

Mt. Taishan-the Origin of No.1 among the Five Holy Mountains in China

【作者】 王建河

【导师】 任相宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 东岳泰山,西岳华山,中岳嵩山,南岳衡山,北岳恒山是中国境内的名山。泰山在五岳之中,高不如恒山,秀不如衡山,峻远逊于华山。为什么称之为“五岳独尊”呢?泰山何时起源,泰山何以独尊?自古以来,许多中外专家、学者不断研究、探索着其中的含蕴和奥秘。有关泰山碑刻、泰山文化、泰山宗教等方面的研究成果很多,尤其是关于泰山介绍性的文章繁多,但对泰山五岳独尊缘起的论证性文章却少之又少。况且这也是很难说清楚的。有学者认为,泰山原是大山的泛称,并不是某山的专名,其理由是“泰,太,大”三字互通,泰山的原始义为大山。因此,泰山是大山的泛称而非专名。泰山这一山名,历史上曾有过移动,西周、春秋初年的泰山是位于今平邑、蒙阴、费县三县之交的蒙山。该观点固然新颖,但论证不足。泰山的原始义为大山是对的,但不能说泰山是大山的泛称而非专名。甲骨文和金文中只有“大”字,没有“泰,太”字。后者是为区别“大”字而创新的后起字。泰山是为了别与其它大山,就成为专有名词,即山东泰安的泰山。因文化中心转移,泰山这一山名曾经有过移动,除泰沂山系以外,山东境内的新泰、肥城、临朐都有小泰山之说是可信的,但不可以作为泰山山名有过移动之据。因山名可重,但不可移。就像街道名称,北京有南京路、上海路,而不能说南京、上海就在北京一样。况且小泰山毕竟是小泰山,而不是大泰山。然而从该例证中更能看出泰山的威严。或许因当时的交通、经济、文化、生活水平等条件的限制,平民百姓就近祭拜小泰山来代替泰山的缘故吧。至于西周、春秋初年的泰山即蒙山之说,王恩田先生在《东岳泰山考辨》中论证了此说法是没有依据的。泰山之所以成为五岳独尊,首先源于泰山所处的特殊的地理位置和自然景观。我们的祖先在古黄河沿岸繁衍生息。黄河从发源地到下游地区,流经泰山被阻,须改道流入渤海成扇面结构。其次,东夷族是我国东部沿海的古老部族。东夷人的图腾崇拜中有不少氏族部落以太阳为图腾、以鸟为图腾、以龙、虎等为图腾。随着考古资料的增多,学术界又逐渐形成了海岱地区的史前文化属于东夷少昊氏、太昊氏为代表的文化这一共识。根据文献记载的少昊氏之后裔大都分布在山东及附近地带,与大汶口文化的分布范围吻合。第三,最重要的是泰山自古就是一座充满神话传说的“神山”。史料记载,从黄帝始祖开始有72位封建帝王崇拜泰山,视泰山为神山、圣山,不断地加以封禅祭祀有重大关系。第四,泰山文化的形成与发展是其它四岳无法比拟的。泰山文化主要包括:景观文化、封禅文化、宗教文化、人文文化和建筑文化等。泰山文化的精髓是:泰山的主题是发育万物,峻极于天;泰山的精神是顶天立地,大义凛然;泰山的个性是自强不息,坚忍不拔;泰山的品德是虚怀若谷,与人为善。总之,神话传说时期的泰山也好,历朝历代封建帝王祭拜的泰山也罢,作为中华民族的象征的泰山总是存在的。在战乱年代,泰山因屡遭蹂躏而满目疮痍。中华人民共和国成立后,泰山的面貌大为改观。1982年,国务院公布泰山为全国重点风景名胜区。很多专家、学者对泰山的地质、古生物地层、地貌、气候、水文、植物生态、历史、文学、美学、石刻艺术、建筑、宗教、园林、旅游等进行了多学科的考察、研究与论证。1987年12月11日,被联合国教科文组织的法国巴黎会议冠以“世界自然遗产和文化遗产”的桂冠。世界遗产专家卢卡斯先生在命名文件中评价说:“泰山兼有自然的、历史的、文化的价值,这是个好特点,这意味着中国贡献了一种特殊的、独一无二的遗产,”“泰山把自然与文化独特地结合在一起,并在人与自然的概念上开阔了眼界,这是中国对人类遗产的巨大贡献。”世界遗产委员会评价:庄严神圣的泰山,两千年来一直是帝王朝拜的对象,其山中的人文杰作与自然景观完美和谐地融合在一起。泰山一直是中国艺术家和学者的精神源泉,是古代中国文明和信仰的象征。难怪历史学家说,泰山是中华民族历史的局部缩影;哲学家说,泰山文化是中国传统文化中“天人合一”思想最为形象的代表;考古学家说,泰山是个大文物;文学家说,泰山是中华民族的精神家园;老百姓则说,泰山是座神山。本文试图从泰山的地理位置、直观形象和泰山文化诸方面,结合历史文献及文物考古资料考证“泰山—五岳独尊的缘起”。泰山的直观形象主要从几个方面展开论述:泰山的地理位置及地质地貌,泰山历经太古代至新生代的演变过程,即古泰山形成期—海陆演变期—今泰山形成期。泰山以独特的地理位置巍峨耸立于世界的东方,为世人所仰慕。泰山人文和自然景观既有雄、奇、险、秀、幽、奥、旷的迷人景色,又有旭日东升、云海玉盘、晚霞夕照、黄河金带、碧霞宝光、雾凇雨凇、云门天梯、云龙三现、石坞松涛、盛夏冰洞十大自然奇观和黑龙潭、扇子崖、天烛峰、桃花峪、对松山、三潭叠瀑、云步桥、壶天阁、小洞天、谷山胜景十大自然景观。尤其是登山过程中的十八盘,每迈一步,都是对登山者的意志考验,对人生追求的良好体味。从南天门,过天街,到达玉皇顶,沿途的艰辛,云消雾散,身处仙境,则心旷神怡,内心深处充满了伟大的成就感。泰山文化主要包括景观文化、封禅文化、宗教文化、人文文化、建筑文化等。尽管不同层面的人,对此有不同程度的理解和诠释,但是泰山文化的社会历史价值令其它四岳乃至世界其它名山羞愧不及。它的学术研究价值在于给考古学、宗教学、文化学、美学、历史学等社会科学的众多领域,带来富有意义的研究课题。泰山影响世人,世人需要“国泰民安”。正是“泰山精神”激励着世人,不断进取,创造着地球人共同家园的灿烂明天。

【Abstract】 Eastern Mount Taishan, Western Huashan, Mid-Songshan, Southern Hengshan (in Hunan) and Northern Hengshan (in Shanxi) are famous mountains in China. Among the five celebrated mountains, Mt. Taishan isn’t higher than Mt. Heng (in Shanxi), less beautiful than Mt. Heng (in Hunan) and far less precipitous than Mt. Hua. Why Mt. Taishan is rated as the " No.1 among the Five Holy Mountains"? "the Mount that dominates China", " No. among the famous mountains in the world"? Whenever does Mt. Taishan come from and however does Mt. Taishan become No.1? Many specialists and scholars of China and the other countries have constantly studied and researched its implications and profundities for long. There