

The Contemporary Visual Culture under the View of Esthetic Modernity

【作者】 刘瑶青

【导师】 王汶成;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会发展过程中产生了两种不同的现代性趋势,一是启蒙现代性,一是审美现代性,前者表现为主体性和理性化的确立,及其对社会生活方方面面的影响与制约;而后者则在美学与艺术领域强调人的灵性、本能与情感需求。审美现代性既是对启蒙现代性的认同,又是对它的对抗,从感性出发捍卫主体性,却又以感性为基础来反抗理性的霸权。作为现代性的有机组成部分,这两种现代性本是同根同源,互为补充的,但随着社会的发展,两种现代性不断按自身的逻辑发展演变,两者间的关系逐渐走向对立和冲突。审美现代性对启蒙现代性的反抗并没有占明显优势:在对启蒙理性批判的过程中过分夸大启蒙理性工具和手段的一面,在理性和感性的关系中,对理性表现出一味颠覆和否定的极端态度;审美现代性在后现代语境中对自身的反思程度弱化;审美现代性促进了人们日常生活的审美化,但其商业化、市场化的现代生产方式更强化了人们生存的物化一面。当代视觉文化是由电影艺术开启的影像与形象占据主导地位的文化形态,这首先归功于科学技术的支撑,机械复制技术的出现,使艺术成为一种大众都可以参与的日常行为,成了大众商品;科技的应用还为当代视觉文化奠定了广泛的群众化基础,是视觉文化大规模传播的坚固的物质手段基础。同时,消费社会和现代的大众文化是当代视觉文化的现实土壤,因为当代视觉文化顺应了消费社会和大众文化自身的发展逻辑,视觉文化遂成为当代社会的主要文化形态。消费社会和现代大众文化共同掀起了一场审美日常生活化的变革,但这次变革的始作俑者来源于市场资本和技术文明的控制,并非启蒙现代性所倡导的自上而下的大众的文化自觉或曰审美自觉,从而导致现代性的理想预期与现实结果之间出现了巨大反差。还有,当代视觉文化自身独特的审美特点,给人们带来了普遍性的审美享受,它在最大程度上满足了大多数人的审美需要。综合性是当代视觉文化的美学重要特性之一,当代视觉文化的强大表现力突出了形象的展示价值,恢复了影像的表达功能,当代视觉文化作为现代科技和艺术的产物,使审美主体的审美感知能力有了时代性的变化和提高。大量的视觉化的审美活动,使人的视觉审美能力得到大大的发展,同时激发了人类的情感和想象,不断拓展和唤醒观众们的期待视野。当代视觉文化对审美现代性来说既是压力,但同时也是难得的机遇。当代视觉文化的发展壮大本身是启蒙现代性的产物,是科学技术的飞速发展,成就了当代视觉文化的新局面;同时在视觉文化的发展史上,对个体感性直观的强调也一直是与审美现代性共有的主题。因此在当代视觉文化的身上集结了两种现代性精神,也体现了两种现代性的对立与冲突,当代视觉文化作为一种有着广泛影响的文化形态,在审美接受方面提出了更高的要求,科学技术的发展为两者的结合提供了更多的可能性。因此,当代视觉文化有助于审美现代性与启蒙现代性的和谐发展;为审美现代性的反思开拓了群众基础并提供了新的反思视角,并且高超的视觉表达能力能够直观揭示审美现代性孜孜以求的人类丰富的内心世界。这对审美现代性来说既是压力,但同时也是难得的机遇。

【Abstract】 There are two different modernity trends in the development of modern society. One is enlightening modernity, the other is esthetic modernity. The former represents the establishment of subjectivity and nationality, which produce a great impact and restriction on every aspect of social life, while the other puts the stress on the natural instinct, spiritual emotion of human beings. Esthetic modernity agrees with enlightening modernity, both of them defending subjectivity. However, esthetic modernity sets enlightening modernity as its antithesis against the domination of rationality based on perception at the same time. As organic parts of modernity, these two modernity trends should work in coordination, according to the logic of each of these two trends evolving into a relationship full of strains and conflicts along with the development of the society.Esthetic modernity doesn’t have such superiorities in the fight against enlightening modernity and undue stress on the rationality, being tools and means, in the critique of enlightening rationality; holds the extreme negative to rationality in the relationship between rationality and perception; the weaker of self-examination of esthetic modernity in the context of post-modernist; the commercial and marketable mode of modern production of esthetic modernity promotes the esthetical of ordinary life but gives more emphasis on the materialism of ordinary life.The contemporary visual culture began with the birth of the movie art in which the image occupies an important position. The leading position of the contemporary visual culture owe to the Science and technology which promoted the visual culture directly .The mechanism copy technology forced the art become a daily action and commodity, Meanwhile the application of technology establish a broad foundation and firm substance for the contemporary visual culture. The consumer society and the mass culture are the realistic foundations. Agree with the logic of the consumer society and the mass culture, the contemporary visual culture became the main culture form. But his change was not according to the imagination of enlightening modernity, because of the stress on visual culture conformed to the developed logic and trend of the consumer society and the mass culture. However, the contemporary visual culture has the obvious traits itself .It is a kind of synthetic art which has powerful expressive force and f inspires the imaginations of human beings.The contemporary visual culture is a huge pressure and a valuable challenge to esthetic modernity, for the contemporary visual culture is a result of the enlightening modernity, and the contemporary visual culture has same goals with the esthetic modernity. There are two modernity spirits on the contemporary visual culture. The special position of contemporary visual culture will enhance the relationship between the enlightening and esthetic modernity and will make improvements on the mass foundation and supply of a new angle of self-examination for esthetic modernity; revealing the colorful inner world of human beings which the esthetic modernity assiduously sees with the fantastic power.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】B832
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】554

