

The Research on James Legge’s the Works of Mencius

【作者】 张静

【导师】 周晓瑜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 历史文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 理雅各(1815—1897)是苏格兰近代著名的文献翻译家,是对中国典籍进行系统研究、翻译的西方汉学家之一,在中国文献典籍翻译史上有着极其重要的地位。他最重要的著作是《中国经典》和《东方圣书》两个系列,其中《孟子》堪称《中国经典》中的经典译作,是综合反映理雅各翻译水平与功底的典范之作,也渗透着他的翻译思想、方法与创新。理雅各在翻译《孟子》时,将东西翻译理论、东西宗教思想相融合,使用了多种翻译方法。他把传统的儒家释经方法运用到翻译实践中,视其为自己翻译时的标准和座右铭,主张儒家思想与基督教思想平等、互不矛盾,论证了两种思想在济世救人上的一致性,提出了儒、耶互补互学的思想,为中国古籍西译奠定了新的指导思想,开创了新的道路。本文从以下四个方面详细论述了理雅各的翻译思想:1:宗教渗透的翻译表现论反映出理雅各在宗教思想指导下的翻译观;2:济世救民的翻译价值论反映出理雅各对自身翻译的价值取向及对翻译价值意义的认识;3:东西交流的翻译目的论则反映出理雅各进行翻译的最终目的;4:“不以文害辞,不以辞害志。以意逆志,是为得之。”的翻译标准,一方面体现了他强调等值翻译、不拘泥于字句、发挥译者能动性的思想;一方面又体现出他所受儒家文化洗礼影响之深。在翻译方法的使用上,理雅各则广泛采用多种科学研究方法,力求使译文达到与原文一致的效果。在翻译方法上,他主要使用了考据法、索隐法、直译法、注释法、意译法、补充法、省略法、对比法、音译法、造词法等。译评、译注、前言、索引则包含着他的翻译创新点。理雅各独创的译评可反映出他的政治思想、宗教思想和历史观;译注体现出他在古籍翻译时所秉持的翻译思想和方法;前言和索引则体现了他的文献研究方面取得的成就和创新,包括对汉唐之际《孟子》研究流派进行梳理、提出版本真伪、为英译本亲作多重索引等。理雅各《孟子》翻译的风格主要为翻译态度严谨务实、翻译文风古朴典雅以及基督教与儒家思想的完美融合。理雅各的翻译思想决定了他的翻译风格,宗教思想的影响是理雅各风格形成的最主要原因。理雅各在翻译思想与方法上的探索与成功运用是他学术研究上的成功,也是中国古典文献英译上的成功。他的思想与成就也顺应了现实社会的需要,为后世古典文献翻译提供了借鉴,对后世文献翻译的发展产生了重要的影响。

【Abstract】 James Legge (1815-1897) was a very important and famous Chinese Classic translator in modern times. He was also one of sinologist who researched and translated the Chinese Classics systematically. He got a remarkable status in the history of Chinese Classic translation and Chinese Classic research. His most important and influential translations are The Chinese Classics and the Sacred Books of the East, however, The Works of Mencius is the quintessence of the whole works which could inflect his profound translation skills and translation ideology.Of his translation ideology, he mixed the east thought with the west thought together; he claimed that the Confucianism and the Christianity could be supplementary to each other. This article states his translation ideology from following points:1: religion thoughts should be expressed by translation;2: rescuing world and people is the value of translation;3: exchanging and communication between the east and the west is the aim of translation;4: "not insist on one term so as to do violence to a sentence, nor on a sentence so as to do violence to the general scope, try with their thoughts to meet that scope, and then we shall apprehend it" is the standard of translation.On the aspect of translation methods, many were used, making the translated text having the same effect with the original text. He mainly adopted textual criticism, symbol, literal translation, annotation, free translation, complement, ellipsis, comparing, transliteration, neologism. His probing in translation theory and methods was successful and useful. We can draw lessons from his achievements. The annotations of translated text, preface and indexes include his new creations of Chinese Classics’ translation, which inflected his point of view on politic, religion, world, and history, and also testifying his achievements on Chinese Classics researching."rigorous". "archaic"、"culture blending" are the styles and manners of the translator. The missionary experiences brought the translation a deep religious characteristic quality. His translation style inflects his attitude and preference in writing and translating. Legge combined both Chinese traditional translation theories and Weston translation theories together, thus, opening a new way for us to study the old ancient orient classics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