are many research results about Mt. Taishan’s stele inscriptions, the culture of Mt. Taishan , religions of Mt. Taishan etc., especially the articles are numerous to introduce Mt. Taishan , but the articles demonstrating Mt. Taishan—the Origin of No.1 among the Five Holy Mountains in China are very few. Besides this is also very difficult to say so. Some scholars thought that Mt.Taishan was the big mountains, but not a certain mountain’s proper noun , the reason is "Tai (泰) ,tai (太) ,big" the three words to exchange in usage. Mt.Taishan’s original meaning is big mountain. Therefore, Mt. Taishan is general terms of big mountains but not a proper noun. The name of Mt. Taishan had once moved in history, Mt. Taishan was Meng mountain which lied in the joint of Pingyi, Mengyin and Feixian in Xizhou , the early year of Chunqiu. The viewpoint is the new but no evidence. That the original meaning of Mt. Taishan is big mountains is right, but we can’t say Mt. Taishan is general terms of big mountains , but not a proper noun. There is only the word "big", but not the words "tai(泰), tai(太)". The latter is different from the word "big" to innovate promising and budding words. Mt. Taishan is separate from the other big mountains to become a proper noun, that is Mt. Taishan which is in Taian City, Shandong Province. The name had once moved because of metastasis of the cultural center. That the area of Shandong has small Taishans in Xintai, Feicheng, Linqu etc. is credible, but not the evidence to say its name having once moved. Because mountains can be named the same name, but the name cannot be allowed to move. Such as Beijing has Nanjing Road , Shanghai Road, but we can not say Nanjing , Shanghai are in Beijing. Besides small Mt. Taishan is small Mt. Taishan, but it isn’t big Mt. Taishan after all. Therefore the awe-inspring of it can be seen in the example. Probably because the conditions of traffic, economy, culture, living standard etc. are limited that time, common people offer a sacrifice to Heaven on the small Mt. Taishan instead of Mt. Taishan. So as to the saying of Mengshan was Mt. Taishan in Xizhou, the early Chunqu, Mr. Wang Entian had tested it in his "East Mt. Taishan Recognizing " and said the saying without any evidence.Why is Mt. Taishan called the Origin of No.1 among the Five Holy Mountains in China? First, Mt. Taishan has peculiar geographic location and natural landscape. Our ancestors existed in multiplying along the Huanghe River. The Huanghe River flows through Mt. Taishan from the headstream to lower areas, it is hindered by Mt. Taishan, it must change its flowing course into the Bohai Sea to become the covering of a fan structure. Secondly, Dongyi tribe is our oldest tribe in the east of China. People of Dongyi took birds, dragons, tigers etc. as their totems. With the data of archaeological studies increasing, academic circles have the common view that prehistoric culture of Haidai area belongs to Shaohao and Taihao. According to the document records, the descendants of Shaohao lived in the vicinity zones of