

A Study of L1 Use in EFL Classrooms of a Vocational-Technical Collge

【作者】 陈东梅

【导师】 王俊菊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,母语在外语教学中的作用已经成为一个热门话题。在应用语言学界,越来越多的学者已经意识到第一语言的使用在外语课堂教学中占一席之地。许多调查研究发现,由于种种原因,多数教师在英语课堂上经常运用母语来辅助教学。在中国,对高等职业教育中外语课堂的研究还为之甚少。为了丰富相关的研究领域,本文对一所高等职业院校的英语课堂中教师的母语使用情况进行了实证研究,旨在揭示高职英语课堂中的教师使用母语的特点,进而回答高等职业院校英语课堂中教师使用母语的频率怎样;教师在何时使用母语;以及影响教师使用母语的因素等问题。本文主要数据来源于调查问卷、课堂观察和访谈。研究者对42名教师和226名学生进行了问卷调查;同时对5名教师进行了课堂观察及面谈。分析发现:绝大多数教师和学生们赞成适当地使用母语,因为这样会对学生的学习有帮助;教师和学生们普遍认为老师在课堂上使用汉语的频率不应超过教师话语的30%,但在实际应用中却因情景不同而差别很大。教师使用母语主要是在讲解语法及语言知识点、管理课堂时,翻译中也涉及母语的频繁使用。影响教师语言使用的最重要的因素是学生的英语水平、文化差异:认知因素、情景因素(如母语水平和课堂气氛),教师个人的教学理念、知识水平、性格特点(包括心理状态及身体语言)等也是重要的影响因素。基于这样的结果和发现,可以看出在英语课堂上使用母语是有帮助性的,而对于高职院校的英语课堂教学来说则更加明显。但是,不同条件下母语的使用程度以及使用目的不同,需要教师仔细权衡教学环境和自己的能力等因素来决定课堂上的语言使用。针对研究发现进行讨论之后,本论文探讨了这些发现对实际教学的启示,最后指出了本研究的一些局限并对今后相关领域的研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, studies focused on the role of mother tongue (MT) have become one of top concerns. More and more researchers in applied linguistics have come to recognize that L1 still plays a part in ESL/EFL classrooms. Many class observations and studies show that teachers switch to the mother tongue (MT) frequently for different purposes in EFL classrooms.In China, little research is done on vocational-technical college EFL teaching. To enrich the relevant literature, this study tries to explore the teacher’s use of the mother tongue (Chinese) in English classrooms of a vocational-technical college, so as to find out the features of teachers’ language choice in college English classrooms. It aims at describing teachers’ practice in Chinese use and answering the questions of the frequency of teachers’ use of Chinese in the vocational-technical college EFL classroom, the situations of teachers’ L1 use in the EFL classroom, and the possible factors affecting teachers’ L1 use in the EFL classroom.The data of the study come from questionnaire, classroom observation and interview. Altogether 42 College English teachers and 226 students were investigated in a questionnaire survey and five teachers were interviewed after classroom observations. It has been found that most students and teachers approved of a judicious use of Chinese, which, according to them, could help the students learn English well, and that the extent of teachers’ use of Chinese was expected to be less than 30%, but the use in natural teaching process varied according to different situations. Teachers seemed to use L1 more frequently in teaching grammar, explaining language points and managing the classroom; and teachers mainly used Chinese for translation. Students’ language proficiency and cross-linguistic difference were of great concern when a teacher decided on which language to use. Cognitive factors and situational factors such as mother tongue’s efficiency and atmosphere were also found important, in addition to teachers’ own attitude towards the use of L1, English proficiency and personal quality (emotional state and body language, etc.).Based on the discussion of the results and findings, this study concludes that in EFL classrooms, the mother tongue plays a complementary and facilitative role, especially in vocational-technical colleges. The extent to which the mother tongue is used under different conditions should be considered by teachers themselves according to factors such as teaching environment and their own abilities. Some pedagogical implications are discussed and limitations of the study and suggestions for further studies are finally provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

