

Effects of Fe2+ and/or Insulin on Proliferation and Secretion of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Human Umbilical Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Incubated with Glucose

【作者】 赵莹

【导师】 王海昌; 张荣庆;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 内科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病简称冠心病(coronary heart disease,CHD),是影响人类健康的主要疾病之一,经皮冠状动脉内成形术(percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty,PTCA)目前已经成为一种常规有效的治疗CHD的方法。药物支架(drug-eluting stent,DES)的使用使支架置入术后支架内再狭窄(in-stent restenosis,ISR)的发生率降低到5~10%左右,但仍然无法彻底解决ISR的问题。大量的多中心、随机和双盲对照研究显示,糖尿病(diabetes millitus,DM)患者PTCA的疗效差,ISR发生率较高[1-3],具体机制的研究仍不够深入,因而严重影响其临床应用。同时有研究显示,置入体内的金属支架在体内会以“洗脱”的方式脱出Fe2+[4],不同类型支架“洗脱”到支架周围的Fe2+量并非完全一致,而且其对与之直接接触的血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells,VSMC)的生物功能的影响尚不清楚。有研究认为Fe2+对VSMC增殖有一定程度抑制作用[5],此研究结论似乎与临床观察到的现象不相符合。为此,本研究采用原代培养的3~5代人脐静脉平滑肌细胞(human umbilical vascular smooth muscle cell,HUSMC),参照上述研究[5]采用的Fe2+浓度梯度分组,分别用普通培养液模拟正常人体内环境、高糖培养液模拟人体内高糖环境、高胰岛素环境模拟人体高胰岛素环境培养HUVSMC,以研究Fe2+、胰岛素对其增殖以及金属蛋白酶-2(matrix metalloproteinase-2,MMP-2)分泌功能的影响,探讨血糖异常和/或胰岛素抵抗患者体内金属支架ISR发生的可能机制并找寻临床证据。研究目的1.观察Fe2+对葡萄糖预孵育的VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌的影响。2.观察胰岛素对葡萄糖预孵育的VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌的影响。3.观察Fe2+对葡萄糖和胰岛素预孵育的VSMC增殖、MMP-2分泌以及VSMC胞内Ca2+浓度的影响。4.探讨其可能的作用机制。第一部分方法健康产妇剖宫产分娩的无菌胎儿脐带分离出脐静脉,组织块法培养HUVSMC,取生长稳定的3~5代细胞,分为正常组(葡萄糖5 mmol/L)以及高糖组(葡萄糖25 mmol/L)的。1.各分为六个亚组:①空白对照组O;②Fe2+组A(0.00625 mg/mL);③Fe2+组B(0.0125 mg/mL);④Fe2+组C(0.025 mg/mL);⑤Fe2+组D(0.05 mg/mL);⑥Fe2+组E(0.1 mg/mL)。37℃、5%CO2培养箱内干预24 h。2. MTT比色法测定细胞增殖情况。3. ELISA试剂盒检测细胞培养上清中MPP-2含量。结果1.