

Engineering Professional Liability Insurance Study

【作者】 郝军伟

【导师】 孙玉芝;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 工程建筑行业是国家重点扶持的行业,近几年来,我国的工程建筑行业发展迅速,为国家建设做出了重大贡献。但是,由于工程建设行业自身发展不规范和新科技、新技术、新材料的不断应用,工程行业所面临的风险越来越大了。与之相对的是我国的工程风险管理技术落后,特别是对于高层次的责任风险,大家的意识更加淡薄。本文研究的目的是从工程的风险分析入手,通过对工程保险和责任险的综合论述,逐步的分析阐述工程职业责任保险的特点和必要性,并通过对国外先进经验的借鉴,找出促进我国工程职业责任保险发展的办法。本文的写作过程分为两步。首先对相关的书籍、资料、文献等进行分类和梳理,结合他们分析我国目前已有的研究成果、立法实践、投保情况等。然后分析我国工程职业责任保险实际运行中存在的问题,参考外国的成型做法和先进经验,提出解决问题的建议。本文共分为四章,第一章主要介绍了工程风险的特点、来源和我国对工程风险管理的理论研究情况,为下面职业责任的分析做好铺垫。第二章主要介绍了工程保险的相关理论,包括工程保险的特点和作用,以及工程保险在我国的发展历程,使大家对工程保险的整体有所认识。本章的后半段结合日本发展责任保险的经验,谈了发展该保险产品的几个措施。第三章主要介绍工程设计责任险,通过分析风险来源说明其必要性,通过对中国现在工程设计责任险情况的阐述和问题的分析提出解决建议。第四章主要工程监理责任险,首先对中国监理发展的新动向做了阐述,然后分析新动向对监理责任风险的影响,最后提出促进监理责任险发展的建议。通过以上四章的论述,本文想说明工程职业责任保险在整个保险业发展中的重要地位。希望更多人认识到在中国推行工程设计责任保险的必要性并积极的参加进来。首先,政府应当在立法、执法和政策制定等方面对工程职业责任保险全方位支持。其次,市场主体应当提高自己的投保意识。再次,要充分发挥行业协会和中介咨询组织的作用。最后,保险从业者自身应当不断努力以应对国外保险公司的竞争。

【Abstract】 Construction industry is the state’s key supporting industries, in recent years, China’s construction industry has developed rapidly, the building made a significant contribution to the state. However, as the construction industry failed to develop its own standards and new technology, new technologies, new materials, which continuous applicate of the risks faced by the industry increasingly larger. Correspondingly the project is China’s relatively backward technology risk management, in particular for high-risk levels of responsibility, we have a weak awareness more. The purpose of this paper is the analysis of project risks, through the project insurance and liability insurance on a comprehensive, step-by-step analysis of Professional Liability Insurance on the characteristics and the need for, and by the advanced experience from abroad, identify promote China Professional Liability Insurance project development approach.In this paper, the writing process is divided into two steps. First of all of the relevant books, information, documentation, etc. to classify and organize, and then there are the light of China’s research results, legislative practice, a combination of insurance situation. Then analysis of the professional liability insurance works practical operation of the existing problems in reference to overseas experience and advanced prototyping approach to solve a problem.This paper is divided into four chapters, the first chapter introduces the risk characteristics of the project, sources, and risk management of the engineering study on the theory, the analysis of the following professional responsibility to pave the way.Chapter 2 introduces the theory of insurance, engineering insurance, including the characteristics and the role of insurance in our country and the course of development so as to enable us to project the overall understanding of insurance. In the latter half of this chapter, with the development of the Japanese liability insurance experience on the development of the insurance products of several measures.Chapter 3 introduces engineering design liability insurance, risk analysis, source through its necessity, by China is now engineering design liability on the situation and propose solutions to the analysis of proposals.Chapter 4 of major projects to the Commissioner of liability insurance, the first of China’s Management Development done on the new trends and new trends on the Supervision of the risk of liability, the Commissioner concludes promote the development of the liability.Through the above four chapters of exposition, we would like to explain engineering professional liability insurance in the whole development of the insurance industry in an important position. Hope that the more people understand that the implementation of engineering design in China liability insurance and the need for active involvement. First, the Government should be in the legislative, law enforcement and policy-making aspects of the project, such as professional liability insurance all-round support. Secondly, the main players in the market should improve their awareness of the insured. Third, we should give full play to industry associations and the role of intermediary advisory body. Finally, the self-insurance practitioners should be a continuing effort to deal with foreign companies competitive.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】170

