

Study on Technology of Cleaner Production in the Cornstarch Industry

【作者】 刁殿桐

【导师】 高灿柱;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 运用清洁生产的基本原理与方法,在结合循环经济理论、可持续发展理论的基础上,吸收国内外清洁生产研究成果,探讨了玉米淀粉企业实施清洁生产的内容与步骤,介绍了怡康集团的清洁生产实践。接着,对玉米淀粉行业的清洁生产技术进行了系统研究,并将其运用于具体实践中。共分为四部分:第一部分,在对清洁生产的基本理论、实施清洁生产的主要途径和工具以及国内外清洁生产实践进行分析的基础上,从能源、可持续发展、环境和清洁生产的角度阐明了课题研究的目的和意义:实施清洁生产玉米淀粉工业可持续发展的必由之路。第二部分,系统地阐述了国内外玉米淀粉工业发展史,对当前的湿磨法玉米淀粉工艺进行了重点介绍,分析了目前玉米淀粉加工中存在的重要环境问题和采用的末端治理措施,指出了这些措施存在的问题。通过对比,说明对于淀粉废水的治理,我们应当大力发展清洁生产、循环经济,寻求从生产源头减少废弃物产生的方法。第三部分,提出了玉米淀粉企业清洁生产的内容和步骤。审核的步骤基本上按着七大程序严格进行。审核过程中,首先通过宣传培训和组织机构的完善为清洁生产的开展做好前期筹备工作;预评估和评估阶段是针对企业现状进行调查,总结排污现状,选取清洁生产评价指标并确定审核重点,然后进行物料衡算与废弃物原因分析;方案确定和分析阶段则是将方案归类,筛选出中/高费方案进行可行性分析;效果总结和持续改进是总结提高的阶段,汇总所有清洁生产方案所带来的环境、经济和社会效益并制定出持续清洁生产的工作计划。以怡康集团的清洁生产审核工作为例,介绍了玉米淀粉企业清洁生产审核的程序和获得的成果。第四部分,对玉米淀粉行业中实用的清洁生产技术进行了重点研究。针对技术工艺改造、设备维护和更新、加强管理、产品更换或更新、废弃物回收利用、淀粉废水的资源化利用、副产品的综合利用、玉米淀粉产业链的拓展等八个方面对玉米淀粉行业的清洁生产技术进行了深入研究,对在参与的玉米淀粉企业清洁生产审核工作中中应用的重点方案进行了详细分析,并介绍了这些清洁生产技术的应用为企业带来的经济效益和环境效益。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is based on the theory and methodology of circular economy, sustainable development. Using the basic theory of cleaner production, absorbing the research achievements of cleaner production all over the world, the contents and approaches of implementing cleaner production audit in cornstarch enterprises were discussed, and cleaner production in Yikang company were introduced. Then some good cleaner production technology was study deeply, thereby the technology is used in practice absolutely.This dissertation is consisted of four parts, which include:First part is introduction, which contains the basic theory of cleaner production, the primary approaches and tools in implementing cleaner production, and the practices of cleaner production all over the world. The purpose and significance of this dissertation are elucidated in energy sources, sustainable development, environment and cleaner production these four standpoints. The implementation of cleaner production and extension of industrial chain in coal mine are the only way which coinstarch enterprises development sustainedly.The second part describes the history of cornstarch industry all over the word, then introduces the production process of cornstarch popular in the word now. The main environmental problems during cornstarch production, and the ways to solve these problems were analysed. But, there are many shortages in these ways. So for the manage of starch wastewater, we should strongly development cleaner production, circulation economy, look for method of decreasing wastes during production.The third part illuminates the contents and approaches of corntrarch cleaner production. The approaches of auditing can be divided in seven phases. During auditing, prophase work should be prepared through training and setting up special organizations in the first phase. In preliminary and evaluating phases, we should investigate the actuality of coal mine and its pollution, and then select evaluated index and auditing keystone. Materiel calculation and the reason of producing castoff will also be analysed. Next, cleaner production plan will be classified and filtered to feasibility analysis in plan choosing and analysis phases. Gathering effects and sustaining improvement are advanced phases, we collect environmental, economic and social benefits from all cleaner production plans, then lay a course for sustainable cleaner production. Then the project of Yikang Compony cleaner production was described.The forth part studies cleaner production technology in the cornstarch industry. Aim at technique reformation, equipments maintenance and renewal, Improving management, the product replace or renewal, wastes recovery, the recycling of the starch wastewater and by-product processing, the cleaner production technology was study. The plans apply during cleaner production audit were introduced in detail, economical benefit and environmental benefit of implement these plans is elucidated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

