

The Study of Our Country’s Grassroots Policy Management

【作者】 邱微微

【导师】 姜杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 自20世纪70年代末期以来,以英国、美国、澳大利亚和新西兰为代表的西方国家掀起了一场声势浩大且旷日持久的政府改革运动——新公共管理运动。新公共管理主张将经济学理论和企业管理方法运用到公共管理之中,对西方行政改革产生了重大而深远的影响。在新公共管理思潮的影响下,西方发达国家纷纷进行警务管理领域的变革,其中最具影响力的是英国警务管理改革。我国现行的警务管理体制是伴随着传统的经济、政治体制建立起来的,在社会主义市场经济逐步确立的今天,这种管理体制已逐步显露出诸多问题,警务管理变革和创新的需求越来越强烈。面临着外部新形势、新要求,内部新情况、新问题,济宁市公安局运用现代管理学原理,在分析和借鉴农村改革和现代企业管理经验的基础上,认真总结了岗位目标责任制实行以来的经验和教训,结合基层警务绩效管理的客观要求,特别是针对公安机关缺乏效率与活力的突出问题,决定以改革考核制为突破口,全面实施等级化管理,即以健全完善岗位目标责任制,实行全员目标管理为基本内容,通过对不同警种、单位、不同岗位民警的工作任务和岗位职责进行量化分解,明确职责任务,定期计分考核,年终评定等级,按级兑现奖惩的一种新型警务管理模式。本文通过对济宁市公安局等级化管理具体实施情况的分析,总结了等级化管理产生的积极效应,最为重要的是,目前等级化管理已经在我国大多数省市的基层公安机关得到实施和推广。但是,等级化管理作为一种全新的警务管理模式,实践中缺乏理论上的指导。为此,济宁市公安局与山东大学等有关高校组成的等级化管理课题组进行合作,开始对等级化管理的实施状况进行系统分析。本文就是在课题组相关研究的基础上,结合现代管理学原理、公共管理学、绩效管理及绩效评估、人本管理等相关的理论,对等级化管理实践中存在的问题进行了深入地分析,指出了等级化管理的完善对策,服务于我国基层警务管理的实践。

【Abstract】 Since the late 1970s, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand representative of the western countries set off a massive and protracted government reform movement—New Public Management movement. New Public Management have had significant and far-reaching impact on western countries’ administrative reform by advocating putting economic theory and methods of business management into public administration’s practice.Under the influence of New public management, the western developed countries starts to reform in the area of policy management. The most influential reform is British policy management reform. China’s current policy management system is accompanied by traditional economic and political system. Along with the gradual establishment of the socialist market-oriented economy, this management system has been gradually exposed many problems, the needs of reforming and innovating policy management are more and more intense.Facing new external situation and internal problems, Jining PSB decides to carry out the rank-management pattern by taking inspection system as the breach. The rank-management is based on the experience of countryside reform and modern business management .It’s proposed by summarizing the experience and the lessons of the post-goal responsibility system according to the objective request of basic police’s, especially the request of efficiency and vigor. The essential content of rank-management is to improve and perfect the responsibility system of post goal, implement the goal management for the whole staff. It quantifies and decomposes everyone’s duty and responsibility according to different types, different units and different positions, makes everyone’s work clear, inspect regularly, evaluates ranks at the end of the year. Reward and punishment are realized according to different levels.This paper summarized the positive effects of the rank-management by detailed analysis of Jining PSB. The most important thing is that the rank-management has been implemented and promoted by the majority of provinces and municipalities in China. However, the rank-management as a new policy management pattern needs to be explored and perfected constantly. Therefore, Jining PSB starts to cooperate with the rank-management research group composed of Shandong University and other colleges and universities. They begin to carry out detailed analysis of the implementation of the rank-management .On the basis of the research group’s results, this paper carries out in-depth analysis of the problems that exist in the practice of the rank-management combined with relevant theories of modern management and public management. Lastly, it pointed out countermeasures of the rank-management in order to service the practice of our countries’ grassroots policy management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D631.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】344

