

A Study on the Development of Jiuquan’s Cultural Tourism Resources

【作者】 田雪蓉

【导师】 韩英;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 迈入21世纪,中国的经济与文化发展进入了一个新的融合时期,产业结构调整稳步推进,文化产业作为中国经济的重要支柱产业已经引起各级政府部门和整个社会的高度重视。文化旅游是文化产业的一个组成部分。文化旅游资源的开发,就是要挖掘旅游资源的文化内涵与特质,将其开发成为旅游吸引物,以实现旅游活动的文化产业经济过程。合理的文化旅游资源开发能够为旅游地提供劳动就业机会、加快当地旅游基础设施建设、联动相关产业发展、保护资源环境,对当地区域可持续性发展产生良好的经济、环境与社会效应。酒泉是一个国家历史文化名城,是古“丝绸之路”上的一颗明珠、第二条“欧亚大陆桥”上的枢纽、西陇海——兰新经济带上的重点区域、西北内陆干旱区河西走廊绿洲经济带的“发展中”地区。其特殊的地理位置、历史沿革和气候条件,造就了酒泉深厚的文化底蕴和丰富多彩的自然、人文旅游资源。举世闻名的丝路文化、敦煌艺术、大漠风光,独特的民族风情、绿洲经济、雪山戈壁景观以及奇特的生态环境等得天独厚的文化旅游资源,潜力巨大,具备发展国际性大旅游经济的资源环境优势和市场潜力。随着文化旅游业的兴起和酒泉旅游热线的推出,“古代飞天”和“现代航天”已经被作为酒泉文化旅游资源的标志和品牌。故从文化产业发展的角度对酒泉旅游资源的文化含量与保护开发进行更深层次的综合研究,就显得很有必要。通过广泛调查和研究,本人以为目前酒泉文化旅游业还存在产品档次低、品种单调、缺乏市场运作等问题。要让文化旅游资源在本区旅游经济、文化旅游产业的发展中发挥最大作用,必须遵循市场经济规律,深层次开发文化旅游产品。本文立足于全面论证酒泉文化旅游发展的战略定位,从生态环境、历史文化等多角度分析当地文化旅游发展的态势;以文化产业发展理论、旅游经济学、生态经济学与区域经济学等理论和方法为基础,将酒泉文化旅游业置于西部大开发、区域生态经济发展之中;系统阐述了文化旅游资源的基本概念、基本特征和开发影响因素,将文化产业组织学与现代经济学理论中的一些研究成果结合起来,重点研究酒泉文化旅游资源的合理开发、产业化可持续发展与资源保护三者之间的相互关系。根据旅游资源可持续开发的相关原则,重点分析:酒泉地区文化旅游资源开发的环境、现状及区位优势;文化旅游资源开发对当地经济发展和其他行业有何作用与联动影响;如何挖掘与凸显本地区旅游资源的文化内涵,从产业化发展的角度,确立酒泉文化旅游资源的文化产业开发模式;如何走可持续发展的道路,在保护中开发。本文通过对这些问题的研究和基本理论的运用,依据资源基础和市场导向,提出了酒泉文化旅游经济发展的模式、产业规划及项目开发的对策及建议:即以市场需求为导向,突出主题,形成特色;注重发掘文化内涵;与生态环境建设有机结合,走产业化、可持续发展之路;多渠道融资,搞规模经济;大力发展旅游电子商务,加大旅游宣传力度;妥善处理与相关产业的关系,促进和谐发展。以期能够通过对该论题的思考,在学术研究上有所突破,并对酒泉文化产业、特别是文化旅游业的发展有所促进。本文共分为五章:第一章是导论,从理论角度分析和界定了历史文化名城、文化、旅游、文化旅游概念、文化旅游资源、旅游业、旅游经济与旅游规划等相关概念;阐明了本研究的意义、思路,并对国内外的相关研究进行了梳理。第二章分析了酒泉地区文化旅游资源的历史发展进程及文化旅游资源的分类、特点、数量和规模。第三章探讨了酒泉文化旅游业发展的现状与优势。第四章阐明了文化产业与文化旅游业的关系,构筑了论文的理论基础,即文化旅游资源开发的产业化发展理论等。第五章是本文的重点和创新之处,分析了酒泉文化旅游资源开发中存在的问题,提出了酒泉文化旅游资源开发规划的原则和模式。同时,对酒泉文化旅游资源开发进行了再认识,并探讨了酒泉文化旅游资源可持续性保护开发的措施。

