

Study on Space Integration of Development Zones in Urban Areas

【作者】 聂小艳

【导师】 黄希惠;

【作者基本信息】 中共江苏省委党校 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 开发区作为城市空间结构调整的主要载体、区域经济增长的主要空间、外商投资的密集区域,为国家和地方经济发展做出了重大的贡献,以开发区和工业园区为载体推动产业集群成长已成为区域经济发展的主流范式。然而,在开发区发展形势一片大好的同时,开发区型产业空间的过度分化造成了城市空间结构的分裂、空间资源割裂较为严重、开发区土地利用效益的低下、产业无序竞争、以及产业集聚效应不明显等。实际上,在一个城市内就存在多个开发区间的相互竞争。现实的竞争往往会导致开发区偏离其符合客观区位优势的发展模式,而采取与竞争者针锋相对的发展战略,从而导致城市开发区整体发展效益的下降。而城市开发区型产业空间发展中最常见的矛盾往往存在于产业空间与其母体城市、产业空间相互之间关系的处理上。因此,必须通过建立适当的整合机制来逐步消减非整合博弈所带来的负面效应,提高开发区型产业空间的内在协调性。本文共分为五个部分。第一章主要介绍了论文的研究背景和选题意义、国内外有关开发区的研究现状以及本文的研究思路、框架及方法。第二章阐明了城市开发区及空间整合的内涵,对相关概念的异同进行了比较,并引介了本文研究所依托的基础理论:区位理论、产业集聚和区域竞争优势理论、增长极理论、城市空间结构理论。第三章分析了我国城市开发区空间区位及结构模式,探讨了我国城市开发区的非整合发展的现实困境及原因,得出空间整合是城市开发区可持续发展的现实路径选择的结论。第四章以南京市开发区为个案进行了更为细致深入的研究。首先介绍了开发区的发展概况,然后分别对南京市省级开发区和国家级开发区的空间区位与经济效益相关度进行了分析,最后对南京开发区非整合发展的现状进行一定的探究,并提出了相应的开发区空间整合的对策建议。第五章主要是对本文研究的结论进行说明,分析了本文研究的不足之处,以及后续研究尚待进一步改进和拓展的领域。

【Abstract】 Development zone is the main supporter of space structural adjustment, the main space of regional economic growth and the dense space for foreign investing. It makes great contribution for economic development of country and locality. Promoting growth of the industry grouping-together with development zone or industrial zone has become the mainstream paradigm. However, excessive disparity of industrial space causes many problems: disintegration of urban space structure, fragmentation of space resources, low effectiveness in using land resources, disorderly competition, ambiguous effect of industrial agglomeration and so on. Actually, competition exists between development zones in the same city. Realistic competition always misleads the competitors to take opposite pattern which decrease the entire effectiveness of the development zones in urban areas. The common contradiction is between industrial space and urban matrix, and other industrial space. Therefore, it has to build proper integration mechanism to decrease negative effect step by step, which is good for enhance the inherent coordination.The paper consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, the paper introduces the research background and meanings, research status of home and abroad, research thought, structure and research methods. In Chapter 2, the paper clarifies the intension of development zone in urban areas and space integration, compares concerned concepts, and introduces the theory basis: Location theory, Industrial Agglomeration and Regional Competitive Advantage theory, Growth Pole theory and Urban Spatial Structure theory. In Chapter 3, the paper analyzes space location and structure patterns in urban areas, probes the practical difficulties and reasons of disintegration development. In Chapter 4, the paper takes Nanjing Development Zone as case to researches deeply; firstly, the paper introduces general situation, then analyzes the space location and economic effectiveness of provincial and national development zones in Nanjing; at last, probes the status of disintegration development of development of Nanjing and gives some advice for integration. In Chapter 5, the paper explains the conclusion, disadvantages and some field which needs to improve and expand.


