

Development and Application of Hydralulic Support and Three-Machine Equiped System

【作者】 曾勇伟

【导师】 林在康;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 综合机械化采煤是21世纪采煤发展的趋势,而液压支架、采煤机和刮板输送机是综合机械化采煤的核心,是一个矿井生产的核心,是矿井安全高产高效的保证。液压支架与“三机”配套选型适当与否,直接影响整个矿井的生产效益的好坏。本论文主要介绍了以WindowsXP为开发平台,以VB6.0,Microsoft Excel2003,Word2003和AutoCAD为开发工具,利用OLE/COM技术实现对Excel、Word和AutoCAD的交互,并在此基础上研制出液压支架及“三机”配套选型系统软件。配套选型系统具有四个功能:采煤方法及工艺选择、支架选型、快速调用对应液压支架图和生成简易选型报告。该系统还具有界面友好,操作简单的特点。本论文前三章主要讨论了液压支架的基本知识、液压支架选型的原则及其计算公式,并且简要介绍了采煤机与刮板输送机的选型选择及其计算公式,同时简要阐述了“三机”配套的基本原则。第四章主要通过前三章的基本知识作为液压支架与“三机”配套选型系统的专家知识库,并且利用计算机编程技术实现液压支架选型的智能化,同时利用现有的“三机”配套数据库来实现“三机”配套的选型。用户还可以方便的查看所选择的液压支架及“三机”配套图,让用户更直观的掌握相关情况。另外,利用各种支架的特点作为知识库,本系统还可以自动生产选型报告,方便用户了解各种架型的适用条件和性能。第五章主要利用现有生产矿井的实际地质条件,通过选型系统实现液压支架及“三机”配套的智能化选择,同时证明了本选型系统的可靠性,通用性和实用性。第六章主要对论文进行总结和展望。本论文作为《采矿毕业设计手册》之第七分册《液压支架及“三机”选型》的主要内容部分。

【Abstract】 The fully mechanized coal mining is the development trend in the 21st century, while the hydraulic support, shearer and scraper conveyor are the cores of the fully mechanized coal mining and the mine production, they are key to mine safety, high yield and high efficiency. The entire mine production efficiency depends heavily on whether the hydraulic support and the "three-machine" is equipped proper or not.The paper introduced the hydraulic support and three-machine lectotype system developed using VB6.0, Microsoft Excel 2003, Word 2003 and AutoCAD2004 with OLE/COM technology on the platform of Windows XP. The system’s function can be divided into four parts: the choice of mining and technology, lectotye of hydraulic support, call hydraulic support’s draw, and the report of lectotype. The software’s user interface is friendly, and the operation is simple. Users could intuitive understand of the hydraulic support and the match of "three-machine".The first three chapters of the paper mainly introduce the rules and formulas of hydraulic support, and briefly introduce the rule and formula of the choice of shearer and scraper conveyor, and briefly introduce the rule of the match of three-machine . "Chapter 4 mainly use the knowledge of the hydraulic support and three-machine lectotype system described, the computer programming technology in order to intelligent selection the hydraulic support, and the existing three-machine database to three-machine lectotype. in the first three chapters .Users can conveniently view the equipment map of hydraulic support and the" three-machine. In addition, based on the characteristics of support, the system could automatically edit the lectotype report to let users understand the conditions of application and performance of every hydraulic.Chapter 5 implements the lectotype intelligent system, which makes choice of lectotype system based on the actual geological conditions of the existing mine. The system is proved reliable, versatile and practicable.Chapter 6 makes conclusion and prospects.The paper is the main part of Three-Machine Equipped Map which is the seventh fascicule of Graduation Design Handbooks for Coal Mining Engineering Majors (eight in all).

  • 【分类号】TD355.4;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1138
  • 攻读期成果

