

Preliminary Study on the Rhizosphere Fungi of Some Medicinal Plants in Sichuan

【作者】 杨皓

【导师】 龚国淑;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对采自中江药材种植基地、都江堰川芎种植基地、雅安四川农业大学药植园和二郎山川牛膝种植基地共41个土样,采用稀释平板法分别对4个区域的根际土壤真菌进行了分离计数和初步鉴定。根据真菌的数量、种群及其分布,研究药用植物根际土壤真菌的物种多样性。还分析了中江地区根际土壤真菌在拮抗病原菌方面的潜在能力。4个区域不同样点的土壤真菌总数存在较大差异。总体表现为都江堰(2.36×104cfu·g-1干土)>川农药植园(2.21×104 cfu·g-1干土)>中江(1.82×104 cfu·g-1干土)>二郎山(1.29×104 cfu·g-1干土)。同一区域不同栽培方式下药用植物根际土壤真菌数量差异较大。中江区域内混合种植根际土壤真菌数量极显著高于其他三种种植方式,连作与轮作间差异显著,轮作与连作显著高于单一种植;都江堰地区混合种植下根际真菌数量极显著高于单一种植,显著高于连作,轮作与连作间不显著,轮作与连作显著高于单一种植;二郎山地区混合种植下根际真菌数量极显著高于单一种植和连作,与轮作不显著,轮作极显著高于连作,连作和轮作差异不显著;川农药植园混合种植极显著高于单一种植。同一区域下,中江区域丹参根际真菌数量极显著高于白芍和柴胡,显著高于当归;川农药植园附子根际真菌数量极显著高于丹参、川牛膝、麦冬、当归,显著高高于白芷、川芎,与鱼腥草显著不明显。对4个区域共计41个样点的根际土壤真菌进行分离,共获得597株真菌,经鉴定表明,区域土壤真菌种群多样性丰富,霉菌共鉴定出26个属。其中中江地区21个属、都江堰17个属、二郎山23个属、川农药植园21个属,分布范围较为广泛的为青霉(Penicillium spp.)、木霉(Trichoderma spp.)、曲霉(Aspergillus spp.)、枝孢菌(Cladosporium spp.)、轮枝孢属(Verticillum sp.)和毛霉(Mucor spp.)。不同地区根际土壤真菌多样性存在较大差异。多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数(E)、优势度指数(D)中江地区分别为1.8702±0.1011、0.9365±0.0169、0.1883±0.0512;都江堰地区分别为1.7793±0.3977、0.9433±0.0217、0.2102±0.0593;二郎山多分别为1.7797±0.4110、0.9223±0.0719、0.1990±0.1052;川农药植园分别为1.5972±0.0810、0.9130±0.0391、0.1990±0.0173。同一区域不同植物的根际微生物数量以从丹参根际分离的土壤真菌物种丰富度、Shannon-wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数(E)最好,其次是川牛膝与川芎,白芷群落多样性处于最低。同一区域下轮作与混合种植物种丰富度(S)与Pielou均匀度指数优于单一种植和连作,在轮作与混合种植下采集的根际土样中分离得到的各类真菌种类较多且分布较均匀。从中江区域根际土壤中分离的木霉菌株,经过菌丝生长速度测定、对峙培养、代谢产物的拮抗性试验等初步筛选,获得对Rhizoctonia solan拮抗效果较好的菌株T17,鉴定为黄绿木霉(Trichoderma aureoviride),其代谢产物的抑制率达70.97%。

