

The High Precision 3D Seismic Prospecting Techniques in Tuha QL Oilfield

【作者】 安树杰

【导师】 孙成禹; 詹世凡;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 吐哈QL油田进入中高含水期,产量递减速度加快,储采矛盾日益突出。但以往的地震资料品质很差,对油田内部的构造和断层分布认识不清,结合钻井资料也难以预测井间储层分布,很难满足油田开发调整的要求。此外油田周边滚动难以开展精细研究,增储建产成效甚微。因此,急需在该区进行高精度三维地震采集,为精细油藏描述提供高品质的地震资料。但在吐哈QL油田开发区高精度三维地震采集项目主要面临如下几个问题:巨厚砾石覆盖区表层结构松散,激发和接收条件差,地震波能量衰减严重;众多冲积扇交叉叠置,表层速度和厚度横向变化剧烈,静校正问题突出,影响了勘探精度;构造运动强烈,构造隆起幅度大,变形剧烈,断裂系统极为发育,地层破碎,且储层厚度薄,常规三维采集方法难以获得满足油田开发研究需要的高精度资料;大面积的油田工业设施,严重的工业干扰,对地震资料品质影响较大。针对这种复杂的地表及地下地质条件,通过三维观测系统优化设计、可控震源多台套组合激发技术、宽频扫描激发技术、交替扫描激发技术、“拆分振次”激发技术的开发应用,精细表层调查和静校正工作应用,以及通过详细干扰调查、建立以“噪音模型”为基础的噪声分析与压制技术的应用,使得三维地震采集资料品质有了质的提高,通过后续高分辨率资料处理和综合研究解决了油田动态认识不清的问题,对油田构造形态、油水、油气关系有了更准确、更合理的认识,并且重新构建了油田3D格架,为二次开发提供了可靠的、高品质的基础资料。

【Abstract】 Tuha QL oilfield entered a highly water-bearing production stage, with the production decreasing rapidly and the conflict between reserve and production becoming increasingly acute. On the one hand, the poor 3D seismic leads to incorrect understanding of the distributions of the structures and faults, failing to meet the needs of fine reservoir description. The structure maps used in exploitation are still drafted based on the drilling data, which result in that we do not clearly know the distribution of structure and fault, and the reservoir distribution between wells inside the oilfield, then lead to difficult to predict and adjust the exploitation. On the other hand, it is difficult to increase reserve and productivity in a sustainable manner in the vicinity of the oilfield, unable to compensate for the rapid decrease of oil productivity in this depleted oilfield. Based on above discussion, it is very significant of doing the high precision 3D seismic data acquisition in this area, then making the distribution of small faults and oil-bearing sand-body clear, and providing the high quality seismic data for detailed oil reservoir characterization. However, there are several problems for conducting high accuracy 3D seismic data acquisition in QL Oilfield as follows:(1) Loose surface structure in thick gravel covered area, with weak shooting and receiving signal, and serious seismic attenuation;(2) Many alluvial fans intercrossed together, which leads the tremendous transverse change for surface velocity and thickness. Accordingly, the static correction is a problem for exploration precision;(3) In this area, the data obtained from conventional 3D seismic acquisition can not meet the requirement for further oilfield research because of the following characters: intense structure distortion, complex fault system, and laminated reservoir;(4) Industry interference from many oil facilities inside severely affects the data quality.Regarding so complex surface and subsurface conditions, many new techniques are applied to the 3D seismic operation to increase the data quality: optimizing the 3D geometry, multi-vibrator shooting technique, Broad Band sweep method, flip-flop sweeping technique, splitting Vibroseis sweeps to different VPs, high precision near-surface survey and statics, and setting up Model based noise analysis and suppression. Moreover, through the successive high-resolution data processing and comprehensive research,QL oilfield reservoir character had been gotten to know, exactly the dynamic structure, relationship between oil and water, oil and gas. the 3D framework of the Oilfield were re-built, so that the reliable and high-quality basic information was provided for the second development.


