

【作者】 宋济平

【导师】 韩学山;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电力工业市场化改革的进行,要求电力市场定价机制具有高效、透明、合理及准确等特征,但往往这些方面难以兼顾,故急需设计一种易于理解且能够减轻电力用户负担的电价制定方案。许多国家和地区(如新西兰、智利、美国加利福尼亚州等)都将节点电价作为电价定价机制的关键工具。节点电价反映了不同地区由于不同的电网物理特性而产生不同的发电及负荷电价。使用节点电价确定电力市场交易价格非常有效和精确,节点电价已成为引导电力市场高效、有序运行的重要经济信号。本文首先讨论了电力工业市场化改革的进程,随着电力系统规模的不断扩大,垂直一体化模式下的管理成本日益增加,使引入竞争成为必要。而在竞争的电力市场中,现货价格是非常关键的信息,它可以影响合同价格,鼓励生产、消费和投资。因此,制定正确的价格是保证电力系统高效运行的关键。在此基础上,介绍了线性规划的基础理论,主要是单纯形法、Karmarkar投影尺度算法以及原-对偶內点算法,并对他们之间的优缺点进行了比较与分析。接着阐述了节点电价的概念与经济意义,并基于直流潮流在成本特性线性假设下,建立了节点电价的线型规划模型,并给出了模型的求解方法。最后,针对上述模型和算法,以三节点系统和IEEE30节点系统为例,进行了节点电价的计算与分析,论证本文模型和算法的有效性。总之,在线性规划基础上,进行节点电价的分析,模型简单、有效,并有机反应了节点电价的机理,对电力系统发展有指导作用。

【Abstract】 As the power industry’s market-oriented reform,the pricing mechanism of electricity market is required to be efficient,transparent, reasonable and accurate,but these features are often difficult to balance, so a pricing mechanism which is easy to understand and can reduce the burden of consumers is urgently needed.Many countries and regions(such as New Zealand,Chile,California,USA,etc.)make nodal price a key tool of the pricing mechanism of electricity market.Nodal price reflects the prices of different regions due to different physical characteristics of the power grid.Node price is very effective and accurate to identify the transaction price of electricity market.Node price has become an important economic signal which guided the electricity market to be efficient and order.The marketization of the power industry in China and other countries is discussed firstly,but with the constantly development of power system, management costs is increasing under vertical integration mode,so the introduction of competition has been necessary.And in a competitive electricity market,the spot price is very important information,it could affect the contract price,and to encourage production, consumption and investment.Therefore,making a correct price is the key problem to ensure the power system efficient.The basic theory of linear programming is given and the simplex method, Karmarkar’ s projective algorithm and primal-dual interior-point method is proposed and analyzed.What is more,the short comings and advangtages of these three methods are also discussed.The concept and economical meaning of nodal price are analyzed,based on DC power flow and the suppose that production curve is linear,the linear programming model of nodal price and the method to solve this modelis given. finally a three-bus system and the IEEE thirty-bus system is calculated and analyzed in order to prove the validity of the model and the method.The mechanism of nodal price has been discussed on the basis of linear programming,the model is simple and valid,it can give a direction for the development of power system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM715
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】265

