Through the overall introduction and analysis of the different points and regulations of the definition in international law and international criminal law, we can see that it is feasible and necessary to adopt the standard of Convention Against Torture. On the basis of understanding of the definition, expounding the element of torture can lead our research on torture extending. Although our country have not set up a single crime of torture, there is also necessity to probe the elements and characteristics of torture. Combating torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is a common task of modern nomocracy and human rights protection in many countries all over the world. There are some typical countries on the road of torture combat such as Holland, Germany and France. The level of anti-torture development in each continent is not balanced and Europe is the fastest and most mature comparatively. Because torture combat is not only concerning criminal law, it is also involved in many other aspects such as criminal procedure and human rights protection, the research of most scholars at home is not all-around, and expatiate on only one or more than one aspect. The international society has reached many consensuses on precaution and punishment, such as universal jurisdiction, or indict or extradition and so on. Some countries and areas have developed fast in this field. For example, Europe not only formulates its own common anti-torture criterion, but also establishes its supervisory and remedial mechanism. The analysis of typical countries’ legislative form of torture and introduction and comparation of the anti-torture development of each continent are helpful for our country and other countries. The next problem is how to face and envisage the severely-existed torture phenomenon in China. It is a real fact in spite of that many people are hard to accept and acknowledge that severe torture exists. The reason of existence of torture on a board scale lies in more than one aspect. There are not only historical reasons, but also actually survival soil. Nowadays, the situation of anti-torture is relatively grim in China and the main situation is that torture as an illegal behavior exists on a fairly board scale in a certain large space. The behaviors of torture mainly represent in extorting confession from a criminal suspect of defendant by torture or extorting testimony from a witness by violence and so on. But it should also be stressed that our country has adopted several solutions to combat torture, includes subscribing a series of international treaties, strengthening legislation about torture, pay more attention to the procedure and so on.Nothing is so corrosive of the rule of law than official lawlessness, especially official criminality. Moreover, when a state engages in and fails to prevent torture, it is in breach of its obligations under international law. Therefore, the author wants to bring forward effective and feasible suggestions through the limited knowledge and ability. At present, anti-torture can be carried out from the following aspects: firstly, establishing a single crime of torture in our criminal law; secondly, establishing the principle of presumption of innocence and the right of silence, framing the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence and perfecting the rights of lawyer and enhancing the lawyer’s supervision on the jurisdiction; thirdly, strengthening the punishment on torture and consummating the remedy of the victims; fourthly, intensifying the supervisory extend and strengthening the administration of law enforcement officials and judicial officers and improving their level of competence; fifthly, fulfilling the international obligations and enhancing international cooperation.

【关键词】 酷刑罪国际犯罪完善机制人权
【Key words】 tortureinternational crimeperfect mechanismhuman rights
  • 【分类号】D997.9;D924.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】395