Shandong. It is identical with the culture distribution range of Dawenkou. Third, the most important is that Mt. Taishan is full of "magical myth legend mountain " in ancient times. With historical material records , there are 72 emperors adored Mt. Taishan, regarding it as the magical mountain and sage Mountain , giving Buddhist unceasingly offering sacrifices to it so. Fourthly, the culture formatting and developing of Mt. Taishan is that the other four mountains have no way to compare. The culture of Mt. Taishan mainly includes: landscape culture, Buddhist culture, religion culture, humanity culture and building culture etc. Its culture marrow is: Mt. Taishan’s subject is developing all the things on earth, high and steep to the Heaven; Mt. Taishan’s spirit is indomitable spirit, inspiring awe by upholding justice; Mt. Taishan’s individuality is constantly strive to become stronger, form and indomitable; Mt. Taishan’s morality is modest and open-minded , giving help to others.In short, myth legend period of Mt. Taishan is all right, the past dynasties feudalism emperors held a memorial ceremony for it is well, Mt. Taishan is always in existence as the symbol of the Chinese nation. In those days of chaos and disasters caused by war, misery and suffering greeted the eyes everywhere on Mt. Taishan because of then destruction and devastation. It was not until the founding of the People’s Republic of China that the appearance of Mt. Taishan began to change. In 1982, the State Council promulgated Mt. Taishan on the list of the National Key Famous Scenic Spots and Historical Sites. A lot of specialists and scholars made a multi-scientific overall survey and study of Mt. Taishan in geology, paleontological stratum, landform, climate, hydrology, plant ecology, history, literature, aesthetics, art of stone sculpture, architecture, religion, gardening and tourism etc. As a laurel, the " World Cultural and Natural Heritage", the UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) granted the award to Mt.Taishan in the meeting of Paris, France on December 11, 1987. In the named document, Mr. Lucas, expert of the world heritage, said: " Mt. Taishan has natural, historical and cultural value. This is a smash feature. This means China makes a contribution of special, unparalleled heritage to the world". " Mt. Taishan specially combines nature and culture and broadens people’s outlook about the idea of human and nature. That is to say China makes the enormous contribution to human heritage". The Committee of the World Inheritance appraised: Solemn sacred Mt. Taishan has been the object which the emperors worshiped over the past 2000 years. Its humanity masterpieces integrate its natural landscapes perfectly. Mt. Taishan is always the source of Chinese artists and scholars’ spirits. It’s the symbol of Chinese civilization and belief in the ancient times. So that’s why historians say that Mt. Taishan is partial and local epitomes of the Chinese nation’s history; Philosophers say that the culture of Mt. Taishan is the best image representative