

The Influence of the Holy Bible and Its Translation on English Language

【作者】 孙培军

【导师】 郑群;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 历史文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《圣经》(The Holy Bible)不仅是一部基督教的经典著作,也是西方语言文化的源泉,其教义和思想奠定了西方文化和思想的基石。《圣经》不仅确立了人们对上帝的信仰,促成了西方国家生活习俗的形成,而且对于其得以传播的载体—语言,尤其是英语语言,产生了巨大的影响。尽管《圣经》最初是用希伯来语编著的,但是这一著作的英语译本数百年前就已出现并流传至今。从1382年威克利夫(Wycliffe)第一次完整地英译《圣经》到最新的现代英语的钦定本《圣经》,《圣经》对英语语言的影响从未中断过。《圣经》中的人物、故事、寓言、箴言等在西方家喻户晓、尽人皆知,不论是生活中的交谈还是文学作品,无不经常引用,相沿成习,从而产生了大量与《圣经》相关的习语、格言、典故、专有名词和日常词汇,并已成为广泛使用的英语的重要组成部分。同时《圣经》对英美文学作品中的英语语言的影响也颇为明显。如果我们对《圣经》没有了解,就很难理解这些与《圣经》相关习语、格言等,也就不能真正的掌握英语语言,从而也就不能进行真正的跨文化交流。本文试从英语语言的角度入手,运用对比、举例和叙述的方法对《圣经》及其英译对英语语言的影响进行探讨与总结,从而增加读者的圣经知识,消除跨文化交际中的文化障碍,更好地理解和运用英语语言进行跨文化交流。此文可以让我们从另一个角度去认识《圣经》在西方国家产生的巨大影响,也可以为我们认识和分析《圣经》提供新领域、新视角、新方法。同时此文也有助于我们分析和研究英语语言,尤其是对其发展过程、语言特征和词源的研究有极大的帮助。

【Abstract】 The Holy Bible is considered to be an important source of western language culture as well as a classical religious masterpiece. It not only established the people’s faith in God, and helped to bring about the formation of the westerncountries’ daily convention, but also had tremendous influence on its carrier------language, especially English language.Although the Holy Bible was firstly written in Hebrew, its English version appeared several hundred years ago and has been spread up to now. From Wycliffe’s firstly translating the Holy Bible into English completely in 1382 to the latest modern English Authorized King James Version, the influence of the Holy Bible on English has never discontinued. The characters, stories, fables and proverbs in the Holy Bible are well known to everyone in the western countries. They are frequently quoted in the daily conversations and the literary works. Then a large number of Bible-related idioms, mottoes, allusions, proper nouns and day-to-day words arose, and they have become important parts widely used in English language. At the same time, the influence of the Holy Bible on English language in the British and American literary works is also quite clear. If we don’t understand the Holy Bible, it is hard to understand the Bible- related idioms, mottoes and so on, then we can not really grasp the English language, and thus we can not have the true cross-cultural communication.With the methods of comparison, illustration and statement, this thesis discusses the influence the Holy Bible and its translation on English language. This thesis can increase the readers’ Bible knowledge, eliminate the cultural barrier in trans-cultural communication and make readers understand and use English language to make trans-cultural comminication bettter. Through this thesis, we can view the Holy Bible’s great infuluence in the westen countries from another angle, and we also can get a new field and a new way of viewing and analysing the Holy Bible. Meanwhile, this thesis is helpful for us to analyse and study English language.Especially it is greatly helpful to study the developing process and features of English language,and the origin of English words.

【关键词】 《圣经》英语语言影响
【Key words】 The Holy BibleEnglish languageinfuluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2415