正常组:与O组比,B~E组对VSMC有促进增殖作用(P<0.05);仅E组能明显促进VSMC分泌MMP-2(P<0.01),其余各组与对照组间差异无统计学意义。2.高糖组:与O组比,B~E组,能促进VSMC增殖(P<0.01)及MMP-2的分泌,D组、E组促进作用最强。3.正常组与高糖组比较:B~E各相应亚组间,高糖组对VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌的促进作用较正常组强(P<0.05)。结论正常及高葡萄糖环境,适当的浓度Fe2+能影响VSMC的生物学特性,促进VSMC的增殖与MMP-2的分泌,且高糖环境下作用更为显著。第二部分方法1.同实验一。2.各分为4个亚组:①空白对照组O;②胰岛素组A(10 mIU);③胰岛素组B(100 mIU);④胰岛素组C(1000 mIU)。37℃、5%CO2培养箱内干预48 h。3. MTT比色法测定细胞增殖情况。4. ELISA试剂盒检测细胞培养上清中MPP-2含量。结果1.正常组:与O组比,各亚组均可促进VSMC增殖(P<0.01)及MMP-2的分泌(P<0.01),且B组(100 mIU)作用最强。2.高糖组:与O组比,A组、B组均促进VSMC的增殖(P<0.05);但A、B、C三个亚组均能促进MMP-2的分泌(P<0.01),且B组(100 mIU/L)作用最强。3.正常组与高糖组比较:A、B各相应亚组间,高糖组对VSMC增殖及分泌MMP-2作用较正常组强(P<0.05),而相应C组间高糖组对VSMC增殖及分泌MMP-2作用较正常组弱(P<0.01)。结论正常及高葡萄糖环境,适当浓度的胰岛素能促进VSMC增殖及MMP-2的分泌,效应具有浓度依赖性;且高糖环境下促进作用更为显著。第三部分方法1.同实验一。2.各分为4个亚组:①空白对照组O(10%FBS的DMEM,72 h);②Fe2+组A(10%FBS的DMEM,48 h+0.05 mg/mL Fe2+,24 h);③胰岛素组B(10%FBS的DMEM,24 h+100 mIU胰岛素,48 h);④胰岛素+Fe2+组C(100 mIU胰岛素,48 h+100 mIU胰岛素及0.05 mg/mL Fe2+,24 h)。3. MTT比色法测定细胞增殖情况。4. ELISA试剂盒检测细胞培养上清中MPP-2含量。5.激光共聚焦法测定细胞内Ca2+浓度。结果1.正常组:与O比较,A、B、C各组VSMC内Ca2+浓度均升高,VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌能力增强。其中A、B组较C组促进VSMC胞内Ca2+浓度升高的作用高(P<0.01),促进VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌作用强(P<0.05)。2.高糖组:与O比较,A、B、C各组VSMC内Ca2+浓度均升高,VSMC增殖及MMP-2分泌能力增强。其中A、B组促进VSMC胞内Ca2+浓度升高、促进MMP-2分泌作用较C组强(P<0.01),三组促进VSMC增殖作用无明显差异(P=0.484)。3.正常组与高糖组比较:高糖组A、B各相应亚组间对VSMC增殖及分泌MMP-2作用较正常组强(P<0.05),C组两相应亚组间无明显差异(P=0.167)。高糖组A~C各亚组细胞内Ca2+浓度均高于正常组(P<0.05)。结论正常及高葡萄糖环境下,适当浓度的胰岛素、Fe2+能促进VSMC增殖、MMP-2的分泌以及VSMC胞内Ca2+浓度升高,且高糖组促进作用更为明显。正常及高葡萄糖环境下,胰岛素、Fe2+单独作用促进MMP-2分泌、VSMC胞内Ca2+浓度升高作用较胰岛素、Fe2+共同作用时强。促进VSMC增殖作用,在正常葡萄糖环境下,胰岛素、Fe2+单独作用时较胰岛素、Fe2+共同作用时强,但在高葡萄糖环境下三者作用无明显差异。