of the idea " Heaven and Human Integration" in Chinese traditional culture; Archaeologists say Mt. Taishan is a huge historical relic; Literati say that Mt. Taishan is a spirit homeland; Common people say Mt. Taishan is a Divine Mount.From Mt. Taishan’s geographical position, audio-visual image and culture of Mt. Tai etc., I want to test " Mt. Taishan—the Origin of No. 1 among the Five Holy Mountains in China", according to historical documents, the data of historical relics and archaeology. Mainly discussing the characteristics of Audio-visual image of Mt. Taishan in the following: Mt. Taishan’s geographical position, geology and landform, it is undergoing the evolution from the Archaeozoic Era to the Cenozoic Era. That is: Ancient Mt. Tai form stage—the period of evolution from sea to land—now Mt. Tai form stage. Mt. Taishan stands in the east of the world at its special geographical position. It’s admired by the people in the whole world. There are imposing, rare, precipitous, elegant, secluded, profound vast sceneries of enchanting beauty in natural and cultural sides of Mt. Tai. It also has ten natural marvelous spectacles, such as the Sun Rising in the East, Sea of Clouds and Jade Plate, Sunset Clouds and Evening Glow, Yellow River Golden Belt, Bixia Niumbus, Soft Rime and Rain Rime, Yunmen Ladder to Heaven, Yunlong Three Appearances, Shiwu Pine Trees, Ice Hole in Later Summer, and ten natural landscapes, such as Black Dragon’s Pool, Fan-shaped Cliffs, Tianzhu Peak, Peach Flower Valley, Double Pine Trees Mount, Three Pools with Waterfalls, Yunbu Bridge, Hutiange Tower, Xiaodongtian, Scenery of Valley Mount. Especially Eighteen Winding Paths in the climbing process of Mt. Taishan, each step will test the climbers’ will and the climbers will savor the meaning of life. From South Gate to Heaven, passing the Heaven Street and reaching the Top of Emperor Zhang, you can feel the great sense of success and you are carefree and happy in the fairyland without any tiredness.The cultures of Mt. Tai mainly include landscape culture, culture of stele marking the occasion of conferring titles on, religious culture, humane culture and architectural culture etc. Although people with different professional knowledge understand and annotate it in different degrees, the social historical value of Mt. Taishan’s culture makes a shame to the other Four Mounts and the other famous mountains of the world. Its value of academic research lies in the research problems bringing a lot of rich significance to the fields of social science, such as archaeology , study of religion , science of culture , aesthetics and history etc..Mt. Tai affects the common people. People on the earth require " state prosperous and people at peace". Just " the spirit of Mt. Tai" constantly encourages common people to create the common home for the splendid tomorrow.

【关键词】 泰山五岳独尊缘起
【Key words】 Mt. TaishanNo.1 among the Five Holy Mountains in Chinaorigin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】K928.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】653

