

The Research of Present Age College Students’ Sexual Action

【作者】 刘莉

【导师】 王广振;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 世界史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当代青年大学生,是一个庞大的特殊群体,其性问题不容忽视。我国主流的性规范基本上是从传统社会中承袭的,在社会主义的条件下、特别是在市场经济的条件下,中国经济高速增长,中西文化交叉渗透,社会上多元价值观并存,大学生必须对中西方两种不同的性文化观进行正确评估和选择,对自己的性行为做出一种正确、客观的评价,从而避免滑向性失范和性罪错的道路。那么在中西文化视野之下,我们到底应倡导什么样的性规范、性价值观和性伦理原则,来解决大学生乃至大学生毕业后的性问题。第一章主要分析了当代大学生性行为现状与问题。包括大学生性行为的自然基础、现状和突出问题。在影响大学生性行为的三种主要因素中,性价值观对其性行为起着支配和决定性的作用。性生理因素、性心理因素是诱发大学生性行为的自然基础。自然是天性,可疏导而不可压制;大学生性行为的主要类型是自身性性行为、与异性的性行为和异常性行为,多发而普遍;存在的突出问题是大学生性心理不成熟,性道德水平没有跟上,引发的堕胎、性病、艾滋病等性健康问题日益凸现,甚至引发强奸、杀人等极端事件,问题严峻。第二章论述了大学生性行为的价值判断。包括:大学生的性价值观选择、汲取西方性自由化的教训和大学生对三类性行为的价值判断。大学生要汲取中西方性文化中的优秀成分,树立起正确的性价值观,这一价值判断的过程不是诉诸感情,而应该诉诸理性。西方社会因性革命、性解放导致大量性乱、轻率性行为,付出了相当沉重的代价。大学生接受完善的性教育和建立起慎重而不轻率的性态度、性观念非常重要。大学生应正确对待自身性性行为,适度有节制且不恐慌;大学生边缘性性行为要坚持爱和平等的原则;大学生婚前核心性性行为要符合爱、自主自愿、有利不伤害他人的原则,但应同时注意和预防婚前同居所导致的问题;大学生寻求或参与“一夜情”、多性伙伴、性乱等婚前性行为及婚外性行为甚至卖淫嫖娼,其价值判断是负面的,应该引起警惕并坚决反对和抵制。第三章论述了大学生性行为的主要伦理原则,包括:中国传统的性伦理、中国现代性伦理的新变化及大学生主要性伦理原则。中西方都不同程度上出现过神化的、罪恶化工具化的、快乐主义的三种性伦理模式。但也都忽略了从人的本质上把握其性行为。大学生的性行为必须遵循“个人与自然、个人与他人、个人与社会、个人与自身自然(亦即人的肉体与灵魂)之间协调发展”。大学生性行为应当遵循科学严肃的原则、爱的原则、有利和不伤害原则、责任和义务原则等主要伦理原则以及感性和理性结合、高尚情趣健康交往、情爱升华原则。第四章论述了如何全面加强大学生的性教育。主要包括性知识教育、性道德教育和性法制教育。性教育必须借鉴吸收中西文化中有益和优秀的部分。性知识教育是大学生性教育的重要内容,是性道德教育、性法制教育的基础和前提条件。性知识教育包括性生理知识、性心理知识两部分。性道德教育必须以人格教育为基础,以人性主义为指导,加强感情、伦理、道德教育,促进性道德价值观的健全和完善,包含性责任教育、贞操观教育、与异性交往方法教育、人格教育。大学生性法律意识教育可以分为性法律知识普及和性法律意识强化两部分。大学生应当正确认识“恋爱具有社会关系,并产生对社会的责任”,性行为必须要有所约束和控制,分清错与非错、罪与非罪的界限。本课题研究的意义。首先有利于当代大学生对中西方两种不同的性文化观进行正确评估和选择,对自身性行为做出准确客观的价值判断,并遵循中西方文化求同存异而形成的主要伦理原则,避免性失范、性罪错和不当性行为带来的伤害。大学是不同思潮和学术派别交锋的阵地,各种不同文化的矛盾和冲突较明显地存在于大学生的性文化观念中。当代大学生性观念一方面残留着中国传统文化的烙印,另一方面又越来越多地接受了西方文化的影响。在校大学生正处在传统的性道德与现代性观念的矛盾冲突中:对传统性道德的某些方面持赞成态度,对另外一些方面则不以为然;对现代性观念的某些方面接受很快,对另外的一些方面又持保留态度,性价值观念呈现多元化。传统与现代、开放与保守、理智与情感,确实令大学生面临一种两难的选择。其次有利于社会、学校、家庭和大学生本人系统了解当代大学生性行为问题的各方面,深入理解中西文化关于性价值观、性伦理观、性规范等方面的不同之处及其原因,知其然亦知其所以然,批判的继承,辨证的扬弃,加强大学生自我教育、家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育,并把性教育作为全程教育与终身教育,从而避免走西方社会性解放性自由的弯路。

