
杂种朱顶红(Hippeatrum Hybridum)杂交育种与栽培研究

Studies on Cross Breeding and Application of Hippeatrum Hybridum

【作者】 田松青

【导师】 郭维明; 成海钟;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 朱顶红(Hippeatrum vittatum)为石蒜科孤挺花属多年生草本球根花卉,又名孤挺花.杂种朱顶红(Hippeatrum hybridum)是现代改良园艺杂种的总称,栽培品种有许多无性系。本文以引进的34个杂种朱顶红品种为材料,研究了杂种朱顶红的生物学特性、杂交育种、新品种快繁、促成栽培的技术和方法。目的是为促进优良花卉的国产化,并为其产业化生产提供依据。1.研究了34个引进的杂种朱顶红品种的生物学性状和栽培特性。结果表明:根据2级性状和育种目标引进品种可以分为10类;开花种球栽培特性为叶面积增加持续期长,6月叶面积增幅最大,开花种球直径先减后增,不同于直径持续增加的播种球;朱顶红生长模式研究表明,从播种苗到花芽形成叶片总数需超过16片,总共约需20个月,生长第三年可形成4个以上花芽。辅助化学处理可辅助提高人工授粉结实率。2.通过常规杂交对杂种朱顶红杂交新品种选育进行了探讨.以引进的12个品种为亲本配置为67个组合,获得20000株杂种一代单株,从中初选出新品种167个,经过复选,初步选出35个优良新材料,测定其生物学特性表明:这些材料表现出花大、花型圆整、花色鲜艳、茎杆挺直、生长势强等优良性状。两年生杂交苗的鳞茎平均直径在5.0cm以上,平均亩产可达2万株.该成果为继续回交和单株优选,提供了理想的中间材料并奠定了坚实基础。3.于相同处理时间,采用切割、挖割鳞茎和组培方法进行了新品种扩繁比较结果显示了较大的繁殖差异,如不同品种相同切割方法,繁殖率不同;种球不同层的鳞叶繁殖率也不同,顺序为外层>中层>内层;鳞茎切割以8月最佳,16等份切割繁殖好于刻沟繁殖;在试管中播种种子诱导效果最好,增殖最佳培养基为MS+1.5mg/1 6-BA+0.1mg/1 NAA,生根培养基为MS+0.5mg/1 NAA。4.温控等方法评价了不同品种朱顶红的促成栽培效果,实验表明,‘红孔雀’、‘女神’、‘当娜’、‘卡里美柔’等品种较易进行促成栽培及应用于商品生产。促成栽培技术研究证实,种球低温处理40天、带盆留叶等均有利于朱顶红根系生长和花叶同放,从低温处理到促成开花所需天数约100天。对促根及矮化处理等栽培技术做了探讨,表明PP333处理可有效矮化盆栽朱顶红的花葶高度和叶片长度。

【Abstract】 Hippeatrum vittatum is a species of Amaryllidaceae.Hippeatrum hybridum is a generic term for modern horticultural hybrids of Hippeatrum and has many varieties. A series of methods and techniques were studied about biological characteristics,cross breeding,propagation and forcing culture in Hippeatrum hybridum.1.Biological characteristics and ornamental properties were studied for thirty four introduced varieties of Hippeatrum Hybridum.The results indicate:the imported varieties can be divided into 10 kinds according to its 2 levels characteristics and breeding aims.For the imported flowering bulbs of Hippeatrum Hybridum,the leaf area is increased in long time,most quickly in June.The bulbs size is reduced first,and then increased,but seeding bulbs size is increased all through.Forming the first flower bud needs about twenty months for seeding plants and four or more flower buds can be formed in third year.Chemical treatment can’t improve setting percentage of artificial pollination supplementary.2.New varieties of Hippeastrum hybridum were selected through general artificial crossing method.167 new varieties were selected from 20000 F1 crossbreeding plants which parents are 67 combinations of 12 imported varieties.At last,35 excellent varieties were obtained by selecting again in 167 new varieties.They all had good characteristics such as big and trim flower,bright color,straight stem,strong growth potential.What we need to do in next year is continuing observation and asexual propagation of excellent individual plants.Average stem diameter of crossingbreeding seedling growing two years exceeds 5cm and the average per- mu yield can reach 20000 plants.3.New varieties were propagated by cutting,digging and tissue culture. Propagation effect is much different in different varieties using same cutting method and same treatment time.Propagation effect is also different in same varieties using different cutting method.Propagation rate is different in different bulb scales,out scale>middle scale>inner scale.August is the best time for cutting bulbs.Propagation effect of 16 same shares cutting is better than ditching on bulbs.Inducement effect is best by seeding in cuvette.The best culture medium for multiplication is MS+6-BA1.5mg/1+NAA0.1mg/L and the rooting culture medium is MS+NAA0.5mg/L.4.Methods of emperature control etc.evaluated of different varieties of H.hybridum forcing culture results.Research shows that:Forcing culture of different varieties contributed greatly different,’Donau’ etc.are planted easily.Low temperature treatment 40 days,remained leaves in pot and roots-promoted help forcing culture of H.hybridum.From low temerature to flowers blossom best days for 100 days or so. PP333 treatment can be effective dwarf potted flowers.

  • 【分类号】S682.25
  • 【被引频次】5
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