

Study on Assessment System of Ecotourism Resources

【作者】 张旖恩

【导师】 李梅;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 生态旅游资源是开展生态旅游活动的物质基础,对生态旅游资源进行科学地评价,是保护和开发生态旅游资源的关键。本文从研究进展综述出发,在分析生态旅游及生态旅游资源的科学内涵之基础上,深入探讨生态旅游资源的特征及其价值构成,并结合生态旅游强调的和谐观,借鉴旅游资源评价、景观生态评价、可持续评价等相关领域知识,对构建操作性强、科学性高的生态旅游资源评价体系进行探索性研究。本文首先介绍了本文的选题意义、研究内容、方法及技术路线。对生态旅游和生态旅游资源的相关研究进行了综述,明确了生态旅游的核心应该是和谐观的体现,生态旅游资源具有七大特征,生态旅游资源的价值由功利价值、审美价值和伦理价值共同构成。剖析了现有生态旅游资源评价体系的特点与不足之处——单纯的套用旅游资源的评价体系、机械地综合多学科知识来进行研究或建立在分类基础上的评价体系都具有较大的局限性;现有的生态旅游资源评价并不能反映生态旅游的和谐核心。其次,建立了生态旅游资源评价体系,它由旅游价值评价、生态环境价值评价、开发价值评价和协调度评价四个部分构成,采用“总目标层—子目标层—准则层—指标层”框架,共计43个指标。由于建立了协调度评价子系统,本研究与现有生态旅游资源评价体系相比,更能体现生态旅游的和谐内涵和生态旅游资源所具有的价值特征。通过对23位专家和研究人员的调查,运用层次分析法确定了生态旅游资源评价体系的权重。在子目标层中,协调度评价权重最大,旅游价值与生态环境价值评价的权重接近,开发价值权重相对较小。旅游价值评价子系统中,权重分配以资源旅游价值为重,资源属性与资源附加价值相对较小;生态环境价值评价子系统中,生态环境的稀有性所占权重最大,环境质量次之,多样性、稳定性、自然性、自然特征代表性均较小;开发价值评价子系统中,可进入性和安全性比适游性和客源条件更为重要;协调度评价子系统中,旅游开发与自然环境协调度的权重最大,与社会环境协调度的权重次之,与经济环境协调度的权重最小。权重分配结果与本文第二章中对生态旅游和生态旅游资源的研究结果不谋而合,同时也从侧面说明了指标体系的建立是比较成功的。参照中华人民共和国国家标准和现有旅游资源评价、生态评价、可持续发展评价和生态旅游资源评价等相关研究的成果,建立了生态旅游资源评价体系的评分标准。根据不同指标的特性与评价依据来源,确定了相应的评价方法,并制定了评价结果对应的评价等级。再次,运用生态旅游资源评价体系对四川省荷花海国家森林公园进行了实证研究,其生态旅游资源评价得分为74.2250分,并提出了六条发展建议。这个评价结果与“四川省生态旅游资源评价分析报告”基本一致,得到了评估专家的认可,这说明生态旅游资源评价体系在实践中具有较强的操作性。最后,对论文进行了总结和讨论,提出了未来研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Ecotourism resources are prerequisite to ecotourism activities. The key to protect and explore ecotourism resources is to evaluate it scientifically. Beginning with theory introduction, this thesis is based on analyzing scientific connotations of ecotourism and ecotourism resources and discusses characters and value composition of ecotourism resources deeply. Then combining with kernel of harmony which is emphasized in ecotourism and borrowing knowledge from evaluation of tourist attractions, landscape ecology and tourism sustainability, it studies on ecotourism resources assessment system with great interoperability and high scientificity heuristically.Firstly, with an in-depth study on theory of ecotourism and ecotourism resources, this part confirms that the kernel concept of ecotourism is harmony, ecotourism resources has 7 characters, and the components of its value system are utility value, aesthetic value and ethical value. The specialties and disadvantages of existing assessment systems of ecotourism resources are analyzed, and show that using evaluation of tourist attractions indiscriminately, integrate knowledge from different related fields mechanically, or assessment system which based on resources classifying can not reflect harmony kernel of ecotourism.Secondly, an assessment system of ecotourism resources with four subsystems, tourist attractions value, eco-environment value, exploitation value and compatibility degree, is established. The system has four-level frame, including object level, sub-object level, standard level and index level, and 43 indices. Because of subsystem of compatibility degree, this system incarnates the harmonious kernel of ecotourism and the value specificities of ecotourism resources better than existing ones.Through investigating 23 experts and researchers, Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to determine the weight of each index. On subsystem level, compatibility degree has most weight, weights of tourist attractions value and eco-environment value are nearly the same, and exploitation value owns the least weight. In subsystem of tourist attractions value, weight distribution gives the top priority to resources attraction value, resources attributes and resources additional value are less. In subsystem of eco-environmental value, eco-environmental rarity owns the most weight, environmental quality is second, diversity, stability, naturality and representation of nature specialty are all less. In subsystem of exploitation value, accessibility and safety are more important than optimum sightseeing period and tourist resources. In subsystem of compatibility degree, the compatibility degree between tourism exploitation and nature environment is first, the compatibility degree between tourism exploitation and society environment is second, and the compatibility degree between tourism exploitation and economy environment is last. Distribution of weight is in common with the conclusions of ecotourism and ecotourism resources which was mentioned in chapter 2, which means the assessment system is quite successful from sides.Referring to the national standards and the achievements of existing evaluation about tourist attractions, eco-environment and sustainability, this thesis confirms the evaluation standard of ecotourism resources assessment system. While the evaluation method and grand are determined too according to the index characters and basis of evaluation. Thirdly, Hehuahai National Forest Park is evaluated according to this assessment system. The score is 74.2250, and six suggestions of development are given too. The conclusion of evaluation is substantial common with Analysis Report of Ecotourism Resources Assessment in Sichuan Province, which means the assessment system of ecotourism resources has good interoperability in practice.Last, this thesis summarizes and discusses the thesis, and advances the directions of future research.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1678

