

Well Log Methodological Research in Sequence Stratigraphy

【作者】 王鹂

【导师】 吴智平;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 测井资料是地下地质情况的真实反映,它包含了地层岩性、沉积旋回变化等丰富的地质信息,而且具有方法多、精度高、分辨率强、连续测量的巨大优点。充分且有效地利用测井资料及测井学方法,对层序地层学研究具有重要的意义。本文运用多种测井资料,对层序界面识别、凝缩段识别及准层序组叠加样式判别的测井学方法进行研究,对各种测井学方法的原理方法、应用效果、适用条件及不足之处分别进行论述,并总结了层序界面的两种类型及其测井响应特征,归纳出声波时差-视电阻率叠合曲线的四种模式及组合特征,研究这些模式在层序地层学中的意义。在方法研究的基础上,本文以临南洼陷古近系为例,将上述测井学方法综合运用,建立临南洼陷古近系的测井层序地层格架,并分析各层序单元的发育特征,对层序单元与生、储、盖的配置关系进行了初步探讨。研究表明,应用单一测井资料识别层序界面存在多解性,而测井曲线组合法及综合特征判别法可以减少单因素分析中的多解性,突出层序间的差异,准确识别层序界面。其中,声波时差-视电阻率叠合曲线的形态可归纳为“重合型”、“右凸型”、“左凸型”、“对凸型”这四种模式,其中右凸型-重合型、对凸型-重合型、对凸型-右凸型组合模式与层序界面有关,可作为识别层序界面和凝缩段的依据。依据层序界面的测井响应特征,可将层序界面分为“突变型”和“渐变型”两种类型,其中“突变型”层序界面又可分为“向下突变型”、“向上突变型”,分别对应不同的测井响应特征。凝缩段在声波时差-视电阻率叠合图上往往呈“对凸型”或声波时差低于180μs/m的“右凸型”(油页岩)。就其在旋回中所处的位置而言,凝缩段常位于正旋回的顶部、反旋回的底部;就地层的叠置方式看,凝缩段处于退积式向进积式叠置方式转变的位置。运用上述测井学原理与方法,可将临南洼陷古近系划分为一个一级层序,三个二级层序,其中,沙三段-东营组又划分为七个三级层序;研究区域内层序界面大多数为“突变型”界面,仅有少数是“渐变型”层序界面;大多数准层序是进积的,且进积式准层序组发育特征明显,其次为退积式准层序组,加积式准层序组不太发育;临南洼陷层序S1、S2(沙三下-沙三中)凝缩段最为发育,是主力烃源岩;层序S1、S2、S3、S4(即沙二段和沙三段)为临南洼陷主要产油气目的层。

【Abstract】 Well logging data are the actual reflection of geological information of subsurface. It contains formation lithology, sedimentary cycle and other rich geological information, with enormous advantage in far more method, high accuracy and resolution, continued measurement. It will display significant contribution in sequence stratigraphy research.The thesis studied the logging method of identifying the boundary surface, condensed sequence and the overlay mode of parasequence set, restricted by seismic data, based on the core analysis and paleontology information. It discussed the principle, application result, applying condition and drawback of the logging methods in sequence stratigraphy research. It will obtain the optimal application result by associating qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation. Illustrated by Eogene of Linnan Sag, the thesis used the logging method to delimit the sequence, and analyzed the deposit character of each sequence, made preliminary research about the relation between the sequence and source, reservoir, cap formation.It may cause multiple solutions when using single well logging to identify the sequence interface. Combined logging data can reduce ambiguity, thus highlighting the differences between the sequences. It further concluded four patterns in R-AC overlap curve and its value in sequence stratigraphy research. Based on the logging response features, the sequence interface can be divided into“abrupt interface”and“gradational interface”, corresponding to different features. For the position of the cycle, condensed section are often at the top in the normal cycle or the bottom in the abnormal cycle. For the superimpose mode, the condensed section often at the transition zone from retrogradation to progradation.Based on the well logging methodological study, the eogene of Linnan Sag can be divided to one first-order sequence, three second-order sequences and seven third-order sequences. Majority sequence interface is abrupt interface, and minority is gradational interface. Majority para-sequence is progradation with obvious features, followed by retrogradation para-sequence. Condensed section is vegetal in sequence S1 and S2, is the main source. Sequence S1, S2, S3, S4 are the main purposes of oil and gas production.


