

Research on Testing Technology of Pulse Laser Range Finding System Unit Performance

【作者】 陈守谦

【导师】 范志刚;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 光学工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 脉冲激光测距技术因其测距精度高、操作简便,在军事、大地测量测绘等领域得到广泛应用。在脉冲激光测距系统研制、生产、使用和维护中,通常采用实际测距的方法对测距机的性能进行检验。这不仅对靶标、场地有较高的要求,而且还要受大气能见度和检测时间等因素的制约。为了不受这些因素的限制,方便精确地对脉冲激光测距系统的主要技术性能进行定量或定性的测量和检验,人们努力探索用于测距系统的多功能、非接触、无损伤的测试方法。本文结合以往对脉冲激光测距系统主要技术性能检测方法的优点和不足,提出了一套能够对测距系统整机实现全面、快速、有效、准确检测的方法,对基于该方法的脉冲激光测距系统整机检测系统总体设计方案进行论证。检测系统同时实现对光束束散角、光束强度空间分布、激光脉冲波形、激光重复频率和每个脉冲稳定性、最大测程、测距精度和接收灵敏度进行测量。根据最大测程公式,利用可变光衰减器及微光功率计对最小可探测功率的测量,完成对测距系统最大测程的检测;利用光在光纤中走过的光程来模拟激光回波走过的光程,通过调节直角棱镜组之间的距离来进行光程的精确调节,从而利用光在检测系统中走过的光程来模拟目标反射回波,实现精确的动态距离仿真,对测距系统的测距精度进行测试;利用红外CCD进行发射光束的光斑图像采集,由计算机完成光斑图像的处理,处理后得出束散角及光束强度空间分布测试结果;利用高速光电探测器和示波器相连接,完成对发射脉冲激光波形、激光脉冲重复频率及每个脉冲稳定性的检测。对脉冲激光测距系统整机检测系统中各器件原理及技术指标进行分析;设计了检测系统中的准直及会聚光学系统,并对设计结果进行评价;对检测系统的测距、发射和接收能力测试中的测量误差主要来源进行分析,给出检测系统各测试部分的测试误差范围。

【Abstract】 Pulse laser range finding technology is broadly used in the field of military, geodetic survey, etc. because of the high accuracy and the simply operating. During the developing, producing, operating, and maintaining of the pulse laser range finding system, range finding is usually taken as a method checking the performance of laser range finder. But this method is restricted not only by the target, yard, but also by the visibility limit of the atmosphere and the time of the detection. For casting off the restrictions, the multifunctional, non-contact, and non-traumatic testing measurement is searched.Combining the advantages and the disadvantages of the previous methods testing the main technical characteristics of the pulse laser range finding system, a new testing technology which can rounded, fast, effectively, and accurately testing the range finding system is taken out in this paper. The overall designing scheme of a testing system based on this technology is demonstrated. The testing system can also realize the measurement of the divergence angle, the space distribution of the beam, the impulse shape, the repeat frequency of the laser, and the stability, maximum range, and the range accuracy of a single pulse.The test for the maximum range of the range finding system accomplished by taking advantage of the variable optical attenuator and micro optical power meter; the accurate dynamic emulation of the distance are accomplished by emulating the returning wave from the target through the optical distance light transmitted in the testing system., and further more testing the system’s accuracy of ranging. Images of laser spot are collected by the IR-CCD, then processed by the computer, and finally generated the testing result of the divergence angle and the space distribution of the beam intensity; the measurement to the waveshape of the radiative pulsed laser, the repeat frequency of the laser burst, and the stability of every single pulse are accomplished by the high-speed photodetector.The principle and the qualification of the complete testing system are analyzed; the optical system for collimating and converging are designed and evaluated; the main source of the measuring error during measuring the capability of ranging, emitting, and the accepting are analyzed, and finally the range of the measuring error in each part of the testing system is figured out.


