

Research on Digital Drive System of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

【作者】 李锦庚

【导师】 邹继斌;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电机制造技术、电力电子技术、微处理器技术和现代控制理论的发展,永磁交流伺服系统的技术已经达到了一定的水平,在现代工业生产中获得了广泛的应用。我国目前使用的高性能永磁同步电动机驱动系统绝大多数依赖进口,制约了我国在机器人和数控技术等相关领域的发展。本文分析了永磁同步电动机的数学模型基础,在此基础上介绍了永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统的三种常见策略,并对各自的特点进行了对比;接着验证了快速空间矢量脉宽调制法与经典空间矢量脉宽调制法的等效性。完成了硬件电路的设计,包括搭建以TMS320F2812为核心的控制系统,以SKHI22A为主的驱动系统,以及典型IGBT驱动电路分析与比较。最后结合快速空间矢量脉宽调制法,采用id=0的控制方案设计了系统的软件部分。提出了驱动系统中IGBT损耗计算的实用方法,并考虑了温度对各种损耗带来的影响。采用热阻等效电路法推导得出了散热器及功率器件各点温度的计算公式。接着对IGBT壳动态温度变化过程分析进行了理论分析,并对此进行了实验研究。介绍了驱动系统的死区补偿问题。采用平均电压的方法分析了死区效应的由来,提出误差电压矢量的概念。在对两种常见死区补偿方案进行分析与推导的基础上,提出了基于位置检测死区补偿的实现方案,实验验证了这种方法有良好的补偿效果;接着运用MATLAB/Simulink对基于时滞观测器的在线死区补偿进行了仿真研究,结果表明了该方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the development of motor manufacture technology, power electronics technology, micro-processor technology and modern control technology, permanent magnet AC servo system has developed to a high level and has been applied broadly in modern industry manufactures. Nowadays, most of the AC servo systems used in China are imported from other countries. This situation restricts the development of Chinese robot, digital-control and factory automatic equipment.Firstly, on the basis of analyzing the PMSM mathematical model, three current control methods of PMSM vector control are discussed in details, and made a comparison of their characteristics respectively. Then the equivalence of a fast space vector pulse width modulation method and classical SVPWM is proved.Secondly, the design of practical circuit is recommend, including control system based on TMS320F2812 and drive system based on SKHI22A,then the differences of different driver circuits of IGBT is analyzed and compared. Finally the id=0 control method of the vector control system based on the fast space vector pulse width modulation method is selected and designed.Thirdly, a practical method to calculate losses of the IGBT used in the driver system is presented, and the influence of temperature to the losses is taken into account. The heat resistance equivalent circuit of the dissipation system is analyzed and the calculation formulas of the temperature of the dissipation system are derived. The temperature variety of IGBT’s carapace is analyzed theoretically, and the experiment is done.Finally, the problem of dead-time compensation in AC servo system is presented. The Error voltage vector of the inverter caused by dead-time effects is analyzed by the average value method. On the basis of analyzing and deriving of two familiar dead-time compensation methods, a novel method of dead-time compensation based on position measuration is proposed, the experimental results verify that this method has a good compensation effects. Then an on-line method of dead-time compensation based on Time delay control observer is proposed by MATLAB/Simulink, the simulation of the system is carried out, and the simulational results verify the availability of the method.


