

Enhanced Oil Recovery Technical Research and Application of Gas-Gas Foam Injection in Light Oil Reservoir

【作者】 齐笑生

【导师】 陈德春;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 注空气、空气泡沫开采轻质油油藏是一项富有创造性的提高采收率新技术。论文从注空气-空气泡沫提高油藏采收率技术的国内外发展现状和趋势入手,分析了该项技术在当前提高原油采收率技术中的重要意义及取得的应用效果,结合中原油田的油藏地质特征和开发现状,对比了轻质油藏注水开发后期应用该项技术的显著效果,分析了中原油田注水开发后期在轻质油藏实施泡沫驱技术的可行性,认为注空气、空气泡沫驱油技术在中原油田具有很好的发展前景。论文着重研究了注空气及泡沫提高原油采收率的机理及其适用条件,给出了具有参考意义的我国广西百色油田、陕北吴旗油田等注空气-空气泡沫驱技术现场应用的具体情况及其显著的增油降水效果,然后选定中原油田采油五厂胡12块作为泡沫驱技术的试点,并采集其油样进行了室内驱替实验研究,包括均质高压长氧化管动态模拟实验和非均质长管全模型空气泡沫驱室内模拟实验,实验得出结论,水驱后进行空气泡沫驱,驱油效率平均提高44.29%,因此认为空气泡沫驱是适合胡状油田的一种开发高含水油藏的有效方法;在以上研究分析和室内实验的基础上,中原油田在胡12断块S3中一个层系进行了空气泡沫驱先导试验,首先分析了注气技术实施过程中从空气压缩机、地面管线、注气井到油藏、生产井和采油设备等各个环节需要采取的安全防腐等技术措施,确定了能够满足胡12块地层条件的调驱工艺和设备,充分准备之后开始了注泡沫技术现场试验,取得了一些阶段性认识,达到了预期的效果。

【Abstract】 It’s a creative enhanced oil recovery (EOR) new technique to explore light oil reservoir by injecting gas or gas-foam.The dissertation begins from the present condition and trend of domestic and abroad’s gas injection and gas foam injection EOR technique,analyses the importance and new development of this technique.Based on the reservoir geology character- istic and development actuality of Zhong Yuan Reservoir,the paper contrasts the apparent effect by using the technique in the later period of water flooding in other reservoir both in domestic and abroad, demonstrates the possibility of foam flooding technique in light Oil Reservoir of Zhong Yuan Reservoir,argues that there is a good foreground in Zhong Yuan Reservoir.The main body of this paper is as follows:it concentrates on the principle and application qualification of gas injection and foam injection EOR;it firstly gives the applica- tion condition and apparent effect of gas injection and gas-foam injection in Bai Se Reservoir in GuangXi and Wu Qi Reservoir in ShanXi which has a referent meaning,secondly chooses Hu 12 th Block in The fifth oil plant in Zhong Yuan Reservoir as experiment place of foam injection,then collects some of its oil samples to experience domestic flooding experiment including dynamic simulation expeirment of homogeneous high pressure long oxide pipe and simulation experiment of gas-foam injection in anisotropic long oxide pipe, the conclusion is that flooding efficiency of gas-foam injection after water flooding can be enhanced by 44%, so gas-foam injection is an efficient method for high water content reservoir in Zhong Yuan Oil Field;On the basis of the analysis and room experiment,Zhong Yuan Reservoir explores a precurser gas-foam injection experiment in one layer in S3,Hu 12th Block,analyses the techni- que measure of corrosion prevention and safety in every parts of gas injection which include gas compressor,ground pipe lines,gas injection wells, reservoir condition, production wells and production devices ,confirms the technics and devices that can meet the geology condition of Hu 12th Block, implements some gas-foam injection on-site test and gets some period recognition, acquires the prospective effect.


