

Reservoir Evaluation of Es3 Member in Linxi Area, Huimin Sag

【作者】 许小琼

【导师】 操应长; 王志战;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 临西地区位于惠民凹陷西部,沙三段沉积时期发育了丰富的砂体,具备良好的油气成藏条件,已成为该地区增储上产的重要阵地。本论文旨在紧随胜利油区勘探发展方向,针对制约研究区勘探的实际问题,以大量的岩心分析化验、录井、测井资料、地震资料为基础,深入研究了临西地区沙三段储层的宏观展布和微观特征,详细分析了沉积微相、成岩作用、物源对储层物性的控制作用,并指出了有利勘探方向。沙三上亚段主要发育了三角洲前缘砂体和浊积砂体,储层物性宏观上主要受沉积微相的影响,微观上主要受自生粘土类型和含量的影响,营子街断层下降盘至大芦家地区是一个有利的构造—岩性及岩性圈闭发育区;沙三中亚段主要发育水下分流河道砂,河口砂坝不发育,储层物性主要受成岩作用的影响,环洼陷中心分布的有利构造发育区为有利勘探地区;沙三下亚段砂体类型主要为三角洲前缘砂体,局部发育有滨浅湖滩坝砂,储层物性较好,勘探重点放在夹持在唐南鼻状构造与兴隆寺鼻状构造间向洼陷延伸的沟槽、夏72井—夏斜701井一线与洼陷中心之间的地带,只要构造存在,应具有一定的勘探前景。

【Abstract】 Abundant sand bodies developed in the period of Es3 member in Linxi area locating at the west of Huimin Sag. These sand bodies have good conditons for hydrocarbon reservoir forming, and have been becoming the important zones of interest for reserve and production improving.Following the exploration orientation of Shengli Oil Field, in view of practical problems restricting the exploraion of research area, basis on large numbers of such data as core analysis, mud logging, well logging and seismic, this dissertation deeply studied the macroscopical throughgoing characteristics and microcosmic characteristics of Es3 reservoir in Linxi area, detailedly analyzed the sedimentary microfacies, diagenesis, the control action of sedimentary resource to petrophysics, and pointed out the favorable exploration direction. Delta frontal sand body and turbidite sand body mainly developed in Es3 upper member. The petrophysis are influenced by sedimentary microfacies in macroscopical and influenced by the types and contents of authigenic clay minerals in microcosmic. The structure - lithology trap and lithologic trap mainly develop in the area from Yingzijix fault to Daluhu. In Es3 medial member, the main reservoir type is underwater distributary channel, channel mouth bar is not developed here, petrophysics are mainly affected by diagenesis, the structure development area surrounding sag center benefit exploration area. In Es3 lower member, the types of sandstone are mainly beach - bar sand of shore-shallow lacustrine, the petrophsics is very good, the exploration emphases lie on the fluting outstretching to sag and holding between Tangnan nosing structure and Xinglongshi nosing structure and the belt between line well Xia 72– well Xiaxie 701 and sag center. The area with beneficial structure has good exploration foreground.