【Abstract】 With China entering the 21st century, the development of China’s economy and culture has entered a new period of integration, the readjustment of the industrial structure has been pushed forward steadily, and the cultural industry, as a major pillar industry of China’s economy , has caught a higher attention of the governments at all levels and the whole community. Cultural tourism is an integral part of Cultural industries. Developing cultural tourism resources is to tap the cultural connotation and characteristics of tourism resources, make them become tourist attractions, and to achieve the economic process of cultural tourism industry in the touring activities. Reasonable development of the cultural tourism resources can provide employment opportunities for the tourism place, speed up the building of the local tourism infrastructure, joint the development of other related industries, protect resources and environment, and produce good economic, environmental and social effects for the sustainable development of the local region.Jiuquan is a national historical and cultural relics, a pearl of the ancient "Silk Road", the hub of the second "Eurasian Continental Bridge" the focus on regional economic belt of the West Longhai - Lanxin reailway line,and a "developing" area of Economic Zone of Hexi Corridor Oasis in the Northwest inland Arid Area. Its special geographical location, history and climatic conditions, create a profound cultural heritage and a lot of natural and cultural tourism resources in Jiuquan. Because of its world-famous Silk Road culture, Dunhuang arts, desert sceneries, unique ethnic customs, economic oasis, snow-capped mountains , peculiar ecological environment, and other unique cultural tourism resources ,which are of great potential Jiuquan has got the environmental advantages of resources and market potential to develop an international tourism economy. With the rise of cultural tourism and launching of tourism hotlines in Jiuquan, "the ancient flying apsaras" and the "modern space" have been regarded as the sign and the brand of cultural tourism resources of Jiuquan. Therefore, it is necessary to study the cultural contents , development and protection of Jiuquan’s tourism resources comprehensively and deeply according to the perspective of the cultural industries.Through the extensive research and investigation, I think that for Jiuquan’s cultural tourism, currently there are still many problems such as lower product grades , monotonous variety, lack of market operations and so on. In order to make the cultural tourism resources play their maximize roles in local tourism economy and the development of tourism industries , we must abide by the rules of market economy and develop the cultural tourism products in the depth.Based on a comprehensive demonstration to the strategic positioning of the development of Jiuquan ’s cultural tourism, this paper tries to analyze the development trend of local cultural tourism according to the ecological environment, history and culture from multi-angles. Based on the theories and approaches of the development of cultural industries, tourism economics, ecological economics and regional economics, it puts Jiuquan’s cultural tourism in the great western development and the economic development of regional ecology. It systematically illustrates the basic concepts, basic characteristics and factors affecting the development of the cultural tourism resources, combines with some research results in the theories of the modern economic management and the cultural industries ,focusing on the research of the relationships among the rational development of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources ,the sustainable development of industrialization , and protection of the resources . In accordance with the relevant principles of the sustainable development of tourism resources, it focus on analyzing the environment, current status and locational advantages in the development of Jiuquan’s regional cultural tourism resources ,what roles and interactions the cultural tourism resources development has for local economic development and other sectors, how to mine and highlight the cultural connotations in Jiuquan’s regional tourism resources and to establish the model of cultural industrial development of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources , from the perspective of the industrial development. It also analyzes how to take the path of sustainable development and to develop in the protection. Based on the research of these issues and the application of the basic theories , according to the resource base and market-orientation, the essay puts forward the economic development model of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism, strategies and recommendations to the industrial planning and project development: that is, to meet the market demand, bring the theme into prominence and form a feature, to mine the cultural connotations, to take the path of industrialization and sustainable development combining with the construction of the ecological environment, to get multi-channeled finance and engage in scale economies, to vigorously develop the tourism e-commerce and increase the tourism propaganda, and to handle the relationships with other related industries, promoting the harmonious development. With a view to make some breakthroughs in the academic research, I hope this paper can improve the development of Jiuquan’s cultural industries, in particular the development of its cultural tourism industries.This paper is divided into five chapters:Chapter1 is the introduction. From the point of view of the theories, it analyzes and defines the concepts of historical and cultural relics, culture, touring, cultural tourism, cultural tourism resources, tourism, tourist economy ,tourism planning and other related concepts .It also clarifies the meaning and ideas of this study, reviews and sorts out the related researches at home and abroad.Chapter2 analyzes the historical development process of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources, their classification, characteristics, the number and the scale.Chapter3 talks about the status quo and the advantages of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism development.Chapter4 clarifies the relationship between cultural industries and cultural tourism, builds up the theoretical basis of the thesis, that is, the industrial development theory of cultural tourism resources development.Chapter5 is the focus and innovation of this paper. It analyzes the problems in the development of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources, and puts forward the principles and patterns of development planning of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources. Again it thinks about the development of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources, and discusses the measures taken in the sustainable development and protection of Jiuquan’s cultural tourism resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1377

