

Study and Implementation of Monitoring System Networking for Oil Well Based on Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 刘林

【导师】 贾磊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络(WSN)技术是一种新型的网络通信技术。它综合了传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、通信技术、分布式信息处理技术、微电子制造技术和软件编程技术等,能够实时感知、采集、传输和处理网络监控区域内各种环境或监测对象的信息,具有成本低、功耗小、机动性好、易实现的特点,在工业、环境、太空、智能家居、军事等众多领域具有巨大的应用价值。目前,在油田生产过程中存在原油被盗、管道泄露、油井产量突然变化、突然停井等问题,若发现不及时,将造成国家巨大财产损失,污染和破坏当地生态环境,甚至会引起火灾、爆炸等重大安全事故。油田科研人员经多年研究发现,管道漏油或油田停井时管道的压力和温度会有规律的变化,并在此基础上探索出了一套通过专利阀门根据输油管道压力、温度的变化去判断上述故障的理论。但仅靠人工实施成本高、效率低难以满足工业需要,因此迫切需要一种可靠、有效的监测解决方案。本课题结合这套检测理论,通过对胜利油田东辛采油厂实地考察,设计了一套基于无线传感器网络技术的低成本、低功耗的采油现场实时监测报警网络系统。该网络系统用于实现采油现场油井和输油管道的实时监测,能够及时检测和监控管道泄露、油田停井等现象,可有效减少财产损失、环境污染,防范安全事故的发生。同时该网络系统还能够检测采油井的产油趋势,为企业管理人员制定生产经营政策提供依据,有利于提高企业的管理水平。本课题对无线传感器网络监控系统的搭建、运行进行了详细的研究、设计。网络系统由传感器节点、汇聚节点和管理节点组成,分两级搭建,实现了数据采集,数据通信和数据处理功能。采用了无线传感器网络服务质量(QoS)技术,进行了信道侦测、信道迁移的抗干扰设计。同时对传感器节点的硬件和软件进行了低功耗设计,保证传感器网络具有较长的生命周期。汇聚节点利用操作系统的设计思想,任务之间相互协调配合实现了汇聚节点的参数设置、协议转换、数据转发、数据备份和系统报警功能,提高了网络系统的稳定性、可靠性和扩展性。通过管理节点和数据库服务器管理软件实现了数据存储、处理和分析。该网络系统中传感器节点采用电池供电,具有体积小,安装方便,防破坏能力强等特点。通信网络采用免费使用的ISM频段,无需布线,具有成本低、施工简单、维护方便。最后,为实现设计系统在采油现场的应用,利用两个搭建的测试网络对系统运行进行多次了测试,并对采集数据进行量化分析。检测数据表明该系统实现了输油管路的状态的检测和监控,进一步验证了该设计满足采油现场的监测需求。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a new kind of network technology for communication. It achieves the integration of many technologies, for example, sensor technology, embedded computer technology, communication technology, distributed information processing technology, micro-electronic manufacture technology and software programming technology. It can monitor, collect, transfer and process the real-time information of the object and environment in the area covered by the network. Wireless sensor network has the characteristics of low cost, low power and high mobility, and is easy to implement. So it can be applied in many areas such as industry, environment, aerospace, intelligent house, military, and so on.As so far, many problems widely occur in oil producing, for example, the stolen of crude oil, pipeline leakage, abrupt change and sudden stop of oil production. These problems not only can cause great economic losses, but also pollute the environment seriously if not detected in time. Seriously speaking, serious accident such as fire and explosion can also happen. It has been founded that pipeline leakage and production stop can cause corresponding changes to the pressure and the temperature of the pipeline. And a set of fault diagnosis theory based on the changes of pressure and temperature of the pipeline has been developed on the basis of the aforementioned work. But manual measuring can’t fulfill the industry need because of its high cost and low efficiency. So a kind of reliable and effective monitoring solution is needed urgently.In this paper, after investigating the victory oilfield and combining with the above detecting theory, a kind of field real-time monitoring and alarming system with the characteristics of low cost and low power is developed using WSN technology. This network system can be used to performance real-time monitoring of oil well and oil pipeline, so that problems such as pipeline leakage and production stop can be detected and controlled in time. So it can reduce property loss and environment pollution, and can prevent accident effectively. Meanwhile, the tendency of oil production can also be obtained via this network system to help the manager to make future policy. And it’s useful to improve the management of the whole enterprise.In this paper, we do deep research on design of the construction and operation of the Wireless sensor network monitoring system. The network system, which consists of sensor node, sink node and manager node, is divided into two stages and achieves data sampling, communication and processing. Wireless sensor network QoS(Quality of Service) technology is adopted to achieve anti-interference design of the channel detection and migration. It is ensured that the sensor network has a longer life circle due to the low power design of the hardware and software for the sensor node. For the sink node, parameter configuration, protocol transition, and data retransmission, and data backup, and alarm functions are achieved by using operation system design idea and coordinating different tasks. This greatly improved the stability, reliability and extensibility of the network system. Data storage, processing and analysis are implemented via the manager node and the database server management software. The sensor node in the network system is powered by battery, so it is of small size, and is easy to install, and performances well in anti-destructiveness. The communication network uses free ISM frequency and is wireless. So the cost is low, and it’s easy to install and maintain.Finally, performance of the system is tested for many times on two testing network and the data sampled are quantitatively analyzed, in order to run the system designed on the oilfield. It is shown that this system achieved detecting and monitoring of the oil pipeline. Additionally, it validates the effectiveness of the system designed in monitoring the oil production.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】585

