

Study on the Five Landscape Plants Such as Tagetes Patula Durango Against Mosquitoes and Identification the Components of the Volatile

【作者】 林琳

【导师】 叶萌; 周祖基;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究将四川雅安地区50种园林观赏植物进行蚊虫驱避试验,对驱避效果明显的孔雀草等5种植物室内模拟试验,并鉴定植物提取物成分,另对当前驱蚊产品进行问卷调查。为在园林运用上开拓创新,实现真正意义上的有害生物可持续治理具有重要意义。研究结果如下:1.植物叶挥发物对蚊虫行为的影响通过“Y”型嗅觉仪对50种常见园林植物进行试验,比较它们之间的差异。结果表明:驱蚊效果最好的有5种植物,分别是侧柏(柏科,Platycladus orientalis)、孔雀草(菊科,Tagetes patula)、薄荷(唇形科,Mentha arvensis)、驱蚊香草(牻牛儿苗科,Pelargonium citrosum)、番茄(茄科,Lycopersicon esculentum)。2.室内植物叶驱蚊效果测定选择驱蚊效果较好的侧柏、孔雀草、薄荷、驱蚊香草、番茄5种植物进行室内模拟试验,试验表明:5种植物都有一定的驱蚊作用,随时间的推移驱蚊效果逐渐减弱。同时,植物在不同时间表现出的驱蚊活性也有差异。5min时,薄荷、番茄对蚊的驱避效果强。而30min后,孔雀草和番茄效果最佳。孔雀草的驱避效果持续时间较其他4种长。3.植物叶挥发物制备及成分鉴定提取侧柏等5种植物叶挥发物,对其进行气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)成分分析,为以后研究单体和人工合成驱避物质提供参考。测定结果表明:挥发物主要为萜类和脂类,其中水芹烯、石竹烯、环小茴香烯、萜品烯、柠檬烯、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、右旋香芹酮、小檗酮含量较多,5种植物均含环小茴香烯。4.驱蚊产品的问卷调查在四川一些居住区对驱蚊产品进行问卷调查,结果表明蚊香和电蚊香片是现在家庭主要驱蚊方式,安全与价格是人们选择驱蚊剂的主要参考因素,被调查的150人中,68%愿意尝试栽种有驱蚊作用的植物来驱蚊,人们对驱蚊植物的可接受心理价位在20元以下。

【Abstract】 In this study,50 lanndscape plants were dealed with the effect of repelling against the mosquitoes.The chemical components of volatile oil were identified,which provides scientific basis for the utilization of this plant species in gardens.After analyzing this data some conclusions were drawn as follow:Olfactory responses of mosquitoes to the 50 lanndscape plants were investigated in the laboratory using a Y-tube olfactomete.The data showed that 5 plant were effective,i.e. Platycladus orientalis(L.)Franco、Tagetes patula、Mentha arvenssis、Pelargonium citrosum Vanleenii and Lycopersicon esculentum.The mosquitoes repellent effect of 5 plant were also tested under laboratory conditions.The rate of repellent is above 50%in 15mins.However,the effect waked as the time goes by.In addition,the effect of different plant were varied.In a short time, Platycladus orientalis and Lycopersicon esculentum were the most effective.Compared with other plant,the repellent effect of Tagetespatula were identified after 30 min.The chemical components of volatile oil of the 5 plant were determined qualitatively and quantitatively by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry-computer(GC/MS).It showed that Cyclofenchene have been found in all volatile oil.Phellandrene, terpinolene、Limonene、D-Carvone and Caryophyllene were the main components.Through the investigation of 150 people,the conclusion showed that mosquitorepellent incense had been the main method to repel mosquitoes.However,the price and the security were main factor when people choosing mosquito-repellent goods.It also showed that 65%people were ready to utilizing plant to repel mosquitoes,and the price people accept was¥20.

【关键词】 园林植物驱避保健型
【Key words】 Lanndscape plantsMosquitoRepellent effectHealthcare

