

The Research of the Culture Change in Tai’tou Village (from 1930s to Now)

【作者】 高思峰

【导师】 赵兴胜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 台头村是坐落于胶州湾西部的一个有着浓厚传统文化底蕴的北方村庄。改革开放以来,台头村的文化受到了巨大的冲击和影响,传统文化在新的社会形势和环境下的生存、继承和发展,使得台头村具有进行文化转型研究的学术价值和现实意义。本文选取了20世纪30年代至今这一时间段,通过运用观察、访谈、文献调查、摄影、问卷调查等人类学、历史学和社会学调查方法,以个案研究的历史学和微观社会学研究视角,对这一时期台头村文化的近现代转型进行了调查、分析和研究,以重续台头村的学术生命和文化变迁历程。全文共分为九部分:分别对近代以来山东台头村的基本概况、日常风俗习惯、经贸活动、教育文化、娱乐文化、家族文化、文化仪式、政治文化、村民精神信仰和价值观念等方面进行了专题性的广泛而深入的调查和研究,最后对台头村文化变迁的原因以及文化变迁的结论进行了深入的分析并收束全文。本文通过对台头村社会文化的演化表征和历程进行梳理和分析,从中探寻华北乡村社会的传统文化沿袭和发展情况、村民的传统文化观念及其演化、影响乡村传统文化变迁的因素,并对处于转型期的华北乡村传统文化转型的轨迹及其演化模式,以及传统文化与乡村社会的互动关系进行了探讨。文章认为,自20世纪30年代至今,台头村的文化经历了重大的变迁,其中村庄经济的发展,村民的经济收入得到大幅度增加,是促使村庄文化变迁和村民思想文化观念发生深刻变化的根本原因,而村庄外来环境和力量的变化是导致村民思想观念变化的又一个重要的因素;现代化进程对村庄的传统文化造成了巨大的冲击,在这一过程中,村民的传统价值观念正在发生转变,乡土社会也开始向法理社会转变,但是传统文化并未消逝,它还具有较大的韧性和顽强的生命力,并获得某种层面上复兴,所谓的“单线型”的现代化理论在这里不能成立,村庄文化在很多情况下呈现出一种传统和现代复合或互动的形态。

【Abstract】 Tai’tou village is situated in the west Jiaozhou Bay which is a village of strong northern traditional culture.Since the reform and opening policy, the culture of Tai’tou has been influenced seriously.The traditional culture is survived, inherited and developed in a new social situation and environment.This article choose a period of time from the 1930s till now to investigate, analysis and research the culture change by the anthropological, historical and Sociological methods of investigation, interview, literature consulting, photography and questionnaire from the angels of case-analysis history and micro-Sociology which is to continues the academic life and culture change courses of Tai’tou village.This article is divided into nine parts which investigate and analysis into the basic survey, daily customs, trades, education, family, ceremony, politic, belief and point of view in the Tai’tou village, analysis and summarizing the change reasons and conclusions at the end.This article combs and analysis the culture evolutional attributes and courses to explore the traditional culture following and developing, the culture view and its change of the villagers and the reasons influenced the traditional culture changing. This article also discusses the traditional culture changing path, and the relation between traditional culture and village society. The attitude of this article is that, since the 1930s, the culture of the Tai’tou village has been changing seriously. The economy developing and the income increasing are the reasons made the culture and the idea of the villagers changed. The external environment coming to the village is another important reason. Modernization process made a huge impact on the traditional culture of the village. By this impact, the point of view of the villagers changed, the rural community is also changing to legal system society. However, the traditional culture doesn’t vanish. It shows the tenacious and vigorous vitality even getting revival in a sense. The "single track" modernization theory couldn’t stand here The culture of the village presents a type of compounding and interaction between tradition and modern.

【关键词】 台头村文化转型
【Key words】 Tai’tou villageCultureChange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

