

Study on Log-evaluation Technique for Buried-hill Reservoirs in DongPu Depression

【作者】 朱圣文

【导师】 范宜仁; 孙耀庭;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文比较详尽地收集了区域内所有潜山井的关于钻井、取心、录井、气测、测试等方面的资料和数据,结合测井资料的分析、归纳和总结,对东濮凹陷潜山地层按中生界(三叠系)、上古生界(二叠系、石炭系)和下古生界(奥陶系和寒武系)进行了到段和组的的归纳和分析。本论文从建立砂泥岩剖面和碳酸盐岩剖面的解释模型入手,提出了针对该地区砂泥岩剖面和碳酸盐岩剖面地层“四性参数”的计算方法;针对东濮凹陷下古生界地层为碳酸盐岩沉积的现实,文章提出了多种判断裂缝存在、判断裂缝产状,和两种运用常规测井数据定量计算裂缝孔隙度的方法。虽然这些方法不是作者原创,但把如此新颖和数量众多的新方法运用到东濮地区潜山井的处理、分析和研究中还是非常有作用和有意义的。研究的结果应用到该地区8口井的复查和再处理,效果显著。再处理使用了文章中介绍的新方法,在传统处理方法的基础上增加了对次生孔隙分析的众多新的方法,在裂缝孔隙度的计算上,文章介绍了两种方法:一种源于传统解释方法把次生孔隙度按电阻率降低的程度“分配”成裂缝和孔洞孔隙度,一种是其它研究者在新疆地区研究发表的电阻率反演计算致密地层裂缝孔隙度的方法。是有意义的尝试,处理结果与ELANPLUS的处理结果比较,效果良好。在再处理之后,文章结合钻井、录井和测试的内容,对整个区域潜山井按地质年代(段、组)提出了自己对“潜力层组”的分析,并提出了自己认为“有价值”的试油试气层段。遗憾的是结果没有相应的测试检验。本论文根据当前国内外测井装备的现状(尤其是当地测井公司的装备情况),根据区域潜山的地层和需要解决的地质任务,为不同地质年代的地层选择了相对适宜的测井组合。本论文是东濮凹陷上世纪70年代以来古潜山探索在测井上的一个总结。在认识上有一定的深度。可以为东濮凹陷古潜山勘探下一阶段的探索起到热身作用。

【Abstract】 This paper collected elements about drilling, core samplling, logging, testting for all wells of burried hill in Dongpu depression. It analysised, summarized and summed up combined with well-logging informations, in accordance with geological ages.This paper established log interpretation model for sand-shale profile and carbonate profile according to lithologic character of buried-hill reservoirs in Dongpu depression. Also put forward a computational methods of geological parameter, such as porosity, permeability,oil saturation and so on, in sand-shale formation and carbonate formation. It proposed various methods to determinate existence and occurrence of fractures, and the method to calculate fracture porosity with conventional log data, for carbonate formation existance.The result of practical application in eight wells indicated the method is very effective.well-logging data re-processed used various methods that this paper introduced. And two metheds for fructure porosity, the one is originated from conventional method which distincted secondary porosity between fruvture porosity and caves porosity. Another is a new method inversion from resistivities in reseach from Xinjiang rigion. These was very valuable tries. And its result was nice in comparion with ELAN+.After these, this article proposed own potential formation according to geological agies, which combined with drilling, logging and testting data. and proposed own worthy to test formation or sections. But it was regret because its result not received and tested.This paper proposed own optimazed well-logging combination according to domestic and international status quo equipment, In particular local logging company equipment.This thesis was on Dongpu depression since the 1970’s buried hill exploration logging in on a summary. Understanding in a certain depth. Can Dongpu Depression buried hill exploration the next stage of exploration role play warm-up.

  • 【分类号】P631.81
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】215

