

Damage Effects and Mechanisms Caused by Space Environments for High Modulus Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Matrix Composite

【作者】 宋刚

【导师】 秦伟;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 材料学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了揭示高模碳纤维/环氧复合材料在空间环境因素作用下的损伤效应和机理,分别研究了在-100℃~+100℃真空热循环和160keV电子、质子综合辐照条件下,M55J/AG-80复合材料力学性能、质量损失率、热膨胀系数等性能的变化规律,并采用FT-IR、XPS、SEM等现代分析测试手段对空间环境作用前后材料的微观结构进行了分析和表征。研究结果表明,在前100次热循环内,随真空热循环次数的增加,M55J/AG-80复合材料的拉伸强度提高;100次之后,随真空热循环次数继续增加,拉伸强度下降。在前50次内,随真空热循环次数的增加,复合材料的层间剪切和弯曲强度提高;50次真空热循环之后,随真空热循环次数继续增加,层间剪切和弯曲强度下降。经过200次真空热循环前后复合材料的0°热膨胀系数曲线几乎没有变化;90°热膨胀系数略有下降,但变化不大,这说明M55J/AG-80复合材料具有良好的尺寸稳定性。在160keV能量真空电子、质子综合辐照条件下,M55J/AG-80复合材料在经过0.5×1016/cm~2剂量辐照后,材料的拉伸、弯曲强度和层间剪切强度均有所提高;辐照剂量超过0.5×1016/cm~2,随辐照剂量的继续增加,材料的材料的拉伸、弯曲强度和层间剪切强度逐渐降低;在1.0×1016/cm~2剂量之后,随辐照剂量的增加,强度基本不变。质量损失随辐照剂量的增加而增加,在2.0×1016/cm2辐照剂量后趋于平缓。质量损失一方面由所吸附的气体、溶剂和小分子助剂挥发所致;另外同时发生主链化学键破坏,形成小分子产物从试样表面逸出。经过真空热循环后,性能变化主要由于交联密度的变化及界面脱粘程度变化所引起的,没有发生新的化学反应;在电子质子综合辐照作用下,复合材料性能的变化与树脂基体交联密度的变化密切相关。

【Abstract】 In order to reveal the damage effects and mechanisms of space environments on high modulus carbon fiber/epoxy composites, the changes in mechanical properties and mass loss ratio of M55J/AG-80 were investigated under vacuum thermo-cycling at the interval of -100℃~+ 100℃and irradiations of proton and electrons with 160keV. FT-IR、XPS and SEM were used to characterize the microscopic structure of composite before and after irradiation.Experimental results show that in the period of 100 times thermo-cycling, with increasing the cycles of vacuum thermo- cycling, tensile strength increased obviously. Then after 100 times thermo-cycling, with the thermo-cycling times increases continully, the tensile strength of the composites descends. In the period of 50 times thermo-cycling, the bend strength and interlayer shear strength increased. After 50 times thermo-cycling, with the increases of thermo-cycling times, the bend strength and interlayer shear strength descend. After 200 times of thermo-cycling, the 0°thermal expansion modulus is almost constant, the 90°thermal expansion modulus reduces a little, which indicates that the composites has good size stability.Under the irradiation flux of 0.5×1016/cm~2, the tensile strength, bend strength and interlayer shear strength increase. Then after the 0.5×1016/cm~2 irradiation flux, the tensile strength、bend strength and interlayer shear strength descend with the irradiation flux increases. While above the 1.0×1016/cm~2 irradiation flux, with the irradiation flux increases more, the strength is almost constant. With the irradiation flux increases more, the mass loss ratio accordingly increases . After the 2.0×1016/cm~2 irradiation flux, the mass loss ratio become steady. The reason of the mass loss is attributing to the volatilization of gas adsorbed in material、solvent and small molecule come from the breakage of chemical bond.After vacuum thermo- cycling, the change of properties are mainly owing to the change of the coupling density of chemical bond and interface linking intensity, and there is not new chemic reaction. Under the effect of proton and electron irradiation, the properties is mostly correlative to the coupling density of the resin.

  • 【分类号】TB332
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】435

