

The Investigation of the System of Ratification of the Administrative Action

【作者】 孙子涵

【导师】 柳砚涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 行政行为追认是对瑕疵行政行为的“治愈”,是对不合法行政行为的矫正。该制度顺应于现代行政法的理念产生,长期存在于大陆法系许多国家和地区的行政程序法典中,并发挥着独特的价值与功能。但是它的概念是什么,主体、适用情形、条件、生效规则等问题在各国的行政法理论和立法规定中都没有统一的界定。由于我国传统法治观念淡薄,带来了行政程序立法上的滞后,以致目前我国立法实践中对于该项制度未涉及,理论上也仅仅是单纯的名词界定,因此我国有必要借鉴并吸收国外先进的行政法治理念和立法实践,建构统一的行政行为追认制度。本文旨在通过对该制度的介绍,对相关问题一一进行梳理,使这一制度更加明晰和确定,在研究各国行政程序法相关规定的基础上,加紧构建我国的行政行为追认制度。本文共分为五个部分:文章第一部分是对行政行为追认的理论介绍。首先,明确了行政行为追认的内涵,在借鉴国内外研究的基础上定义行政行为的追认;其次,对行政行为追认的外延进行了说明,明确了定义中的瑕疵行政行为分类及可追认的“瑕疵”。再次,讨论了行政行为追认的性质、主体、启动方式及法律后果承担;行政行为追认的适用积极与消极要件;行政行为追认的生效规则及原因辨析。最后,为加深对追认的理解与认识,将追认与其它瑕疵行政行为效力制度比较,说明了他们之间的不可替代性,进一步明确什么样的情形下可以追认。文章第二部分阐释了行政行为追认制度产生的理论基础,认为它的产生伴随着行政法由传统向现代演化的历史过程。具体来说,实质法治主义、信赖利益保护原则、公平与效率协调原则、行政行为确定力原则以及行政经济原则五个方面是行政行为追认制度产生的理论基础。文章第三部分是对行政行为追认与民事追认的比较与借鉴。通过比较分析民事追认与行政行为追认的联系与区别,及行政行为追认对民事追认的借鉴与排斥,使行政行为追认制度更加明确。文章第四部分是对国外行政行为追认制度的实证分析。首先,文章对大陆法系国家和地区的行政行为追认制度的立法现状进行了考察,并对行政行为追认制度的主体、适用情形、效力期间、效力起始做了比较;然后分析研究了我国确立行政行为追认制度的可行性,指出当前我国法律制度中存在的问题与缺陷,并讨论了建立追认制度的可能引发的争议。文章第五部分阐述了我国如何构建行政行为追认制度,提出应当将追认制度规定于行政程序法典中,并在借鉴国外相关的立法经验的基础上,就具体构建我国的行政行为追认制度提出了初步的设想及最终应将追认引入司法判决。

【Abstract】 The ratification of administrative action, which"heals"the flaw of administrative action, is the curing of illegal administrative action. This system comes into being conformed to theories of modern administrative law, it has long existed in many Administrative procedural Code in civil law countries, and has played a unique role and function。But the question of its concept、subject condition of applying、rule of going into effect there is short of a uniform formulation in the Administrative procedural Code in all countries. The weakness of Chinese traditional conception of nomocracy delayed the legislation of administrative procedure. At present there are no contents about this system in our national legislation and administrative theory, so we need absorb the legislation and administrative theory in other countries to establish our own system of the ratification of administrative action. This thesis is about to make the system clear and hackle the relative matters through the studying of it. Basing on the studying of the Administrative procedural Code in other countries, we can form our own system of the ratification of administrative action. This thesis includes five parts:The first part of the thesis introduces the theory of the ratification of administrative action. On the first step the author defines the concept of the ratification of administrative action; The second step is to define the extension of the ratification of administrative action, to make the types of flaw administrative action clear, and to make sure which flaw can be ratified; The third step is to discuss the character、subject, way of taking effect、the legal result of the ratification of administrative action, to discuss the positive and negative factor of applying the ratification of administrative action, and to differentiate and analyze the reason of the rule of its going into effect. In the end , to enhance the understanding and awareness of the concept of the ratification of administrative action, the author makes a comparison among systems of the force of the flaw administrative action, to explain their character of not being substituted, and to make sure which condition can arose the action of ratification.The second part of the thesis explains the theoretical basis of the system of the ratification of administrative action. The author regards it comes into being conformed to the process of administrative law evolving from tradition into modern. In particular words, the ism of essential nomocracy、the principle of trusting interests、the objectives of fairness and efficiency、the principle of confirming power about administrative action and the principle of administrative economy are the basic theories of the ratification of administrative action.The third part of this thesis compares the ratification of administrative action to the ratification of the civil action, and uses if for reference. Through it we can understand the ratification better.The forth part of this thesis analyses the ratification of administrative action in other national legislature. On the first step, the author studies and compares the Administrative procedural Code in civil law countries; then investigates the feasibility of establishing the ratification of administrative action in our country, points the questions and flaws of the current regulations of our national system, and discuss the possible disputations on the ratification of administrative action.The fifth part of this thesis explains the way of establishing the ratification of administrative action in our country, brings it should be regulated in the Administrative procedural Code. Basing on the foreign relative experience of legislature, the author makes the primary assumption clear, and claims it should be imported to the judicial verdict.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】85

