

The Study of the Congshi Family of Wendeng in Shandong

【作者】 孙丽霞

【导师】 张友臣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 丛姓是当今中国姓氏排行第127位姓氏,人口较集中,约占全国汉族人口的0.1%,据初步了解和推算,丛氏现在有人口约40多万,分布在全国的140多个县市和香港、澳门、台湾等地区。在日本、朝鲜、泰国、新加坡、印度、缅甸、越南、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、俄罗斯、美国、墨西哥、巴西、加拿大、澳大利亚等国都有丛氏的后裔。目前,居住在文登境内的丛姓人口已过4万,约占文登总人口的6.25%,分布在市内50多个自然村。丛氏自在文登发源以来,以其强劲的发展势头、“崇尚人文,诗书传家”的美德和自强不息的优良族风成为文登一大家族,被列为文登丛、刘、于、毕四大家族之首。长期以来,史学界对文登这一家族的研究未有专文叙述。笔者在查阅大量正史、笔记、文集、方志、年谱等大量原始资料的基础上,走访了文登丛姓聚居较为密集的地区,参观了丛氏宗祠,力图揭示文登丛氏家族的发展,从丛氏的起源、兴衰、历史名人等方面进行了探讨,考证了“天下丛氏宗文登”、“丛氏与从氏本为一族”等观点。全文共分四个部分:第一部分探讨了“天下丛氏宗文登”一说的正确性、介绍了丛氏的宗源、宗祖,对丛氏起源时间、改姓缘由进行了论证,介绍了丛氏的世系表和外迁情况;第二部分着重于金元时期文登丛氏的盛况及其造成的影响,包括当时丛氏在朝为官人员盛况介绍以及朝代更替后对整个家族的影响,并对文登丛氏一世丛德佑之后裔支系进行分析,考证了“丛和从姓(指山东无棣县回族)本系一氏之族”的观点;第三部分介绍了文登丛氏的历史名人,主要有明朝南京工部尚书丛兰、清代文登丛氏族长丛麟州、教育家丛禾生、辛亥革命文登丛氏十烈士;第四部分着重研究文登丛氏的家族文化,主要内容有丛氏的宗祠、祭祀章程、祖茔、二十字辈份考、丛氏子弟的诗书佳句。总之,文登丛氏历经岁月的风雨洗礼,至今仍以文登为中心聚居,并仍然保持着邑之望族的强劲发展势头,抚今追昔,弄清其发端所在,流动的过程,变化的轨迹,对于了解历史,爱乡爱国,联络感情,内外交流,无疑都将起到积极的作用

【Abstract】 The surname Cong, (丛) in Chinese character, ranks 127th among all the family names in modern China. Based on a rudimentary knowledge, it is estimated that now there are over 400,000 people with Cong as family name, accounting for about 0.1% of all the population of the Han ethnic group. Densely populated, they are widely distributed in more than 140 counties and municipalities of mainland China and other regions such as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. In addition, their descendant can be seen in other countries such as Japan, North Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India, Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia, America, Mexico, Brazil, Canada and Australia, etc. By now , the Cong lived in Wendeng has already over 40,000,distributing in more than 50 vilages, which occupys 6.25% of the population in Wendeng.For a long time, the historians have left no special treatises on the study of the Cong clan originating from Wendeng. Having consulted a large quantity of original materials, including the official history, diaries, anthology, local chronicles and Nian pu (annual records), the author, in order to trace the history of its development, has called on the regions where the Wendeng Cong clan are densely inhabited, and paid a visit to the ancestral hall of the Cong family. By the discussion from the perspective of the Cong family’s origin, its rise and fall as well as its distinguished figures in history, some textual research are made that " all the Cong clans originated in Wendeng" and " the surname Cong (丛) shares the same root with another surname Cong (丛) in origin".This paper consists of four parts. The first part discusses whether the saying that "All the Cong clans originated in Wendeng" is well grounded, introduces the source region and ancestors of the Cong family, its lineage list as well as some information about their migration, and demonstrates the originating time of the Cong family and the causes for the change of this surname. The second part puts emphasis on the prosperity of the Wendeng Cong clan during the period of Jin and Yuan dynasties and its influences. It does not only introduce the good situation of the officials who are the descendant of the Cong family at that time and the impact on the whole family after the changes of the dynasties, but also analyzes a branch of the descendant of Cong Deyou, the first generation of the Wendeng Cong family, textual researches are mentioned that " the surname Cong (丛) shares the same root with another surname Cong (丛) (in Hui ethnic group) in origin". The third part gives an introduction of the renowned figures of the Wendeng Cong family in history, mainly including Cong Lan, the minister of the Nanjing Labor Ministry in Ming dynasty; Cong Linzhou, the chieftain of the Wendeng Cong clan in Qing dynasty; Cong Hesheng, the educator; the ten martyrs of the Cong family in the Revolution of 1911. The fourth part focuses on the family culture of the Wendeng Cong clan, including its ancestral hall, articles of sacrifice, ancestral graves, textual research on the 20-Chinese character about the position in the family hierarchy among various generations (二十字辈份考) as well as excellent sentences in books or poems written by people with the surname Cong.In conclusion, having gone through the ups and downs of the time, the Wendeng Cong clan still habitats around Wendeng and keeps a strong momentum of development as one of the notable families in the area of Yi. Reflecting on the past in the light of the present, making clear its origin and migration situation, and tracing its development will doubtlessly bring about positive effects on promoting the understanding of history, the love towards hometown and motherland, and effective communication between people both at home and abroad.

【关键词】 丛氏族源影响
【Key words】 the Cong familyRace source
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

