

The Study on Land-Use Planning of Shuiyuan Town in Ying Kou Based on Ecological Theories

【作者】 周志宇

【导师】 冯志行; 邢军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着人们生态意识的提高,生态学及其相关理论已经被广泛应用到城市建设的各个领域,本文尝试在营口市水源镇总体规划过程中,将生态学理论与土地利用相结合,进行一定深度的研究。针对当前我国城市建设过程中土地资源利用与环境保护两大课题,论文在探讨了城镇土地利用可持续发展理论及其与生态学方法内在契合的基础上,以生态承载力分析、生态适宜度分析、生态敏感度分析及景观生态分析等生态学方法为切入点,尝试将生态理念纳入城市建设中,在自然与城市共生的前提下,寻求促进城镇功能区之间以及城镇与外围环境的和谐与平衡。论文在对营口市水源镇生态调研的基础上,对自然环境和建设环境进行了综合分析。针对分析中存在的问题利用生态承载力及生态足迹的方法对水源镇土地的生态容量进行了测算,在其基础上计算区域人口规模、城市的人口及用地规模;利用生态敏感度分析的方法找出水源镇内土地利用的非敏感区,在其基础上选择城市的建设用地;利用生态适宜度分析的方法对纳入城市建设的用地进行生态适宜度分析,在其基础上按照适宜区优先布局的原则,来对土地的不同功能区进行合理布局,创建人与自然和谐共生的人居环境;利用景观生态学的方法分析了水源镇土地的生态要素,在其基础上构筑了水源镇的生态特色景观格局。为了保证规划的可实施性,论文还提出了城镇建设过程中生态优先的实施措施。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the increasing of people’s ecological consciousness, ecology together with its relevant theories have been widely applied to all the fields of urban constructions. This thesis aims to establish a method of land application for Shuiyuan Town in Yingkou through the combination of ecological theories with land use theories.In the face of the dual tasks of land resource use and environmental protection in Chinese urban construction, this thesis, on the basis of the evaluations on urban land sustainable use theory and its inner coinage with ecological methods, tries to input ecological theories to the field of urban construction with the purpose of pursuing the harmony and balance between urban functional areas and their surrounding circumstances on the premise of the symbiosis of the nature and the city.This thesis carries out a comprehensive analysis on the natural and building environment of Shuiyuan Town after the study of its ecological surroundings. Several ecological theories have been applied in order to solve the existing problems. Firstly, the ecological footprint theory has been used to estimate the number of people there. Secondly, with the ecological sensitivity analysis, the ecological sensitivity zone has been selected accordingly. Thirdly, based on the result of ecological feasibility estimation, different functional areas of land-use have been laid out in order to establish a harmonious environment between nature and human being. Finally, the theory of landscape ecology analysis has been used to analyze the ecological characteristics of the land in Shuiyuan Town, which serves the basis to create its characteristic landscape pattern.To ensure the feasibility of the planning, this article also puts forward the measures of putting the ecology at the priority place in the process of urban construction.


