

The Dietary Culture of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

【作者】 李杰

【导师】 张金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 魏晋南北朝时期是我国饮食文化发展史上的重要时期,这一时期的饮食文化发展在中国饮食文化发展的历史长河中占有极其独特的地位,起着承上启下的桥梁作用。魏晋南北朝时期社会政治动荡不安,贵族阶级朝不保夕,日益讲究饮食;曹魏、西晋、北魏等短暂的统一使经济得到恢复发展,烹饪原料更加丰富;胡汉饮食习俗和烹饪技法的交融等都使得这一时期的饮食文化得到迅速发展。本文就是从以下几个方面着手,对魏晋南北朝时期发达的饮食文化进行研究和探讨的。这一时期的种植业、养殖业和畜牧业等都得到不同程度的发展,使烹饪原料如粮食、蔬菜、家畜、家禽、野味、海鲜、鱼类等更加丰富,食品种类大幅度增加,为饮食文化的进一步发展打下了坚实的基础。烹饪加工手段和方法也取得了重大变革,主要反映在主食的加工制作、调佐原料的加工制作和菜肴的烹饪加工等方法上,新兴食品相继出现,人们的饮食质量不断提高。果树的栽培在这一时期更加普遍,品种也更加丰富、优良,果品的加工技术花样繁多,如干制、腌渍、饮料加工等;酒类的生产技术也有所突破。胡族和汉族在饮食习俗和烹饪技法方面的交流和融合,使得双方的烹饪原料更趋于多样化,烹饪加工方法更加细腻,食品种类更加丰富,饮食结构更加合理,更加科学,从而形成了颇具中国特色的饮食文化体系。以《齐民要术》为代表的饮食著述的大量涌现是这个时期饮食文化发达的重要标志,它们既是对前人经验的总结,同时也为中国饮食文化的可持续发展提供了可靠的依据。封建贵族阶级奢侈无度的饮食风尚也是这个时期比较典型的特征之一,他们的暴食、偏食、乱食,不仅是对人类社会财富的亵渎,也是人类健康的大敌,尤其值得今人深思。

【Abstract】 The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is an important part in the developed history of Chinese dietary culture. The development of dietary culture during this period occupied an extremely unique position, which played a role of bridge.The society was very turbulent during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, so the fedual nobility was so precarious that they increasely emphasize diet. The Kingdom of Wei, West Jin and North Wei Dynasties’ unification had made economy restore and develop. As a result, the raw materials of cooking became richer. The integration of dietary customs and cooking techniques between Hu and Han Nationalities etc. all caused the dietary culture that time developed rapidly. This article, based on the following aspects, introduces and studies it in Wei, Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties.During this period, the planting, aquaculture and animal husbandy all developed with various degree which made the raw materials of cooking more abundant, such as crops, vegetables, livestock, poultry, fish etc. Then the food variety had a substantial increase, which laid a soild foundation for the further development of the dietary culture.The cookig methods and techniques had also made siginificant changes, mainly reflected in the processing of staple food, the production of flavoring materials and the cooking techniques of dishes etc. Emerging food appeared one after another, which had improved the quality of peoples’ diet.Fruits’ cultivation during this period became more widespread , and the species were more abundant, more excellent. The processing technology of fruits showed a lot, such as drying , pickling and beverage processing etc. The production technology of wine and other liquor had breakthroughs.The integration of dietary customs and cooking techniques between Hu and Han Nationalities had made the cooking materials tend to be more diverse, the cooking techniques to be more delicate, the types of food to be more abundant , the dietaty structure to be more rational, more scientific, and thus formed the system of dietary culture with Chinese characteristics.The books on dietary culture appeared in large numbers, which was the important symbol of the developed dietary culture during that time. They not only summed of some experience of their predecessors, but also provided reliable basis for the sustainable development of Chinese dietary culture.The fedual nobility’s excessive eating habits during this period was one of the typical features. Their overeating, partial eclipse and fresh chaos not only abused the wealth of human beings, but also hurt the health of the body, which should be thought twice by today’s people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TS971
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】755

