

Design and Simulation of 2-Decoupled and 2-DOF Micromachined Gyroscope

【作者】 王浩

【导师】 陈伟平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 分析了当前国内外微机械振动式陀螺的发展现状,针对目前普遍采用的结构的优点和缺点进行了分析,在此基础上提出了一种基于体硅工艺的双自由度双级解耦结构的微机械振动式陀螺,并对该结构陀螺的原理、特性、设计、工艺等方面进行了分析研究。从理论上对双级解耦原理做了分析,并针对双自由度检测方式重新列写陀螺运动方程,针对该方程进行求解,并对解的特性做了相应分析。设计陀螺结构整体尺寸大约为4000μm×4800μm,结构厚度为80μm,检测质量块尺寸约为1950μm×1510μm。采用有限元分析软件对设计的结构进行了静态、模态、抗过载、解耦性能等分析,得出相应的陀螺结构参数。通过分析可知在陀螺工作状态下,产生的耦合噪声为输出信号大小的1%,结构在1000g的冲击下,所受到的最大应力为37.4MPa,远小于硅材料的屈服强度。针对双自由度检测的特点,采用方程等价性原理建立了陀螺电学模型,并采用该模型对双自由度陀螺的瞬态特性做了相应仿真。经仿真可知在20V直流偏置和6V交流峰峰值的驱动电压下,驱动位移为0.8×10-5m。并且,当输入角速度幅值为1rad/s时,第一检测质量块位移为0.3×10-8m,第二检测质量块位移约为1×10-8m,陀螺对输入信号的稳定时间为0.35s。根据双自由度陀螺运动方程建立了陀螺的数学模型,并采用该模型进行陀螺模态特性的仿真。经仿真可知陀螺的检测带宽可达500Hz,检测模态将出现两个峰值分别为9987rad/s和17810rad/s,以及一个极小值为2.042×104rad/s,从仿真中可以看出,双自由度检测的方式减小了品质因数对陀螺灵敏度的影响。对陀螺制作的关键工艺进行了简要分析,根据工艺条件制作了版图,并进行了陀螺工艺仿真。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the current research achievements on micromachined gyroscope are analysed. A bulk silicon technology based, 2-DOF(Degree of Freedom) and two-degree decoupled gyro structure is raised. The characteristics of the gyro structure is studied.The movement equation of 2-DOF gyroscope is solved. The solution characteristic is analysed after solving. The overall size of gyroscope structure is about 4000μm×4800μm with thickness of 80μm. The size of sensing block is about 1950μm×1510μm. Ansys software is used to analyse the static, modal, anti-overload and decoupling characteristics. According to the simulation, the coupling noise is 1% of the output signal. Under a 1000g impact, the biggest stress which the structure standed is 37.4MPa.A electrophysiological model is established, and the transient response of the gyro is simulated. From the results of the simulation, it is known that with 20V DC bias and 6V peak driving voltage, the driven displacement can reach 0.8×10-5m. When the amplitude of input angular velocity is 1rad/s, the first sensing DOF mass displacement can reach 1×10-8m, and the second sensing DOF mass displacement can reach 0.3×10-8m. The stability time of the gyro is 0.35s.According to the 2-DOF gyro equation, a mathematical model is established, and the modal characteristics is simulated. From the results of the simulation, the bandwidth can reach 500Hz. The sensing modal will have two peaks of 9,987 rad/s and 17,810rad/s, and a minimum value of 2.042rad/s. According to the simulation, 2-DOF sensing can reduce the effect of quality factor.The key technology of gyro production is briefly introduced. The masks is made according to process conditions, and the gyro process simulation is made.


