

VOCs Degradation Through Biofilter(First Attepts to Apply Biofiltertechnology in China)

【作者】 王新娟

【导师】 博恩哈特·蓝宁格;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳航空工业学院 , 安全技术及工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生物过滤法净化挥发性有机物(VOCs)是近年来在我国成为研究热点之一。与焚烧后洗涤等传统净化方法相比,生物净化法具有设备简单、投资少、运行费用低、无二次污染等优点,但净化处理周期相对较长。本文以废物堆肥残渣为填料,在一座恒温(37℃)实验室内,分别以堆肥尾气、模拟混合气体(苯、甲苯和丙酮)、厌氧消化产气等作为处理对象,进行生物过滤器降解,试验研究了待处理气体入口浓度、出口浓度、填料特性对生物过滤器净化效率的影响,以便为生物过滤器的实际应用提供了参考。研究发现:(1)通过对堆肥尾气利用进行定性与定量的分析GC-MS法,研究发现堆肥尾气中含有21种物质,其中氨气、硫化氢等12种物质的含量较大。氨气、硫化氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醚这4种气体的含量较高且时间持续较长之外,其余17种气体仅在第一周内出现,且含量较小。(2)生物过滤器对堆肥尾气的处理结果较为理想,生物过滤器出口没有监测出臭味气体,可以认为去除率接近100%。(3)三个月连续试验结果表明采用堆肥残渣与木块为填料的生物过滤器对厌氧消化气体中VOCs的去除效率较高且性能稳定。

【Abstract】 VOCs purification of VOCs in waste gases by biological treatment is a new technology in China, though Europe has about 30 years experience in this field. Compared with the traditional purification process by washing or incineration of organically polluted flew gases, biofiltration of non-persitant and non-ecotoxicological VOCs has benefits, such as low investment- and operating costs, low secondary pollution, but there is a certain operation experience required to maintain a sustainable microbiological process.For the biofilter simulation tests compost was filled into 80 1 cylinders, which were situated in a 370C climate chamber. The flow-rate of waste-gas was between 7.36 -14.73m3/hour/m2 biofiltersurface. To absorb and biodegradate the target air pollutants (i) off-gas from composting, (ii) from technical gases (benzene, toluene and acetone) mixed into ambient air and (iii) biogas from anaerobic digestion (301t CSTR fermenters) were applied. During the biofiltration test, the concentration difference of the incoming and outgoing gases was measured. The main findings are:(1) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the odours contained in off - gas from composting by MS-GC: Four types of gases in larger quantities (NH3, H2S, CH3SH and (CH32S) and 17 kinds of gases (appearing only during the first week of composting in small quantities) were identified.(2) Handling of compost odours by biofilters is seen effective as after the filtration no malodourus odours can be recognized and the VOC removal rate is near to 100%.(3) The biofiltermaterial (I) has also a better removal efficiency for the anaerobic digestion odours and the removal of the methane is more stable.


