

Three Fingered Dexterous Hand Structure Design and Control Experiment

【作者】 高鹏

【导师】 高晓辉;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 具有多感知功能的机器人灵巧手作为提高机器人系统作业水平和智能水平的重要工具,成为机器人领域中一个重要的研究方向。灵巧手本体的结构和控制的研究是灵巧手研究的两个重要方面,它们对于灵巧手的操作性能具有致关重要的意义。本文源于国家863计划“新一代五指仿人灵巧手及其协调控制的研究”,并结合与南京理工大学合作的国防科工委“十一五”计划基础研究项目“微小型地面移动机器人轻型智能手臂的研究”,主要进行了新一代模块化的三自由度手指本体结构设计和控制的研究实验,并对三指灵巧手手掌和腕关节进行结构设计。三指灵巧手是由三个新一代模块化设计的三自由度手指组成,手指具有多种感知、集成化和模块化、高度数字化等特点。新一代三自由度灵巧手指采用机电一体化设计思想,将机械本体设计与传感、驱动、传动以及电气系统等统一考虑、合理布局,实现系统的最合理设计。通过采用盘式电机作为驱动及谐波减速器、齿形带传动方案,减小了手指的体积、降低了单手指的重量。模块化的手指结构简化了灵巧手的设计过程,提高了系统的互换性,便于维护。另外,灵巧手的手指布置方式、手掌的结构特点决定了灵巧手的抓取性能。本文根据手指的结构特点、尺寸等设计了三指灵巧手的手掌结构,并进行了抓取运动仿真。腕关节的功能是为了提高灵巧手的灵巧性能,简单的运动学和大角度运动范围是设计中追求的目标。本设计中采用驱动传动系统与关节分离的结构,使关节部分的尺寸结构更为合理。单手指控制是灵巧手控制系统的底层,其控制性能直接影响灵巧手的操作性能。本文首先基于手指结构,分析了手指和手掌的运动学。本文基于抗积分饱和PID控制算法,进行了手指的关节位置跟踪控制,并进而完成了笛卡尔空间的指尖位置控制。当灵巧手在完成与环境接触的作业时,手指的柔顺性十分重要,阻抗控制是实现手指主动柔顺的主要方法之一,得到深入研究和广泛应用。本文以关节力/力矩传感器提供的力信息和位置控制为基础,实现了基于位置的关节空间的手指阻抗控制。

【Abstract】 As an important tool to improve intelligent and manipulative levels of the robot, multi-sensory dexterous robot hand has become one of the most promising researches in robot field. Robot hand body and its control research are two main aspects of robot hand research, they decides to manipulative levels. Based on NanJing Institute of Technology’s program“Research on light mechanical arm of small vehicle”, a three freedom of degree modularized finger on international top is developed, a three-fingered dexterous hand and a two DOF wrist is design.The three-fingered dexterous hand has three identical modularized fingers. The finger has features of multi-sensor, modularity, integration, digitalization and so on. Adopting the idea of mechatronic integration and taking into account disposition of all mechanical part, electrical part, driver and sensors, the three-fingered hand has realized system optimization design. As a small workable robot system, every modular finger is integrated with drivers, sensors and communication system. Modular of finger reduces the design complexity of the hand, and enhances replacement ability and maintain ability. In addition, the collocation configuration of fingers and the structure of palm will decide the grasping ability of the dexterous hand. This paper will design the mechanical structure of the palm based on the finger’s dimension and structure, and process grasping analysis.The function of wrist is to improve the dexterity of three-fingered hand, simple kinematics and large angle workspace are the targets of the design. In the design ,the drive and transmission system and the joints are separate ,this make the dimension appropriate.As the base level of the hand control system, finger control directly influences the manipulative ability of robot hand. According to the finger structure, finger kinematics and dynamics is firstly analyzed, which will be used in finger control. By using a trajectory interpolation algorithm proposed by Paul, a joint position antintergral-saturation control algorithm is proposed, and then position control of finger tip in Cartesian space is done. When dexterous hand works, the finger compliance is very important. As one of main ways realizing compliance, the impedance control is studied deeply and implemented widely. According to the information of joint force sensor and position control of joint, a joint impedance control is achieved in the dissertation.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】791

