

On the Patent Strategy of Chinese Enterprise

【作者】 高倩

【导师】 崔立红;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 企业专利战略是企业知识产权战略的重要组成部分,是企业为获取及保持技术、市场优势,利用专利制度提供的法律、经济、政策等条件,对专利资产进行商业管理及综合运用的一种长远谋略规划和应对机制。它对于提高企业的技术水平和核心竞争力、促进我国民族自主知识产权的发展具有十分重要的意义。目前,我国经济快速发展,技术创新能力逐步提高,企业专利数量增加的同时专利侵权纠纷也随之增加,如何合理运用专利战略进行自我保护、赢得市场和发展空间,是摆在我国企业面前的重要课题。而在经济全球化的今天,国际市场的游戏规则也为我国企业提供了新的机遇和挑战,面对国外企业的专利战略出击和专利技术壁垒,我国企业更应该重视专利战略的构建、完善和运用,真正实现技术创新的资产化管理,增强国际市场竞争力。作者认为,我国企业专利战略不仅仅是一种或者几种专利运用战略,更应该形成一个综合性的专利无形资产管理及应用体系,具备完善的战略应对机制和战略执行机构。本文自企业专利战略的基本内涵入手,从法学和经济管理学的角度对我国企业专利战略的构建和实施进行了重点阐述:本文第一部分对企业专利战略的概念、目标、特征进行了介绍,简要分析了构建我国企业专利战略的必要性,第二部分对我国企业专利战略的现状特点和法律环境进行了分析、总结,在立法和司法制度方面与西方发达国家进行了比较,提出需要完善之处。在对我国企业专利战略实际情况和特点进行分析的基础上,作者在第三部分就我国企业专利战略的构建论述了自己的观点,提出了专利战略的制定原则,结合专利法律制度,从专利的申请、使用和保护三个阶段分别阐明了企业专利申请战略、专利实施战略、专利保护战略的机制和内容,以及企业专利战略管理机构的设立及运作。本文第四部分对于我国企业专利战略的实施和保护,结合司法案例和司法实践,就我国企业专利战略实施过程中应注意的法律问题和法律应对措施,特别是企业维权诉讼法律举证方式的合理运用进行了分析和强调。最后,本文第五部分对国家在构建企业专利战略中的引导和扶持作用进行了总结,提出几点建议和措施,就我国专利法律制衡问题也进行了初步探讨。作者期望通过本文的写作,能对我国企业专利战略的具体构建和实施提供一些思路及启示,起到一定的推动作用。

【Abstract】 Patent Strategy is a key part of the intellectual property plan for enterprises. It’s a foreseen instrument and responding mechanism for patent asset management and application by utilizing the law, economic and policy conditions offered by the patent institution, in the purpose of obtaining and maintaining technique and market advantages. Patent Strategy is significant in improving enterprises’ technology level and core competitiveness and in promoting national intellectual property development. At present, with the rapid economy growth, Chinese enterprises’ technology innovation capability is strengthening and their patent amount is enlarging, along with increasing patent infringement disputes. How to make self-protection by properly employing patent strategy to win broader development and market margin is a major issue for Chinese enterprises. In a globally integrated economy, the game theory in international market is bringing about both opportunities and challenges. Facing up with foreign enterprises’ patent strategy initiation and their patented technology barrier, Chinese enterprises shall pay more efforts in formulating, improving and utilizing a patent strategy to accomplish capitalized patent management for technology innovation and to strengthen enterprises’ competitiveness in the world market.The author considers that enterprises’ patent strategy is not only the comprehensive patent asset administration and application system, with a strategic responding mechanism and execution body. This thesis begins with interpretation of enterprises patent strategy and discusses, from the point of law and economic management, the patent strategy system build-up and application of Chinese enterprises.In part I of the thesis, the concept, target and characteristics of a patent strategy is introduced with draft analysis of the necessity of setting up a patent strategy; Followed in part II with analysis and conclusion of the present patent strategy situation and law circumstance. Comparing China with western countries on the patent legislative and judicial system, the author proposes where should be improved and amended. Based on analyzing with the actual situation and feature, in Part III the author proposes and discusses her views on establishing an enterprises patent strategy and its principles. Relying on patent law system, the author explains the mechanism and content by such three stages as patent application, implementation and protection, and explains the setting up and operation of a patent strategy administration body.In part IV, based on judicial cases and practices, the author makes analyzes and stresses the responding measures and problems, esp. the proper application of legal evidence offering methods in the process of implementing a patent strategy. In the end, the thesis summarizes the function a country shall play in helping enterprises to build up a patent strategy and brings forward several suggestions and feasible solutions and discusses preliminarily on patent law counterbalance.By this thesis as an impulse, the author hopes to provide some thoughts and inspiration for the setting up and implementation of Chinese enterprises’ patent strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

