

Optimization for Inertial Trajectory and Study on the Quality Properties of Ballistic-Cruise Missiles

【作者】 贾波

【导师】 赵钧;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 弹道—飞航组合式导弹是一种基于助推—滑翔弹道概念的超声速跨大气层飞行器,是一种非常规弹道、能突破防御系统或航空母舰战斗群防线的精确制导武器。本文针对弹道—飞航组合式导弹的再入段轨道、弹道部分与飞航部分的质量分配问题展开研究与分析。首先,对组合导弹的主要参数进行分析,包括空气动力系数分析和组合导弹的结构系数分析两部分,为后面的工作做准备。其次,建立了组合导弹再入段的一般动力学方程和适合优化分析的查普曼变量方程,并简单介绍了优化方法,变分法和极大值原理。对于如何用变分法处理这类问题,也给出了简单的推导。这部分理论已得到充分发展,很适合飞行力学的最优化问题。再次,对导弹的再入轨迹进行了研究,得出了变分方程,对轨道进行优化,并对两种飞行方案进行了仿真分析,它们是有弹翼和无弹翼两种方案,并对两种方案进行了比较。之后,分别对弹道段,再入段和飞航段的质量—射程关系进行了仿真分析,由仿真结果可近似认为弹道段和再入段的飞行距离只与质量分配有关,弹道段与再入段射程随质量分配比增大而增大,飞航段则减小。在对再入段的分析中得到了利用最大升阻比滑翔飞行就射程来说具有良好近似的结论;得出了总质量和质量分配比的关系图。分析得:战斗部始终保持恒值的情况下最优比重则是随总重增加而减小的。最后,对全文所作的工作进行了总结,并阐明了本文所存在的不足和需要进一步所作的研究。

【Abstract】 The orbit of ballistic—cruise missile in reentry stage and the mass distribution between ballistic part and the cruise part are analyzed in this paper.The major parameters of the Aerodynamical coefficients and the structure coefficients of the missile are analyzed.The dynamics equation and modified Chapman equation are build. The optimization method with the variational method and the maximum principle is briefly introduced. The derivation of the variational method for reentry stage optimization is given. There is sufficient development for the theories, and it is suitable for optimization problem of flight mechanics.The orbit of ballistic- cruise missile in reentry stage is studied. The optimization of flight trajectory and variational equation are obtained. Two kinds of programs are analyzed and solved. Which are flighting with the wings and flighting with only missile body. And the simulation results of the two schemes are analyzed.The diagrams of ballistic stage, reentry stage and the cruise stage are obtained after the analysis has made. The similar conclusion from the analysis of reentry phase was gotten that flight with the maximum lift over drag ratio in the reentry stage could got the approximate answer; and diagrams between total missile range and weight allocation are gotten.At last, all works in the discussion are summarized, and the content which not perfect is introduced.