【Abstract】 BackgroundCoronary heart disease is one of the major diseases that threatens human health. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA)is becoming a popular and effective treatment for coronary heart disease. The use of drug-eluting stent help to reduce the incidence of in-stent restenosis(ISR) to 5~10%, but still can’t completely solve the ISR promble. Lots of multi-center, double-blind and randomized controlled study showed that the patients with diabetes have not as good effect and higher ISR rate than patients without diabetes[1-3]. For the mechanisms are still not fully understood, its clinical application is seriously affected. At the same time, some studies showed that ion leakage ftom metallic implant stens[4], and the dose of ion are various from type to type. The effect of the ion on adjacent vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMC) is still unknown. There was a study which found out that Fe2+ may extently inhibites the proliferation of VSMC[5], but it seems that this conculsion doesn’t apparently comply with clinical observation. So we utilized primarily cultured human umbilical vein smooth muscle cells (HUVSMC)(Passage3~5), and the Fe2+concentration gradient group which adopted from that study to carry out a study. We use used low glucose DMEM(5.5 mmol/L)to simulate the general human body microenvironment, DMEM with high concentration glucose(25 mmol/L) and high insulin to simulate the human body microenvironment under diabetes conditions, in order to elucidate the effects of Fe2+, insulin on proliferation and secretion of MMP-2, and to investigate the possible mechanisms of the ISR in patients with abnormal blood glucose and/or abnormal glucose tolerance, and look for clinical evidence.AimsThe aims of our present study were:1. to elucidate effects of Fe2+ on proliferation and secretion of MMP-2 in VSMC inculated with glucose.2. to elucidate effects of insulin on proliferation and secretion of MMP-2 in VSMC inculated with glucose.3. to elucidate effects of Fe2+ on proliferation and secretion of MMP-2 in VSMC incubated with insulin and glucose.4. to investigate the possible mechanism.Part OneMethodsThe umbilical vein was obtained by a sterile procedure. HUVSMC were derived following standard culture methods, and then divided to normal glucose(5 mmol/L, groupⅠ)and high glucose(25 mmol/L, groupⅡ)incubation. 1. VSMCs were divided into 6 sub-groups:①control group O;②Fe2+group A(0.00625 mg/mL);③Fe2+group B(0.0125 mg/mL); ④Fe2+group C(0.025 mg/mL);⑤Fe2+group D(0.05 mg/mL);⑥Fe2+group E(0.1 mg/mL). Cells were intervened for 24 h in 37℃and 5%CO2 incubator.2. VSMC proliferation was assessed with MTT method.3. MMP-2 secretion was measured with ELISAResults1. Normal glucose groupⅠ: compared to the control group O, proliferation in group B~Eincreased, P<0.05; the secretion of MMP-2 was promoted only in group E, P<0.01.2. High glucose groupⅡ: compared to the control group O, the proliferation and secretion of MMP-2 in group B~Eincreased, P<0.05, and the group D and Ewere the most evident.3. Normal glucose groupⅠvs High glucose groupⅡ: the proliferation and secretion level of MMP-2 in high glucose groupⅡ(sub-group B~E), was higher than normal glucose groupⅠ, P<0.05. ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that Fe2+could stimulated the proliferation of VSMC, and increase the secretion of MMP-2. Part TwoMethods1. The same as part one.2. Divided into 4 sub-group:①control group O;②Insulin group A(10 mIU);③Insulin group B(100 mIU);④Insulin group C(1000 mIU). Cells were intervened for 24 h in 37℃and 5%CO2 incubator. 3. VSMC proliferation was assessed with MTT method.4. MMP-2 secretion was measured with ELISAResults1. Normal glucose groupⅠ: compared to the control group O, proliferation and secretion of MMP-2 increased in all group, P<0.01, and was most evident in group B.2. High glucose groupⅡ: compared to the control group O, the proliferation in group A~B increased, P<0.05; and secretion of MMP-2 in all group increased, P<0.01; and was most evident in group B.3. Normal glucose groupⅠvs high glucose groupⅡ: the proliferation and secretion level of MMP-2 was higher in high glucose groupⅡ(sub-group A~B), P<0.05, but was lower in sub-group C than normal glucose groupⅠ. ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that insulin could stimulated the proliferation of VSMC, and increase the secretion of MMP-2 dose-dependent. Part ThreeMethods1. The same as part one.2. Divided into 4 sub-group:①control group O(10%FBS DMEM, 72 h);②Fe2+ group A(10%FBS DMEM,48 h+0.05 mg/mL Fe2+, 24 h);③Fe2+ group B(10%FBS DMEM, 24h+100 mIU Insulin, 48 h);④Fe2+ group C(100 mIU Insulin, 48 h+100 mIU Insulin and 0.05 mg/mL Fe2+, 24 h).3. VSMC proliferation was assessed with MTT method.4. MMP-2 secretion was measured with ELISA.5. The intracellular Ca2+ concentration was assessed by laser confocal microscopy.Results1. Normal glucose groupⅠ: compared to the control group O, the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of VSMC was augmented in all sub-groups, and was higher in the group A and B than in group C, P<0.01. The proliferation as well as secretion of MMP-2 were also increased in all subgroups, P<0.05.2. High glucose groupⅡ: compared to the control group O, the proliferation and secretion of MMP-2, as well as the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of VSMC was increased in all groups, and appearing the most prominent in group C.3. Normal glucose groupⅠvs high glucose groupⅡ: in the sub-group A and B in high glucose groupⅡ, the the proliferation and secretion level of MMP-2 was higher than normal glucose groupⅠ, P < 0.05. The intracellular Ca2+ concentration of VSMC in high glucose groupⅡwas higher than normal glucose groupⅠ, P<0.05.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate that Fe2+ could stimulated the proliferation of VSMC, and increase the intracellular Ca2+ as well as the secretion of MMP-2.

【关键词】 Fe2+人脐静脉平滑肌细胞葡萄糖胰岛素MMP-2细胞内Ca2+再狭窄
【Key words】 Fe2+HUVSMCglucoseinsulinMMP-2intracellular Ca2+restenosis

