

Design and Implementation of the Medical Instruments Information Management System

【作者】 张晓虹

【导师】 杨立才; 付礼霞;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 生物医学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅速发展,现代化的先进医疗设备是现代化医院的物质基础,是先进的医学诊治手段,医疗设备管理已成为现代医院管理的一个重要领域。因此,对医疗设备管理水平的要求也越来越高,对医疗设备从采购到维护、报废的整个环节,需要严格的科学管理,必须运用现代科学技术手段树立医疗综合管理思想,改进医疗设备管理工作,进行医疗设备的信息化管理,以获得最佳效益。目前的医疗设备信息管理系统都是各医院根据自身的特点和要求设计开发的,软件开发平台、使用的数据库、前后台操作系统各不一样,各软件之间的兼容性差。本人工作的山东省千佛山医院医学工程部,医疗设备信息化管理主要进行了医疗设备固定资产、卫生材料的计算机管理,并未进行医疗设备的全过程信息化管理。本课题针对我院医疗设备管理的现状和信息化要求,设计一套操作简单、实用的医疗设备信息管理系统。该系统要反映医疗设备的两种运动状态,物质运动状态和价值运动状态,以便于使用者、管理者和决策者比较清晰地掌握设备的运动过程;涵盖医疗设备管理的各个方面,做到全面、动态的管理;改善设备管理人员的工作强度,提高工作效率,为领导层提供决策依据。本课题研究的信息系统以我院现有的HIS系统服务器和计算机作为硬件设备,是HIS系统的一部分。系统结构采用C/S结构,数据库采用Microsoft SQLsever 2000,客户端程序利用集成开发工具Visual Basic 6.0进行各种设计。该论文首先介绍了医疗设备管理信息化的意义,医疗设备管理的要点,医疗设备信息系统的现状,指出了我院现有信息系统的不足,提出了本课题的工作目标和现实意义,然后论述了该系统的理论基础和方法,对医疗设备信息系统作了分析,进行数据库设计,最后展示了系统实现的相关的页面。该系统设计了设备申请管理、设备计划管理、设备合同管理、设备验收管理、设备固定资产管理、设备使用管理、设备计量管理、设备维护管理、系统设置九项功能,不同权限的用户进入该系统实现不同的管理功能及分析查询功能。通过对该系统的试运行,本文的设计是基本成功的。基本完成了医疗设备的全过程管理,规范了日常的工作流程,减轻了工作强度,提高了办事效率,并可为领导层提供决策依据。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of advanced technologies, hospitals are becoming more and more rely on the medical instruments to create precision diagnostic tools for human illness. In the meantime, medical instruments management is playing important role in the hospital management. With higher and higher expectation for medical instruments management, the process for medical instrument purchase, maintenance, and discarding needs to be under the strict scientific management. In order to get the best benefit from the advanced medical instruments, it is necessary for hospitals to implement information management system to improve their management by its advanced scientific method.Currently, most of information management systems for medical instruments are designed and developed based on different business requirements from different hospitals. Additionally, utilizing different software platforms, database servers, and operating systems causes the very poor compatibility between the systems. Our medical engineering department of QianfoShan hospital has implemented the information management only for the portion of asset of medical instrument, hygiene materials but not for the whole process for medical instrument yet.In the project, I designed easy-to-use and practical information management system of medical instruments for QianfoShan hospital. The system displays the two dynamic process statuses on material and value, which can help users, administrators and managers to view the dynamic process on the instruments based on their roles. It covers all the aspects of medical instrument management so that we can manage all the instruments dynamically and improve our workload and performance. It also provides the evidence for the decision makers.The proposed information management system integrated with QianfoShan hospital’s Hospital Information System (HIS). Its system architecture is based on Client/Server (C/S) model and the back-end database is Microsoft SQL 2000 server. Client side application is designed and developed by Visual Basic 6.0 and its library. This thesis firstly introduced the practical significance and the main points as well as the situation of medical instrument information management system. It went on to point out drawbacks existed in our own information system. Then the goal and practical significance of this project was highlighted. Finally, this thesis described the theoretical basis and method of this system, followed by system analysis, database design, and its interface implementation.The system provides the following functionalities and features: instrument applying management, instrument planning management, instrument contracting management, instrument verifying management, instrument asset management, instrument usage management, instrument measurement management, instrument maintenance management, and system configuration. It provides the different functionalities for information management and retrieval based on the different privileges. From the project pilot result, it is concluded that the project is very successful on its design and the implement of the whole process management. In the meantime, it establishes the work routine and improves users’ workload and performance. Additionally, it will provide the evidence for management people to make decision on medical instrument management process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】669

