

Research on Competitive Competence of Industry Clusters in Northeast of China

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 姜明辉;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着区域经济一体化进程的推进,产业集群作为一种新型的经济模式,对经济发展的推动作用日益增强,通常是一个国家或地区的竞争力所在。就东北地区而言,由于经济体制落后、经济结构单一等原因,其产业集群的发展存在着诸多问题,如社会网络薄弱、创新能力低下,对经济的带动效应较差。因此,正确评价东北地区产业集群竞争力,认识其发展中存在的缺陷,对产业集群竞争力的提升以及东北经济的振兴意义重大。本文通过深入分析产业集群竞争力的内涵和国内外学者的研究成果,确定了以波特钻石模型为方法基础的研究思路。在对波特钻石模型用于评价产业集群竞争力的局限性以及集群竞争力的来源进行总结的基础上,建立了以生产要素、集群内部发展和联系、集群外部支持和竞争、国内外市场需求条件、政府和机遇为构成要素的产业集群钻石模型,并确立了各个要素的评价方法。在此基础上,本文运用区位商法识别出东北地区存在石油化工、农业、医药、钢铁和装备制造业五大集群,并用产业集群钻石模型对各集群竞争力进行分析和评价,认为东北地区五大产业集群在产业关联、产业策略、社会网络三个竞争要素上均存在问题,从而导致了集群竞争力的低下;个别集群还存在着生产要素供给不足、产业质量低下、人才缺失、外部产业支持薄弱等问题。为此,本文建议东北地区从规划集群布局、重组集群产业链、调整集群组织构成、培养创新环境等方面着手,强化集群内部产业关联,明确产业组织策略,完善集群社会网络,从而提升该地区产业集群竞争力。

【Abstract】 Along with development of regional economic integration, Industry clusters, as a new economic mode, have promoted competitive competence of countries and areas where it is. As to Northeast of China, as a result of traditional economic system and single economic structure, industry clusters there have many problems, such as weak network and inferior innovative ability which lead to low competitive competence and weak drive effect. So it is necessary to evaluate industry clusters’competitive competence in Northeast of China, finding it’s’superiority and flaw, which means much to improve of competitive competence and economic development.Combining literature in and abroad, this paper makes Porter’s diamond model as research foundation. Considering Porter’s thoughts and five sources of cluster’s competitive competence: local adhering, social network, value chain and clusters’structure, this paper establishes a new model form factors, developing and relationship, support and competing, market demand, government and opportunity. This new model is named diamond model of industry cluster’s competitive competence, which is applied on industry clusters in Northeast of China. First, five clusters is recognized by LQ, including petrol chemistry, agricultural, pharmacy, steel and equip manufacture. Second, competitive competence of each industry cluster is analyzed from six aspects of the new model. The conclusions are industry clusters Northeast of China have common problem in social network, industry relating and industry strategy; petrol chemistry, pharmacy and equip cluster have problem of their own. Then, suggestion as setting enterpriser’s spirit, cultivating innovative environment, layout industry distribution, reconstructing value chain, choosing right organizing is promoted to solve common problems.

  • 【分类号】F279.27;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】310
  • 攻读期成果

