

Research of VSCF Wind Power Generation System Based on DFIG

【作者】 耿秀明

【导师】 张遇杰; 刘慧博;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在能源消耗日益增长,环境污染日渐严重的今天,在对可再生能源的开发利用中,风能由于其突出的优点而成为世界各国普遍重视的能源,风力发电技术也成为各国学者竞相研究的热点。而其中变速恒频风力发电技术因其高效性和实用性正受到越来越多的重视。变速恒频发电技术运用双馈电机的工作原理,当风速变化时,在发电机转子侧接入频率、幅值、相位可控的低频励磁电流,以保证双馈发电机定子输出频率的恒定。本文对现今世界风能应用技术中,相对成熟的双馈发电机,进行矢量控制研究。矢量控制作为一种先进的控制策略,是在电机统一理论、机电能量转换和坐标变换理论的基础上发展起来的,具有先进性、新颖性和实用性的特点。本文首先介绍了变速风力发电机组的基本原理,根据变速风力机在不同区域的运行,确定了基本的控制策略。通过对双馈型发电机结构和工作原理的分析,建立了交流励磁发电机的三相静止坐标系数学模型和两相旋转坐标系数学模型,提出了基于定子磁场定向的矢量控制策略,采用定子磁场定向的矢量控制方法实现对双馈发电机的有功功率和无功功率的独立控制。这些都为进一步的深入研究提供了有效的理论依据。其次,采用一种能量双向流动的双PWM变换器,满足了交流励磁发电系统励磁的需要,详细分析了三相电压型整流器的基本原理和数学模型,并确定了以电网电压定向的矢量控制策略。介绍了空间矢量脉宽调制的方法。最后,针对变速恒频双馈风力发电控制系统的特点,研究了基于DSP的变速恒频双馈风力发电控制系统。分别描述了控制系统整体硬件结构框图和控制程序构成,给出关键硬件电路原理图和控制程序的流程图,并说明其工作原理。

【Abstract】 Now, energy sources consume increasing daily and environment empoison being serious gradually, in the exploitation for the renewable energy source, wind power is paid great attention by more and more countries because of its outstanding excellence. The wind power generation technology also becomes research hotspot of many countries’ scholars. And the variable-speed constant-frequency(VSCF) generation technology is paid attention more and more for its high efficiency and practicability. VSCF operation uses doubly-fed generator working principle. When wind speed changes, the constant-frequency output can be generated from the stator side by connecting with low frequency excitation current at the rotor side its frequency, amplitude and phase angle is controllable.In this paper, the relative fledged doubly-fed generator in wind energy application technology in the day is researched on vector control. Vector control is one of the advanced theories, which is based on motor unification principle, energy conversion and vector coordinate transformation theory. It has many advantages such as novelty, practicability and advancement.Firstly, the basic principle of variable speed wind turbine generators is introduced. According to the variable speed wind turbine operating in different regions, the basic control strategy is set out. After the analysis of its structure and its VSCF electricity generating principle, the mathematic model of the double-fed generator in static three-phase coordinate and in rotary two-phase coordinate is build. the stator field-oriented vector control method for the control of the doubly-fed generator is used. Using vector control technology, a doubly-fed generator independent of the active and reactive power control is achieved. which found the effective theory for the further studies.Secondly, It put forward and designed a dual PWM converter with the capacity of energy bidirectional flow. It also analyzed the basic theory and mathematical model of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier. the electrical source voltage-oriented vector control strategy is issued.Finally, a control system of doubly-fed VSCF wind power generator based on DSP is researched in accordance with the characteristic of control system. This paper depicts a general hardware structure of system and control programmed frame respectively. It provides the key hardware circuit diagram and the how ch rt of control programmer, and their work principles are described.


