

Balofloxacin-rare Earth Complex Fluorescent System and Its Application

【作者】 褚志杰

【导师】 王磊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 药物分析学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 喹诺酮类药物(4-quinolones),又称吡啶酮酸类,属于化学合成抗菌药。由于该类药物结构中均具有喹诺酮的母核结构,因此而命名。自1962年合成第一个喹诺酮类药物萘啶酸(Nalidixic Acid)来,该类药物品种数迅速增加。氟喹诺酮类药物的作用机制为抑制细菌的DNA螺旋酶和(或)拓扑异构酶Ⅳ,影响细菌的DNA的正常形态与功能,阻碍DNA的正常复制、转运与重组,从而产生快速杀菌作用。氟喹诺酮类药物具有抗菌谱广、口服吸收好、血药浓度高、耐药菌株少、能迅速分布到各组织、半衰期长等优点,在临床上获得广泛应用。喹诺酮类药物中含有α-酮酸结构,可与稀土离子形成配合物,吸收紫外光后,通过分子内能量转移,发出稀土离子的特征荧光。稀土离子荧光光谱为锐线光谱,选择性高,当与适当的有机配体结合后,其发光强度大大增强。近年来对于这些配合物的荧光特性及其分析应用的研究日益增多。目前这些配合物体系被应用于稀土元素和配体的分析测定,或作为荧光探针用于药学、临床化学、环境科学等的研究。本文研究了第四代氟喹诺酮类药物巴洛沙星与稀土离子Eu3+及Tb3+形成的配合物的荧光特性,通过加入表面活性剂、改善体系pH等方法提高优化体系的荧光发光特性,利用建立的体系成功测定了巴洛沙星制剂及生物样本中巴洛沙星的含量,并与HPLC法测定结果进行了对照研究。综合运用多种手段研究探讨体系的反应机理。论文的第一章综述了稀土离子敏化荧光法的基本原理、研究进展和氟喹诺酮类药物的分析方法的研究进展。论文的第二章对巴洛沙星-铕荧光体系进行了详细的研究,建立了巴洛沙星(BLFX)-铕(Eu3+)-十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)荧光体系,发现阴离子表面活性剂SDBS对体系的荧光强度有很强的增敏作用。体系的激发和发射波长分别为335nm和618nm。在最佳条件下,在1.0×10-8~8.0×10-7mol/L浓度范围内,巴洛沙星浓度与体系荧光强度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.9994。检出限为2.0×10-9mol/L。该方法用于人血清、尿样及巴洛沙星片中巴洛沙星的含量测定,结果令人满意。对于样品检测结果,用HPLC法进行了方法学比较,结果表明,两种方法无显著性差异,可以互相替换。另外,作者还利用多种手段对BLFX-Eu3+-SDBS荧光体系的机理进行了研究,研究内容包括:配合物的组成和可能的结构、表面活性剂的作用、发光机理等。论文的第三章对巴洛沙星-铽荧光体系进行了详细的研究,建立了巴洛沙星(BLFX)-铽(Tb3+)-十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)荧光体系。稀土离子Tb3+能与巴洛沙星形成配合物,并发出Tb3+的特征荧光。阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)的加入能大大增强体系的荧光强度。体系最大激发波长和发射波长分别为335 nm和547 nm。在最佳条件下,在8.0×10-9~5.0×10-7mol/L浓度范围内,巴洛沙星浓度与体系荧光强度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r为0.9993。检出限为7.0×10-11mol/L。将该方法用于制剂和人工尿样、血清中巴洛沙星的含量测定,结果令人满意。并且,对BLFX-Tb3+-SDBS体系的反应机理也做了进一步的研究。本论文的主要特点:(1)建立了第四代氟喹诺酮类药物巴洛沙星与稀土元素铕、铽的荧光新体系,并用于药物制剂及生物样品中药物含量的测定。(2)运用不同方法提高药物-稀土离子荧光体系的灵敏度、选择性。(3)运用多种手段对荧光体系的反应机理进行了研究探讨。上述研究工作对于稀土元素分析,生物和药物分析都具有潜在的应用价值。为稀土-氟喹诺酮类配合物研究提供了一定的实验和理论基础。

