

Research on the Key Technology of Micro-Gear Assemble

【作者】 于丰源

【导师】 曲东升;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,工业与民用领域中的设备装置随着结构和功能发展的需要,一些装置从尺寸上要求越来越小,结构上要求越来越复杂。在加工方法不断出新的今天,微小型零件的装配技术,在各个方面都对微装配系统提出了更高的要求。无返回力矩钟表机构在引信中有着广泛的应用,因此,以无返回力矩钟表机构装配为例对微装配关键技术的研究具有重要的意义。无返回力矩钟表机构由4个构件组成,具有2级齿轮传动。结构复杂而且尺寸微小。针对机构进行装配任务分析,确定了机构各构件的装配顺序。根据各构件的不同装配过程,选择了过渡轮做为研究微小齿轮装配关键技术的研究对象。由于过渡轮尺寸小、结构复杂,因此,利用其装配过程的力信息对其位姿调整极为重要。本课题中采用六维微力/力矩传感器,通过对其精确标定,实现了力信息的采集。分析了齿轮装配过程的受力,根据力反馈信息,利用PID控制的方法实现了操作手的柔顺控制,建立了微装配机器人的力觉系统。从而能够及时的根据力信息判断其位置信息并做出调整,避免了装配过程中卡阻的产生。采用视觉和力觉相结合的装配策略,对齿轮进行装配,提高装配的准确率和速度。通过实验研究,实现了齿轮的装配,验证了力控制算法以及装配策略的有效性。本文的研究工作为一些复杂的微小齿轮装配提供了部分可以借鉴的理论和实践经验,有助于微装配技术的发展和应用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the requirement of the structure and function development of the equipments which belong to the industrial and civilian fields. These special devices increasingly demands on the smaller and smaller size, and on the more and more complex structure. With processing methods innovation, micro-parts assembly technology, in need of higher demand in all aspects of the micro-assembly system. So, the research on key technologies of the micro assembly is very important. Based on the analysis of the Micro-assembly technology, force sensor, force control, selecting the assembly of body clocks with no back torque, we study the key technology of the micro gear assembly. There are a large number of applications in the industrial and civilian fields.The body clocks with no back torque is made up of four components, and two gear transmission. Their configuration is complex and size is subminiature.At the level of institutions assembly mission analysis to determine the component agencies of the assembly sequence. According to the different components of the assembly process, select a transitional gear as the micro gear assembly key technology research. Due to the small size of the transition gear and complex structures, it is necessary to detect the assembly force in the process of micro assembly. In this system, an accurately calibrated micro-force sensor with six dimensions is used for detecting of force. Based on the analysis of the assembly, the system has realized the PID control of the gripper. So, the system can get the gear’s position and regulate it in good time according force information, avoiding the blocking of gears in assembling. The method fusing vision and force sensor was adopted to assembly the gears, which improves the velocity and the possibility of success. The assembly experiment was made, through which the gears was assembled correctly. That validated controlling algorithm and assembling methods.This research maybe provides some useful theories and experiences to the research of complicated micro gear assembly, is help to development and application of technology in micro assemble.

  • 【分类号】TP242.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】203

