

The Research for the Exploitation and Application of the Revolutionary Culture Resources in Yi Meng Mountainous Area

【作者】 杨玉

【导师】 周晓瑜; 牛淑萍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 红色旅游起源于上个世纪六七十年代瞻仰革命圣地的热潮。尽管当时还不是严格意义上的旅游,但在人们心中已经建立起潜在的旅游品牌形象。随着经济的发展,人们越来越深刻地意识到,红色年代里的那种超越生命极限的奋斗精神也是经济创业进程中的宝贵财富,并以此作为教育下一代的精神理念。所以,积极发展红色旅游,努力打造红色旅游品牌,是新形势下人文精神的回归,也是区域旅游产业的创新主题之一。本课题主要运用了供给---需求匹配模型,从宏观角度对沂蒙山(临沂市)革命文化资源进行深入研究。研究过程中运用了文献法、对比法、SWOT分析法以及实证与规范分析相结合法,从红色旅游资源的供给、需求,内、外部环境进行详细的分析与论述。并结合临沂市旅游资源现状以及市场需求等多方的因素,对临沂市发展红色旅游,开发红色旅游产品、线路以及产品的营销方面提出了一些意见和建议,旨在为临沂市发展红色旅游提供一写有价值的参考:1、强化精品意识,突出沂蒙品牌。要在细节上要下功夫,使产品结构齐全,基础设施完善,导游解说生动,接待服务规范,监督管理到位。在众多的红色旅游经典中拥有自己的特色,从而有更强的竞争力,占有自己的地位。红色旅游不仅在国内要大力开发和宣传,还要走国际化之路。2、进一步强化红色旅游的区域合作。临沂市的红色旅游在注重内部发展的同时,应该加强区域合作,与周边红色旅游景区结合起来。政府要起到主导作用,旅行社要积极开展调研,开发和提供丰富多彩的红色旅游线路,向精品红色旅游线路看齐。3、融入当地悠久的历史文化。临沂市的历史名人灿若星辰,光照千秋,折射着沂蒙大地人杰地灵、钟灵毓秀的光辉。这是临沂不可多得的宝贵财富,要把这些文化与红色旅游结合起来,避免旅游开发的庸俗化,将这些革命遗址打造成净化旅游者灵魂的革命朝圣地。4、加强景区管理,提高导游人员素质.红色旅游的教育性除了在观赏上,更多的在讲解上,所以对导游人员素质的要求特别高,除了语言的传播,还要有精神的传播,因此要提高自身的修养和素质,成为红色革命的旗帜。5、注重当地生态环境的保护。红绿结合,这是考虑到红色革命旅游区多在地理位置较偏的地方,自然环境良好。但是不能以当地的生态环境为代价来发展旅游。要以可持续发展为原则,处理好发展旅游与保护生态的关系。6、努力开展特色旅游纪念品。红色旅游除了听讲解,看遗址,买红色旅游纪念品也是红色旅游不可缺少的一部分。要与当地文化结合起来,或者另辟蹊径,开发特色的红色旅游纪念品。7、深挖资源潜力,加大营销力度,强化市场运作。以孟良崮战役为例,此战役深入人心。除了原有的历史遗址,我们要挖掘更多深层次的东西,挖掘里面的感人肺腑的故事,挖掘里面的光辉的革命精神,加大宣传,以开展一系列的活动,如“寻找当年的孟良崮战士”等主题活动,更好的推广景区景点。在坚持政府主导的同时,要进一步强化市场运作的力度,将资源挖掘,通过市场的运作提高资源的观赏性、经济性、政治性,并不断上升到一种文化的层次,这是红色资源开发与发展的良好模式。8、加强对沂蒙精神的宣传。沂蒙精神是中国典型的革命精神,有着与西柏坡精神、井冈山精神、延安精神、长征精神一脉相承的革命价值和意义,要多渠道、多方式、多角度的宣传沂蒙精神,使沂蒙精神传播的更远,才能吸引更多的外地游客,而不仅仅停留在本地及周边地区。

