

Building Energy and Demand Response Simulation Model: Automatic Modeling and Calibration

【作者】 张荣元

【导师】 李歧强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济迅速发展,人民生活水平大大提高,与此同时建筑能耗也大幅度增加,据统计建筑能耗已经占我国总能耗的四分之一左右,并且其比例还在不断增加。进入新世纪以来,我国能源短缺的问题越来越严重,大力开展有关建筑节能的研究已经刻不容缓。随着计算机技术的进步,建筑能耗仿真以其快速、方便、成本低、不受地域气候限制等诸多优点成为进行建筑节能研究的重要工具,在建筑节能研究中发挥重要作用。能源短缺特别是电能短缺往往集中在用能高峰期,因此开展需求响应策略的研究,合理调配建筑运行状况,使建筑物在用能高峰期适当减少耗能量,将会在一定程度上缓解我国能源短缺的问题。目前建筑能耗仿真以及需求响应研究已经成为建筑节能领域研究的热点,也是本课题的重点。本文首先介绍了本课题的背景和意义以及建筑能耗仿真软件的国内外发展状况,总结了目前存在的问题,确定了本课题的研究内容。然后对建筑能耗仿真软件EnergyPlus作了简单的介绍,包括其特点、所涉及到的理论基础,并且与其他当前比较流行的建筑能耗仿真软件进行了比较,随后介绍了模型校正的基本概念以及当前应用于建筑能耗仿真的模型校正方法,并对这些校正方法进行了简要的比较。基于以上研究基础,详细分析了本研究所采用的基本模型,包括建筑物围护结构模型以及空调系统模型,阐述了需求响应分析的原理与方法,并在此基础上针对EnergyPlus建模复杂困难的问题,提出了自动建模方法并详细介绍了自动建模方法的原理与过程。接下来针对模型简化所带来的模型不准确问题,本论文给出了基于现代优化算法的模型自动校正方法,利用现代优化算法的搜索能力自动校正模型。最后简要介绍了基于EnergyPlus的建筑能耗需求响应快速仿真软件的开发,包括软件架构以及开发工具的选择等,并在此基础上以一所实际建筑为例验证了软件的有效性与可用性。通过以上研究以及对软件的开发与测试可以得出以下结论:EnergyPlus作为新一代建筑能耗仿真软件功能强大并且计算准确,使用它作为建筑能耗仿真软件的计算引擎是可行的。自动建模过程能够按照设计要求快速正确的建立EnergyPlus模型,解决了EnergyPlus建模困难的问题。基于现代优化算法的模型自动校正方法解决了模型不准确的问题。基于Delphi、AWK、DOS技术开发的建筑能耗需求响应仿真软件人机界面友好,输入简单,输出直观,能耗报告内容齐全,精度可以达到FEMP(Federal Energy Management Program)等标准的要求。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening of our country, we have gotten great development in the economic as well as people’s lives. At the same time the energy consumption of building is growing rapidly. According to the statistic it accounts for about one fourth of the whole society energy consumption and is still growing. After the new century coming, the problem of lack of energy is more and more serious in China. There is not much time left for us to do research about building energy savings. With the development of computer technology, building energy simulation becomes an important method in the research of building energy savings because it is cheap, convenient, fast and unlimited. The lack of energy especially the power always occurs at peak load time. So through the demand response research, adjusting the running of buildings properly may reduce the energy consumption at peak load time and this reduction will help to resolve the energy problem. Building energy simulation and demand response research have become new research focus now. They are also the focus of this thesis.In this thesis, the author first introduced the background and the importance of this research and analyzed the shortcuts of current building energy simulation tools. Then the author introduced the building energy simulation software—EnergyPlus briefly including its characteristics, related theory and simple comparison with other famous building energy simulation tools. Likewise the basic model used in this thesis and the demand response modeling method were given as well as the automatic modeling method and process. In the following, the author introduced the model calibration method in detail, including basic calibration method, model assessment criteria and particle swarm optimization algorithm. At last, a simulation tool based on above research was developed and an example was given to illustrate the function and the validation of this tool.Through above research and software development and test, the author got the following conclusions. As the new generation building simulation software, EnergyPlus is powerful and veracious. It is reasonable to use it as the kernel of building energy simulation tool. Automatic Modeling process can make a correct model quickly. Modern optimization algorithm works well in the automatic model calibration, which can find optimization solution automatically. The building energy and demand response quick simulation tool developed by Delphi AWK and DOS works perfectly. Easy input and visual output make this tool easy to use. In addition, the report of this tool is comprehensive. The accuracy of this tool meets the requirement of Federal Energy Management Program(FEMP).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

