

Analysis of the History Track of New China’s Cultural Diplomacy

【作者】 纪延昌

【导师】 张立华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化的快速发展和知识经济时代的来临,各国在政治、经济、文化领域的交往达到了前所未有的程度,文化在社会中的作用和地位日益凸显,国际社会对文化有了新的认识,文化外交地位的上升也成为一种必然。如何寻求具有自身特色的发展道路,塑造良好的国家形象,提升本国在国际上的地位,成为当前各国政府需要解决的首要问题之一。新中国成立以来,文化外交作为国家总体外交的一部分,在宣传中国革命成果、开创新中国外交新局面,以及促进我国改革开放初期的经济建设等方面做出了重要贡献。新时期,面对“中国威胁论”等危害中国国家形象的各种因素,中国追求“和谐”、“和平”、“发展”的精神理念,努力塑造一个开放的、和平的、负责任的国家形象。今天,我国已经意识到了除政治战略、经济战略和军事战略外,尤为要紧的是文化战略。在文化外交领域,有效的利用我国丰富的传统文化资源,制定合理又具有前瞻性的21世纪文化外交战略成为重中之重。近年来,中国加强国际文化对话合作机制建设,增加驻外中国文化中心的设立,通过大型文化项目进行文化交流,推动对外汉语教学,实施对外文化品牌战略,不断探索新的方法,推动中国文化走向世界,展示了文化外交的独特魅力。本文首先从文化外交的基本概述出发,对文化外交概念的提出、文化外交的含义及其属性进行分析与阐释。其次,从历史的角度回顾新中国成立以来文化外交发展的轨迹,分阶段对新中国成立以来的文化外交进行简单概述,试图合理地分析各个时期的文化外交,明确文化外交在总体外交中的地位及作用。最后,重点对我国文化外交的实施情况进行总结与反思,提出当代中国文化外交战略的初步构想,以期对我国的文化外交事业有所裨益。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization and at the era of knowledge economy, countries have communicated with each other more deeply and widely than before in politics, economy, and culture, culture is becoming more and more important, countries have a new understanding of culture, and have a Common sense about the status rising of cultural diplomacy. How to develop itself, how to create a good country image, how to raise the position in the world, become some most important questions to be solved.Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, cultural diplomacy, as a part of country’s comprehensive diplomacy, has contributed more on the propaganda of Chinese revolutionary achievements, the creation of new foreign situation, and the economic construction at the beginning of reform and opening, in the new period, in the face of several factors against China’s national image like ’China Threats’, China has pursued ’Harmony’, ’Peace’ and ’Development’ values with efforts to make opened, peaceful developing and responsible national images. Today, we have realized that culture strategy is also most important besides politics strategy, economy strategy and military strategy. In the field of cultural diplomacy, making full use of our rich traditional culture resource and making a reasonable and forward-looking strategy for the 21st century cultural diplomacy are the most important. In recent years, China has been strengthening the construction of international cultural mechanisms, setting up more and more Chinese culture centers abroad, carrying out cultural exchanges through large-scale cultural programs, promoting overseas Chinese language teaching, implementing international cultural brand strategy, exploring new methods all along, which has diffused the Chinese culture to the world, and showed unique charm of China’s cultural diplomacy.First, beginning with the basic outline of cultural diplomacy in this thesis, which analyses and interprets the putting forward about the concept of cultural diplomacy, the definition and its attributes of cultural diplomacy. Second, from history, reviews the track of the development of cultural diplomacy after 1949, it interprets simply the policy of cultural diplomacy, it tries analyzing the characters of each period cultural diplomacy and making clear the position and the result of cultural diplomacy in the main diplomacy. Finally, my summation and reflection focused on the implementation of China’s cultural diplomacy, put up the Conception to develop the present China’s cultural diplomacy strategy, I hope that it can make a little contribution to our cultural diplomacy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