【Abstract】 The young students of present age is a great special group, whose sexual issues could not be overlooked. The main trend of sexual mores of our country basically inherit from the traditional society. On the condition of socialism, especially the socialist market economy, the high growth of the Chinese economy, the Chinese and Western culture mixed together, and the multiple-values exist side by side, the college students should make the right assessments and choices between the two different sexual concepts of Chinese and Western. They should have a right and impersonal remark on their sexual action, so as to avert the abnormal or deviant sexual action. However, under the Chinese and western cultures, in order to solve the sexual issues of college students, what types of sexual mores, sexual values and sexual ethical principles do we advocate? The answer will be given from this thesis.Chapter One mainly discusses the present situation about college students’ sexual action. It includes the natural foundation, the current situation and the prominent problems of college students’ sexual action. Among the three factors affecting the college students’ sexual action, their sexual values play a dominant Ana decisive role in their sexual action. The sexual physiological and psychological factors are the natural foundation which including the sexual action of college student. Nature means instinct, which can be dredged away but not be suppressed. The chief types of college students’ sexual action are masryrbation behavior, sexual action with another of the opposite sex and abnormal sexual action. These three types are widespread. The existed prominent problem are the immature sexual physiological of college students and lower sexual moral levels, which caused induced abortion, veneered disease and AIDS, or even caused the exceedingly accidents like rape and murder. These problems are very grim day by day.Chapter Two illustrates the value judgment of college students’ sexual action. It includes three parts: the choices of college students’ views about sex derive lessons from Western sexual freedom and the value judgement of college students’ three kinds of sexual culture and construct the correct sexual values. Of course, the process of value judgment is not an appeal to emotion but to reason. The Western society pays a heavy price for its sexual revolution and sexual emancipation, which leads plenty of sexual promiscuity and indiscreet behavior. It is very important for college students to receive the perfect sexual education and build the prudent sexual concepts. College students should handle the masturbation behavior proper, college students’ sexual action of edge should insist the principles of love and equality, the pre-marriage nucleus sexual action of college students should conform to the principles of love, consersus and voluntarism and do not hurt other people. Meanwhile, they should pay attention to and prevent problems which caused by pre-marriage cohabitation. About the following sexual action of pre-marriage or outside marriage phenomena: college students seek and take part in the "one night sexual action", to look in for many sexual partners, sexual impropriety or even prostitution, and so forth. The value judgment of these phenomena is negative and should be vigilant to and against it firmly.Chapter Three discussed the chief ethical principles of college students’ sexual action. It consists of the historical retrospect of human sexual ethic, the human beings natural instinct and the basic contents of college students’ sexual ethical principles. At a certain extent, there occurred three sexual ethical modes of mythologize, evil and happiness in Chinese and Western country. However, both of them neglect the factor of human beings natural instinct so as to deal with the sexual action. College students’ sexual action should conform to the coordinated development of four aspects that are individual and nature, individual and other people, individual and society, individual and themselves<one’s body and his/her soul>.The sexual action of college students should conform to these principles of strict science, love, no hurts, and responsibility and obligation.Chapter Four discusses how to strengthen college students sexual education entirely, which includes sexual general knowledge, sexual moral education and sexual legal education. The sexual education must refer to or absorb the beneficial components of Chinese and Western culture. The sexual general knowledge is an important content of sexual education, which is also the foundation and premise of sexual moral education and legal education. The sexual general knowledge contains two parts of sexual psychological knowledge and sexual physiological knowledge. On the basis of personality education, with the normal human as a doctrine, the sexual moral education should intensify the education of emotion, ethical and morality, so as to enhance the standards of sexual mores, which includes sexual obligation education, chastity education, the methodology of communicating with the opposite sex and personality education. College students’ sexual legal education includes the popularization and consolidation of sexual legal knowledge. College students should recognize correctly that love is formed under the social relation and forms an obligation to the society. So the college students should have some limitations toward their sexual action, and distinguish right from wrong, having crime from without crime.The significance of this research: firstly, the research is beneficial to the present age college students to make the right assessments and choices of the two different sexual concepts between Chinese and Western country. According to the chief ethical principles formed by seeking common ground while reserving differences of Chinese and Western culture, it helps the college students to make correct and objective value judgment for their own sexual action and avoid hurts suffered from the abnormal sexual action. The university is a place where all sorts of different thoughts and academic schools mixed together. There obvious existed all kinds of different cultural contradiction and conflicts in college students’ sexual concepts. On the one hand, the present age college students’ Chinese traditional culture is left over their sexual concepts. On the other hand, they receive the Western culture more and more. So the college students are in the position of the contradiction of traditional sexual morals and modern sexual concepts. They hold the positive attitudes toward some aspects of the traditional sexual morals, while they also do not agree with the other aspects. They accept some aspects of modern sexual concepts quickly but hold some reservation for other aspects. So their sexual value concepts are multiple. The factors of tradition and modern, openness and conservation, sense and sensibility make the college students faced with two different alternatives.Secondly, the research is beneficial to the society, school, family and college students systematically to understand all aspects of present age college students’ sexual action. It enables them to know the difference between Chinese and Western culture about sexual value, sexual ethical principles and sexual standards, also include its causes. To know truly is to know by cause. So, in the process of learning and practice, people should inherit with a critical attitude and discard with a dialectical attitude. They should strengthen the college students’ education from themselves, family, school, and society and set up a system of life-long sexual education, so as to avert to follow the crooked way of Western society’s sexual emancipation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】G647.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2761