【Abstract】 The Red tourism, the tourism in the revolutionary areas, deprives from an upsurge of visiting revolutionary places in the 1960s and 1970s. Though strictly speaking, it doesn’t deserve the name of tourism at that time, yet it has already become a would-be brand for tourism in people’s heart. With the development of economy, people have gained an increasing awareness that the struggle spirit of exceeding life limit in the revolutionary age is the valuable wealth in the progress of initiating a career. And we should take it as the spiritual belief to encourage the next generation. Therefore, the action of trying to create a tourism brand is the revival of humanism in new situation, and also one of the innovative themes of regional tourism industry.Here it mainly applies the mode of supply and demand to deeply research the revolutionary culture resources in YiMeng Mountainous Area (LinYi city) from macroscopic perspective. And during the process, it has carried on empirical analysis and discussion about the supply and demand, interior and exterior of the Red tourism resources by the way of using the documents, comparing and SWOT analysis. Besides, according to the market demand, the current situation of tourism resources in Lin Yi city, and other factors, we have also come up with some views and advices, which aims to offer useful reference for the development of the Red tourism, the exploitations and sales for its products and so forth:1. Strengthen the consciousness of top quality and give prominence to the Yimeng’s trademark. Put great efforts in details to make sure that the product structure is complete and the infrastructure is improved; the guide’s narration is vivid and the hospitality is standard. In addition, the regulation and management should be proper. Among numerous classic Red Tourisms, Yimeng should have its own characteristics in order to have more competitiveness and maintain its status. We should not only exploit and propagate it domestically but also keep pace with the international tourism.2. Reinforce the regional cooperation within the Red Tourisms. While paying more attention to the internal development of Linyi City’s Red Tourism, we should reinforce the regional cooperation and integrate with the Brown Tourism scenic spots all around. The government should play the leading role. The travel agencies should conduct investigations and researchs actively, exploit and provide varied tracks of Red Tourism in order to run neck-and-neck with that of the top quality.3. Blend into the local time-honored history cultures. The reputations of the historical celebrities shine like the stars and influence the world for thousands of years, which reflect the brilliancy of the Yimeng land giving birth to outstanding people. This is the god-given valuable assets. It should combine these cultures with Red Tourism and avoid the vulgarization of tourism exploitation so as to construct revolutionary sites to pilgrim place of psychic-cleansing.4. Reinforce the management of scenic zones and improve the qualities of the tour guides. Besides on the ornamental aspect, the instructiveness of the Red Tourism reflects more on the narrations. So it requires the high qualities of tour guides, not only on the disseminations of language but also on the spiritual disseminations. Thus the tour guides should improve their self-cultivation and quality as well as become the representatives of the Red revolutions.5. Attach Importanca to the conservation of the local ecology environment. The ecology environment should develop simultaneously with the Red tourism, because the attracting tour sites in the revolutionary place are mostly located in the remote areas with well-preserved natural environment. The local ecology environment should not become the victime of tourism. We should take the sustainable development as the principle and succeed in dealing with the relationship between tourism and ecology conservation.6. Strive to develop the distinctive souvenir. Apart from listening to the guide’s narrations about the revolutionary area and seeing the relics, purchasig souvenirs has also become another indepensable part. The Red tourism should be integrated with the local culture,or develop in an original way by developing the distinctive souvenir.7. Fully develop the potential of the resources, and intensify the promotion. Take the Meng lianggu battle, an influential one , for example, in addition to the previous relics, we should try to find the deeper things and stories which can touch people’s heart, as well as the brilliant revolutionary spirits. Moreover, we should strenthen the the publicity for the spirits and initiate a series of programmes to popularize the scenic spots, such as the programme with a subject of "searching for the soldiers in the Meng lianggu battle".8. Initiate a complete systerm oriented by the resources, market and culture, with the markey as its key point. When the Red tourism is dominated by the government, we should also consolidate the function of the market, as well as fully exploit the resources. We should try to boost the Red tourism to a culture level through the regulation of the market. In such way, the Red tourism will be properly exploited and developed.9. Reinforce the publicity of the revolutionary spirit in the Yimeng Area, the so-called "Yimeng Spirit". The Timeng Spirit, the typical revolutionary spirit, has as much grand significance and values as the Xibaipo Spirit, the Jinggang Mountain Spirit, the Yan’n Spirit and the Long March Spirit. Thus, we should give publicity to the Yimeng Spirit in different ways and from different perspectives, striving to make it more widely accepted. Only in such way can the spirit draw more tourists and become attracting not only in the local area but also in the neighbouring regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

