

The Study on Historical Architecture Square Landscape Conformity Design in Northeast Cities

【作者】 杜心舒

【导师】 邵龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的发展、振兴东北老工业基地战略的提出,东北城市的发展日新月异,现有的城市广场空间很难继续满足人们的生产生活需要,同时在中国的东北地区各城市,又各自拥有着不同的历史背景与深厚的历史文化资源,如何能够在城市发展的进程中,保持城市历史文脉的延续性、城市文化特色的完整性成为城市发展过程中必然出现的问题。历史性建筑作为城市记忆、历史文脉的主要载体,对历史性建筑的保护已经越来越受到重视。而广场作为城市公共空间的重要形式之一,合理科学的历史性建筑广场设计将成为历史性建筑保护的重要手段,能够为城市历史文脉的延续发挥作用。因多数东北城市历史性建筑所在区域均为老城区,历史性建筑广场已经存在,更多的是需要对其进行景观的整合设计。本文以东北城市历史性建筑广场为研究对象,旨对东北城市历史性建筑广场景观整合设计进行研究,对东北城市历史性建筑广场存在的问题进行分析,寻找可行的解决办法。通过对东北几个主要城市沈阳、长春、哈尔滨的历史性建筑广场进行现状调查,提出东北城市历史性建筑广场普遍存在的问题。在对东北城市历史性建筑广场的分类、影响因素及广场周围环境分别进行了阐释后,提出针对东北城市历史性建筑广场存在问题具有指导性的设计原则和在广场空间、功能、风格、物质要素等层面的具体设计手法。东北城市历史性建筑广场景观整合设计除了要对现存的问题进行共性的整合,还要充分考虑到城市的地域性特色和历史文脉的保护,为整个东北城市的发展起到积极的作用。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of Chinese economy, Revitalizing the old industrial bases in northeast China strategy proposed, development of the northeast city is very quickly, The space of city square is very difficult satisfy to people’s requirement of the production and living now, by the way, in the northeast area of China, Every one has the different historical background and deep in the past of culture, How can holding to continue the history of the city, the integrity of the city’s characteristic culture, n the development of the city, It has become an inescapable problem in the urban development process. Carries on the analysis to their main historical construction square landscape design.The historical architecture is the main carrier for the memories of the Urban and history, the protect for the historical architecture, Already got recognition more and more. the square shi one of city public space, Reasonable and science historical architecture square design, will become the important artifice for protect historical architecture, will exert contiuable for city history.This article is study about northeast city historical architecture square Landscape Design. The introduction, explanation the backdrop and meaning of the article, to construe about study actuality of the article, Meanwhile has limit to the conception, and educe study content and technique verdict of article, Through investigation, raised the problem, after analysis categories of square, impact,environment, Raised the principle and practices of the square landscape design.Except the common, the design must attention: protection the city history, Play a positive role for the northeast of China.

  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】542