【Abstract】 The quinolones(pyridone acids)are a family of synthesized antibiotics,which are named because of the quinolone structure in the organic compound.The number of drug varieties has increased greatly since the first quinolones drug,nalidixic acid discovered in 1962.The action mechanism of fluoroquinolone drugs is inhibitting bacterial DNA helix enzyme and(or)topisomeraseⅣ,affecting the normal morphology and function of the bacterial,impeding the normal DNA replication, transit and reorganization,and which enable they have resulting in the rapid germicidal effect.The quinolones which are applied widely in clinic,have many advantages such as broad antibiotical spectrum,good oral absorption,high plasma concentration,less drug-resistant strains,rapid distribution to various organizations and long half-time,and etc.The quinolones have the strcture ofα-ketoacid,which can form complex with rare earth ions in certain conditions.The complex absorbed ultraviolet light energy,emited the characteristic fluorescence of the core ion via inter-system crossing.The fluorescence spectroscopy of rare earth ions is a sharp lines spectrum,with high selectivity.Its luminous intensity will be greatly enhanced when combined with appropriate organic ligands.The research about the fluorescence charactistics and the application of the complex has developed greatly in recent years.There is considerable interest in the study on these complexes because of their potential application for determination of the rare earth elements,or conversely,for determination of the organic ligands,or as fluorescent probes in clinical chemistry, molecular biology,environmental sciences,and etc.In this thesis,the fluorescence characteristics of the BLFX-Eu3+and BLFX-Tb3+ complex are studied.The fluorescence system is optimized by introducing of surfactant and altering pH conditions.The above fluorescence system is applied to determine the BLFX in pharmaceutical samples and biological samples with satisfactory results.The determination results of this method are compared with that of the HPLC method.And the sensitization mechanism of these systems is also studied by sereral measures.In the first chapter,we summarize the mechanism and progress of fluorescent probe of rare earth ions and the main determination methods of fluoroquinolones.In the second chapter,the BLFX-Eu3+fluorescence system is studied in detail,and the BLFX-Eu3+-SDBS fluorescence system is set up.It is found that the anionic surfactant SDBS can greatly increase the fluorescence of the system.The excitation and emission wavelengths are determined as 335 nm and 618 nm,respectively.Under the optimum conditions,a linear relationship is obtained between the fluorescence intensity and europium ion concentration in the range of 1.0×10-8~8.0×10-7mol/L. The correlation coefficient(r)is equal to 0.9994 and the detection limit of BLFX is 2.0×10-9mol/L.The method is successfully applied to the determination of balofloxacin in pharmaceutical samples and human urine/serum samples.The comparison between results of this method and that of the HPLC method show that the two methods have no significant difference,and can be replaced by each other. The mechanism of fluorescence system is studied from the following aspects:the formation and the structure of complex,the role of surfactant and action mechanism.In the third chapter,the BLFX-Tb3+fluorescence system is studied in detail,and the BLFX-Tb3+-SDBS fluorescence system is set up.The complex of BLFX-Tb3+can emit intrinsic fluorescence of Tb3+.It is found that the anionic surfactant SDBS can greatly increase the fluorescence of the system.The excitation and emission wavelengths are determined as 335 nm and 547 nm,respectively.Under the optimum conditions,a linear relationship is obtained between the fluorescence intensity and europium ion concentration in the range of 8.0×10-9~5.0×10-7mol/L.The correlation coefficient(r)is equal to 0.9993 and the detection limit of BLFX is 7.0×10-11mol/L. The method was successfully applied to the determination of balofloxacin in pharmaceutical samples and human urine/serum samples.More researches have been done on the action mechanism of BLFX-Tb3+-SDBS.The main characteristics of this thesis are as follows:1.The new BLFX-Eu3+and BLFX-Tb3+fluorescence system are set up and used for determination of BLFX in biological samples and pharmaceutical samples. 2.The sensitivity and selectivity of the fluorescence system is greatly increased by defferent measures.3.The mechanism of fluorescence enhancement effect has been discussed.The research above is of potential value in determination of rare earth ions,drugs and biomoleculars and is of great benefit to interrelated study of rare earth ionfluoroquinolones complex.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