【Abstract】 41 rhizosphere soil samples were collected from the medicinal plantations of Zhongjiang(main Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge),Dujiangyan(main Rhizoma Chuanxiong), Er’lang Mountain(main Radix cyathulae) and Sichuan Agricultural University.Soil fungi were determined with the dilution plate technique and identified based on morphologic characters.The study was undertaken to evaluate the quantities,communities and diversity of rhizosphere soil fungi of medicinal plants.In addition,the biocontrol potential of soil fungi to pathogen was also determined.There was great difference in different soil samples of 4 regions.The quantities of rhizosphere fungi were as follows:the Dujiangyan medicinal plant base(2.36×104cfu·g-1 cfu·g-1dry soil)>the Sichuan Agricultural University medicinal plant base (2.21×104cfu·g-1 dry soil)>the Zhongjiang medicinal plant base(1.82×104 cfu·g-1 dry soil)>the Er’lang Mountain medicinal plant base(1.29×104cfu·g-1dry soil).There was great difference in different planting measures in quantities of rhizosphere fungi in identical region.In the Zhongjiang medicinal plant base,fungi in the mixed planting condition was extremely remarkable higher than in other ways,and there is remarkable difference between the continuous cropping and the crop rotation.Both the continuous cropping and the crop rotation is remarkable higher than the monoculture.In the Dujiangyan medicinal plant base,the mixed planting is extremely remarkable higher than he monoculture,and it is remarkable higher than the continuous cropping.Both the continuous cropping and the crop rotation is remarkable higher than the monoculture.In the Er’lang Mountain medicinal plant base,the mixed planting is extremely remarkable higher than the continuous cropping and the monoculture.The crop rotation is extremely remarkable higher than the continuous cropping.In Sichuan Agriculture University medicinal plant base,the mixed planting is extremely remarkable higher than the monoculture.Under the identical region,the quantities of rhizosphere fungi of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge is extremely remarkable higher than Paeonia lactiflora Pall and Bupleurum chinense DC.,and it’s remarkable higher than Angelica silvestris;In Sichuan agricultural chemicals plant base,the rhizosphere fungi quantity of Radix aconiti lateralis prepapata is extremely remarkable higher than Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge,Radix cyathulae,Ophiopogon japonicus and Angelica silvestris,and it’s obviously remarkable higher than Angelica and Ligusticum,but it wasn’t remarkable to Houttuynia cordata thunb.A total of 597 fungi isolates were obtained in 4 regions.Among these isolates,26 fungal genera were identified.21,17,23,21 fungal genera were found in Zhongjiang,Dujiangyan, Er’lang Mountain and Sichuan Agricultural University,respectively.Among these genera, Penicillium spp.,Trichoderma spp.,Aspergillus spp.,Cladosporium spp.,Verticillum sp.and Mucor spp.were isolated more frequently.Fungi diversity had a great difference in different regions.Shannon-wiener’s diversity (H’),Pielou’s evenness(E) and dominance index(D) of Zhongjiang were 61.8702±0.1011, 0.9365±0.0169 and 0.1883±0.0512,respectively.Those of Dujianyan were 61.7793±0.3977,0.9433±0.0217 and 0.2102±0.0593,respectively.Those of Er’lang Mountain were 1.7797±0.4110,0.9223±0.0719 and 0.1990±0.1052,respectively.Those of dujianyan were 1.5972±0.0810,0.9130±0.0391,0.1990±0.0173,respectively.Fungi diversity had a great difference in plant different rhizosphere in the identical region.Abundance(S),Shannon-wiener’s diversity(H’) and Pielou’s evenness(E) in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge were the best,and the next is in Radix cyathulae and Rhizoma Chuanxiong,and Baizhi’s diversity was the lowest.In the same region,abundance(S) and Pielou’s evenness(E) of fungi under crop rotation and mixed planting’s were higher than under the monoculture and the continuous cropping.Groups of fungi which were determined from the rhizosphere soil sample under crop rotation and mixed planting were rich and their distribution also even.33 isolates of Trichoderma spp.collected from the soil were used to screen the antagonist against Rhizoctonia solani.The results showed that Strain T17(Trichoderma aureoviride) had the ability to suppress R.solani,the inhibition percent of metabolites was 70.97%.

  • 【分类号】S567
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】314

