

Research on Comparative Advantage of China(?)s Undertaking Service Outsourcing

【作者】 沈晓霞

【导师】 刘庆林;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着服务贸易自由化和服务业的高速增长,全球服务业外包市场获得了快速发展。发达国家的跨国公司在经历了大量对外转移制造业后,现在又开始将其非核心的服务职能向海外特别是新兴市场国家和地区转移。以服务业外包和高科技、高附加值的高端制造及研发环节转移为主要特征的新一轮全球产业结构调整正在兴起。这一新的服务国际分工模式发展前景广阔,对整个世界经济有重要影响。中国政府和企业对这一轮国际产业转移机遇的合理把握,将有助于中国经济结构和经济增长方式的调整,产业结构的升级,中国经济福利的改善,以及中国现代化服务业跨越式发展的实现。服务业外包给服务业外包承接国的影响是积极的。但中国在承接服务业外包中获益甚微。原因有很多,究其主要原因,是由于中国政府以及企业对服务业外包本身以及自身在承接服务业外包中的优势缺乏客正确客观的认识,国际竞争定位不准,从而影响了承接外包过程中承接决策的失误。本论文主要从比较优势角度研究中国承接服务业外包,并建立外包比较优势决策模型,旨在为中国政府和企业更好地承接服务外包业务提供建议,并争取实现由服务外包承接国向服务外包发包国的战略转型提供借鉴。论文包括中英文摘要、目录、导论、正文、参考文献、后记等部分,采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,运用相关理论和实践数据对中国承接服务业外包、发展中国现代服务业进行研究。论文首先对服务业外包内涵以及发展现状进行阐述,第三部分对相关文献进行回顾和评述,并用相关理论解释了服务业外包这一现象产生发展的原因。第四部分对中国承接服务业外包的比较优势进行了定性和定量分析。最后,根据前面的分析,本论文就如何扩大中国承接服务业外包提出了建议,尝试为中国国际服务业外包的发展提出可行路径。

【Abstract】 With the service trade liberalization and the rapid development of service, global outsourcing service market grows rapidly. After experiencing manufacturing transfer, multi-national corporations of developed countries begin to transfer their non-core service function to overseas, especially to new-emerging countries and districts. A new round of global industry structure adjustment characterized by outsourcing service with hi-tech and high-added value is emerging. This new kind of international labor division of service is playing a vital role on the whole world economy. Facing such large development space, if Chinese government and enterprises can catch the great opportunity, the adjustment Chinese economic structure and economic development mode will be enhanced; the leap-forward development of Chinese modern service will be realized well.Generally speaking, outsourcing service has an positive impact on its undertaking countries. While in China, it is not the case. The most important reason for that is that Chinese government and enterprises of undertaking service outsourcing have no clear and correct awareness of outsourcing service and their own relative advantages, then cannot position themselves in the international competition arena, which influencing the right decision in undertaking outsourcing service. This thesis mainly research Chinese relative advantages in undertaking outsourcing on the basis of relative theories, erecting a decision mode comprised of many index. By using this decision mode, this thesis manages to make reasonable suggestion on Chinese government’ decision-making on outsourcing-undertaking and enterprises’ outsourcing -undertaking.The dissertation consists of abstracts both in Chinese and English, catalogue, introduction, main body, reference, appendix and postscript, and adopts qualitative and quantitative research methods, uses relative theories and practical data to make analysis of Chinese undertaking of outsourcing service.

【关键词】 服务业外包比较优势RCA指数
【Key words】 Service outsourcingRelative advantagesRCA index
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】F719;F752.68
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1010

