

The Research for Idea of Web Image Design Based on Kansei Engineering

【作者】 徐晓莉

【导师】 王金军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)于2007年01月23日发表的《第19次中国互联网发展统计报告》显示,截至2006年12月31日,中国内地网民已经达到1.37亿。显然,中国正在进入一个“高速”的网络应用时代。网络作为一种媒体,一个平台,越来越多的被人类应用和依赖。随着这种趋势的发展,随着网络日益深入人心,网络形象设计也开始得到人们的关注,因为它不仅仅是载体和形式问题,更是一种社会责任的体现。目前网络形象设计花样百出、良莠不齐,有的甚至为了商业利益违反道德原则。同一个网络形象,对设计师、企业和用户这三者来说,其目的和作用不同,因而期望值也不尽相同。企业希望自己的网站在同行领域脱颖而出,用户希望所看到的就是所需要的,设计者则希望自己所做的能够被客户和用户都认可。那么如何对网络形象设计进行总体把握?如何在设计过程中游刃有余,少走弯路?怎样确定网络形象设计的评价标准?……等一列问题的研究就成了网络向前发展所必须要解决的问题,即网络形象的设计理念问题。所谓“没有规矩,不成方圆”。不管是做人,还是做事,都要有一个指导原则。不同的原则,会产生不同的结果。于是,原则的选择就显得至关重要。本文之所以创新性的将“感性工学”引入到“网络形象设计”,不仅仅是因为感性工学在其它领域的应用取得了很大的成功,更是因为其自身系统科学的理念原则。通过对色彩设计观、平面设计观、可用性设计观、交互设计观等设计理念的研究,笔者分别从中提炼出感性工学的因素,目的是为课题研究打下基础。最后,文章借助“人才招聘网站建设”这一模拟案例确立了基于感性工学的网络形象设计理念研究的方法论体系,并最终在此基础上建立了理念模型。基于感性工学的网络形象设计理念既把握了网络形象设计的大趋势,又不至于使设计思维受到局限,有利于使网络形象设计步入正轨。这一研究既给网络形象设计提供了规范和借鉴,同时也是对设计理论的充实。本文共分五章,第一章绪论部分概括了课题的研究背景、写作思路及课题的研究意义;第二章是网络形象的概论,介绍了网络的发展及特点,同时对“网络形象”进行重新定义;第三章是感性工学的概述部分,这一部分清楚的介绍了感性工学的概念、产生、应用和发展;第四章归纳了各种网络形象设计理念的核心内容,并提炼出每一种理念中的感性工学因素;第五章是本文的重点部分,具体介绍了基于感性工学的网络形象设计理念的要素及提供支持的相关学科,并确立了基于感性工学的网络形象设计理念的方法论体系,最终建立理念模型;最后是文章的结论部分,介绍了课题的研究成果及局限性。

【Abstract】 According to《Statistic Report of Development of The Nineteen China Internet》which published by Chinese Internet Information Center (CNNIC) on 23rd January of 2007 revealed that the number of Chinese domestic internet user already reached 137 million until 31st December 2006. It is clear that China is coming into a "high-speed" period of internet application.As a media, a platform, internet have been more used and depended by people. With the development of this trend, the network gains more and more popularity. At the same time, the web image design also begins to gain people’s attention, because it is not only a carrier and form, but also one kind of community responsibility. At present, there are many kinds of web image designs, with the good and the bad intermingled, some even violates morality principle for commercial benefits.The same web image has different intentions and effects for different people. Enterprise hopes their own website eminent in the field of the same occupation, the consumer hopes that what is seen is what he needs, the designer hopes that what he designs suits to both the user and the consumer. Then, how to control the web image design? How to accomplish the work freely and successfully? How to ascertain thevaluation standard of the web image design? ...... the research of a series of theproblems is going to be the key problem that we must solve during the development process of the network, namely, the problem of web image design idea.What is called "Do not have rule, do not be circumference ". Not only ourselves but also our behavior, they are both need to have a governing principle. The different principle could produce different result. Thereupon, the choice of principle appears all-important. The article combines Kansei Engineering with web image design not merely because the application of Kansei Engineering has got very big success in other fields, but because of whose oneself systemic and scientific idea. According to the concept of colorway, the concept of graphic design, the concept of usability design, the concept of interaction design and others, the author abstracted the factors of the Kansei Engineering in order to lay the foundation for the problem. In the end, the paper established a method system of the idea based on Kansei Engineering through the case of "Recruitment Website". And then the model of the idea was set up on the basis of the research. This idea grasps the trend of web image design, and it could not limit the design thought as well, making web image design step into the right path. This study gives an example of web image design, meanwhile, it also forms a supplement to design academic.It consists of five chapters in the article. The first chapter summarized the background of the research, the process of the writing and it also introduced the significance of the thesis. The second chapter introduced the conception, the development and the characteristic of the web image design, and it redefined the conception of web image. The third chapter is the summary of the Kansei Engineering, and it introduced the conception, the production, the application and the development clearly. The fourth chapter summed up various tradition design ideas’ strongpoint. And it abstracted the factor of Kansei Engineering from the reference of traditional ideas. The fifth chapter is the important part, it introduced the research method, the criterion and the idea model. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part of the article. It introduced the conclusion and limitation of the research.

【关键词】 设计理念感性工学网络形象
【Key words】 DesignIdeaKansei EngineeringWeb Image
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

